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Harvey York’s Rise to Power

Chapter 5621
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Chapter 5621 Lennon Surrey's expression slightly darkened after hearing those words.

"This is an important matter, Grandfather. We should fully prepare ourselves before making such a decision. If not, we'll be food for everyone eyeing on US.

Miley Surrey scoffed.

"I know you're a coward, but don't get Grandfather into this too! "You, of all people, know what's going on with him! Every breath he takes might just be his last! "When that happens, who will take responsibility for the family not having a leader?! "If it's up to me, I'd decide as soon as possible! "With the Aenar Temple, who would even dare disrespect US?!"' Wildcat wanted to say something but decided to keep quiet in the end. It was not his place, after all. Harvey York casually sipped his tea with a pondering look.

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Lennon squinted for a moment before finally speaking.

"Master Aryan, I believe your judgment, but the cost of forgoing my practice is simply too much. "I'd like to try something else instead." "Grandfather, you...

Miley stomped her foot in anger.

"You'd rather believe a con man than my senior?! She desperately wanted to strangle Harvey then.

'If anything happens to Grandfather because of this bastard outsider, he's dead for sure!" Lennon glared coldly.

"This is my decision, Miley." "Heh! Looks like I can't earn your trust without being a prominent figure after all!" Aryan Augustus slowly stood with a cold expression.

"I totally misunderstood! I will refrain from coming here after this!" Aryan turned around and left with his group.

Miley furiously glared at Harvey momentarily before following Aryan.

"Hmph! Thank goodness! "After being brainwashed for a few days, she's thinking about giving our riches to the Aenar Temple! "It's good that you didn't trust him, Grandfather!" Aria Surrey scowled at Aryan and the others before showing utter disdain.

Lennon looked at the entrance and pondered about the situation.

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He shook his head after a while before asking someone to get more tea.

Harvey glanced at Lennon.

"Do you trust me, Mr. Lennon? "Aren't you scared oftricking you?" Lennon merely smiled.

"There's something you must know, Harvey.

"I had no intention of bringing anyone else other than you here.

"But around ten minutes before you arrived, Miley brought Aryan here, saying that the pharmacists figured out a way to treat me...

"Do you think that's just a coincidence?" Harvey curved his lips.

I don't know, nor do I want to.'