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Heartstrings On Fire

Chapter 99
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hapter 99

Agnes knew Justin was going to eat, but she didn’t think he would eat the kind of food that was bought

at the food street stalls

Everyone in the crew was eating cheap meals at noon today, even the director was no exception Only

Justin was enjoying something different, and no one dared to question his special treatment.

Agnes asked, “Are you sure you can go in there with me and get out safely?”

This was the food street in University Town

Although it was summer vacation, 90% of the students chose to stay because they heard Justin was

filming there. The shooting location at the university was closed off.

But since the set was built, there were always crowds of onlookers every day

if Justin suddenly appeared on this food street now, it might cause confusion among the crowd

Justin was aware of this

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Justin said, “Then you go and buy it. I’ll wait for you in the car. I want barbecue, with lots of chili.”

He had completely considered himself part of this place.

But Agnes knew that with his personality, if she didn’t listen to him, he might really go in with her.

Agnes sighed helplessly and went straight to the food street.

Soon, Agnes returned to the car with barbecue in her hand.

Agnes had eaten barbecue many times before, but it was her first time eating it in a Ferrari.

Agnes ate very carefully, fearing that she would dirty the car. In contrast, Justin was wolfing down his


If it was someone else, Agnes might think they had bad table manners.

But just because it was Justin, and whatever he did didn’t make people feel disgusted.

His slender fingers holding the fork had a special aesthetic.

When Justin looked up, he found Agnes watching him.

He smiled and said, “Little princess, do you think I look especially handsome even when I’m eating?”

Agnes frowned, leaned in and asked seriously. “Justin, I have a question for you”

Agnes leaned so close that Justin was a bit stunned and stiffly asked, “What’s the question?

Agnes seriously said, “Do you have narcissistic personality disorder?”

Justin was stunned.

Agnes had already leaned back and took a bite of barbecue: “Hasn’t anyone ever told you?”

-Justin snorted, and took out another small mirror: “Narcissism is a description of those who look

average and feel overly good about themselves, but I am so good–looking.

how can there be a possibility of narcissism?” Agnes shook her head, full of disgust, and mumbled,

“Fine, I have nothing to say”

After dinner, Justin insisted on dropping her off at the dormitory

After getting out of the car, Agnes hurried him to leave, as the dormitory entrance was a hotspot for

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female students.

But Justin lowered the car window: “Little princess, aren’t you going to give me a goodbye kiss?”

Agnes turned around and ran into the dormitory building. Justin, with a smile on his face, started the

engine and left.

This scene was captured on Beatrice’s phone.

She had just seen Agnes get into Justin’s car, guessed that Justin might take Agnes back, so she

waited here.

As long as there was a hint of a scandal between Agnes and Justin, the fans who were obsessed with

him would definitely slander her.

Just as Beatrice was smirking, Ava appeared behind her.

Ava sternly asked. “What are you filming?”

Ava saw the photo. The photo clearly showed Agnes getting out of Justin’s car and Justin’s side profile.

Ava seemed to guess something

Ava said, “You should know that during the shooting period, in order to keep it secret, all photos from

the set can’t be made public. Besides, Agnes, as the female lead, has not been announced to the

public yet. If you publish the photos directly, Director Zoe will blame it, and no one can afford it.”