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Heartstrings On Fire

Chapter 82
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Chapter 82

Preston asked, “How come I didn’t hear a peep about you sneaking off for an audition? This is a

production from Starlight International Group and Century Entertainment, why didn’t you give me a

heads up?”

Beatrice replied in a cutesy tone. “I know our family invested in this production too, but I didn’t want to

ride on favors. You know I dream of breaking into the entertainment industry, but I don’t want people to

think I got in through family connections”

Preston’s face turned serious.

Laura gently added, “Let the kid find her own way. There’s nothing wrong with the entertainment

industry. Besides, Beatrice auditioned on her own, which shows her ambition. It’s rare for her to be this

passionate about something”

Preston asked, “What role are you playing? Starlight International Group is only involved in name for

this production, mainly to get closer to Ivan. I haven’t been paying much

attention to it.”

Beatrice replied proudly. Tm the fourth lead female, with a total of 40 scenes.”

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Preston said, “It’s impressive that you got the fourth lead role in your first gig, based on your own

merits. Since you want to get into the entertainment industry, work hard. rit fully support you to become

a top–tier actress.”

“Thanks, Dad,” Beatrice answered with a smile.

Seeing Agnes lack of reaction, Beatrice turned to her and said, “Speaking of, Agnes, what are your

plans for the summer? Are you going to spend all your time in the library again? Don’t let reading turn

you into a lone wolf. You should get out more at your age.”

“How could you say that to Agnes, Laura chided.

Beatrice replied, “I’m just stating facts. Doesn’t she spend every summer in the library? But hey, the

shooting location is at Lakeside College, Agnes. We’ll probably be seeing each other a lot.”

Agnes glanced at Beatrice, responding indifferently. “Yes, we probably will.”

Having finished her meal, Agnes put down her utensils, “I’m done eating. You guys enjoy your meal.

I’m heading back to my room”

As she left, she heard Beatrice complaining, “Dad, I bet Agnes is jealous that I got the part. You know,

she snuck off to audition too, and I just happened to run into her

Agnes ignored her and returned to her room.

She pulled out a stack of scripts from her bag.

In her mind, Agnes couldn’t believe that Beatrice was also part of this drama. This could be


Agnes could already imagine Beatrice’s reaction when she found out that Agnes was the lead. Just

thinking about it gave her a headache.

But Agnes had no time for second thoughts Once a decision was made, there was no turning back.

Agnes stayed at home for two days.

Although Beatrice sometimes came to nag her and show off her role, Agnes didn’t pay her any mind.

During these two days, Jared kept his routine of calling her every night.

Their relationship seemed to have returned to its normal state, yet there seemed to be an invisible

barrier between them.

After each phone call, Agnes would often zone out for a while.

On her first day at the new job, Ivan contacted her and asked her to come to Century Entertainment.

Thinking it was something important, Agnes went to the Century Building early in the morning Upon

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seeing Ivan, Agnes asked, “Aren’t we going to the set today?”

There was a launch ceremony for the new drama at three in the afternoon, and Agnes needed to be

there early.

Ivan replied, “No rush I’ll go with you to pick someone up later. We’ll have lunch together so you two

can get to know each other before heading to the set.”

Agnes was confused, “Who are we picking up?”

Who could this person be that the CEO of Century Entertainment would personally pick them up?

Ivan enjoyed the mystery. “The lead male in this drama, your future work partner for the next three

months. You’ll find out who it is.”

Agnes was curious.

So far, the lead roles had not been announced and had been kept strictly confidential, sparking a lot of

speculation and discussion.

Of course, this was a marketing tactic The more mysterious, the more attention it would attract.

Agnes was also curious. She and Ava had previously guessed that the male lead was Century

Entertainment’s star, Robin.

Now Agnes was even more convinced of this.