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Heartstrings On Fire

Chapter 75
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Chapter 75

Ava blushed a bit and said, “I really fancy the male celeb, Justin. I really dig him.”

Agnes shook her head, “Justin is prettier than a woman. Isn’t it stressful to like a guy who’s prettier than


And just like that, they started gossiping about the entertainment industry. Gossip was like a second

soul to women.

It ended at ten.

Ivan was driving with Agnes in the passenger seat. Agnes was clueless about where Ivan intended for

her to stay, probably some hotel.

Her phone rang again. The third call of the night. Agnes stared at the blinking screen, her mind in

turmoil, finally deciding to switch her phone off.

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When she looked up, Ivan seemed to have glanced at her, “Boyfriend?”

Agnes hesitated, “No.”

Ivan didn’t push further, and the car quickly came to a stop. That’s when Agnes realized, this wasn’t a

hotel, but a mansion.

Surprised, Agnes asked, “Where is this?”

Ivan replied, “My place.”

Agnes was taken aback, “Why are you bringing me to your place?”

Seeing Agnes frown suspiciously, Ivan laughed, “You’re a girl, it’s not safe to stay in a hotel. Stay here

for the time being.”

Agnes hesitated, “That doesn’t seem right.”

Ivan smiled, “Don’t worry, I’m a decent guy.”

Agnes wasn’t scared of him, just uncomfortable. But it was already late, and the mansion was in the

suburbs, going back would be a hussie: In the end, she got out of the car.

The mansion was huge and had great privacy, surrounded by lush tall trees.

There was an open–air swimming pool in the garden. The mansion was brightly lit, like a palace.

As she walked in, Agnes found it unbelievably huge. But besides the butler, there seemed to be no one

else, which felt a bit lonely.

The butler showed Agnes to a guest room. After a while, there was a knock on the door.

Agnes opened the door to find Ivan standing there with a few sets of clothes.

Ivan said, “These are my sister’s clothes, brand new. You are about the same size as her. They should


Agnes took the clothes, “Thanks.”

Ivan added, “If you need anything, you can find the butler or me. My room is next to yours.”

Agnes nodded.

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Just then, the butler came over and said, “Sir, there is a guest.”

Agnes was puzzled. It was so late and there were still guests. But she didn’t think much of it.

After Ivan left, Agnes stared at the clothes in her hand. They were the pop queen’s. It was amazing.

Mamie was like someone from other world.

Agnes had to admit, Jared and Mamie were a perfect match, and they seemed to belong to the same


Agnes shook her head, deciding not to think about it anymore. She turned and went to take a shower.

Meanwhile, in the study.

Ivan opened a bottle of red wine, poured it into a glass, and handed it to the man sitting on the sofa

with a gloomy face, “Jared, you’re always busy and only show up a few times a year, and yet you are

here to have a drink with me late at night. What’s bothering you so much?”

The man took the glass from Ivan, took a small sip, then asked, “Can you tell me what a twenty–year–

old girl usually thinks about? Why do they suddenly stop talking to people?”