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Grand Ancestral Bloodlines

Chapter 1788: Ready
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1788 Ready

Ryu's fists left blurs in the air. He slowly guided the treant in battle as though it wasn't a Perfect Sky God. Even the thorny Commander couldn't tell what he was doing. From her perspective, it looked as though he was giving his all.

However, as Ryu moved across the battlefield, sometimes pressing the treant down and at other times, being pressed back himself, the situation grew more and more chaotic.

At sunknown point, the melee becso violent so that the skies exploded and the earth crumbled. The more chaotic it became, the worse the situation for those of lower cultivation becas well. They were quickly getting caught up in battle that was far beyond their station.

The thorny Commander frowned. This was bad.

This situation was well known to Commanders. It was rare, but it happened from tto time, maybe once every twenty or thirty battles.

The trouble with their army composition was that there were too many experts of varying degrees of power. As such, the vanguard was purposely scattered and unorganized so that the weak and weak could fight one another, and strong and strong could fight against one another.

As for armies like hers, that were perfectly organized, they used formation tactics. So, their power was linked as one and ultimately they were one whole.

The trouble was that armies like this one were stiff. It was hard to maneuver, and unless the technique was constantly circulated, there would be issues in efficiency and power output.

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As such, using them to do something like forming a line of defense was too troublesome. It was much easier to use them to protect or push an already formed a line of defense.

This was all to say that the vanguard was never designed to fight together. This sort of chaotic melee, though it happened from tto time, was something that they usually wanted to avoid.

When such a thing happened, it was Commander Tiger's job to either rein it in, and if not, she should take action herself to tell them to retreat and then retry to form the line.

However, Commander Tiger wasn't paying enough attention to the battle. Although the field was clearly headed toward chaos, it wasn't quite there yet. But clearly, the Commander didn't care enough to predict what would happen.

Usually, it would be this thorny beauty that took action ahead of tin his place, and he had likely gotten used to it.

But since she was so close to Ryu's death, who could she?

Once the Omniscient Sky Gods and Transcended Sky Gods joined in, how could a True Sky God like Ryu possibly keep his life? The fluctuations alone would kill him—


Ryu suddenly punched out and the head of a Fire Elemental Fiend exploded. It looked as though he had suddenly turned on his own people.

"Listen to me," Ryu growled, "or else we'll all die. The next person to casually defybecause you just feel like it. I will slaughter just like this one."

The eyes of the Fire Fiends opened wide, but Ryu had already begun to bark out orders. In fact, not only did he bark out orders aloud, but he also sent Qi Line messages that were individually tailored.

A cripple that was missing a quarter of their head was facing off against a lion beast with a sparking mane of lightning.

'Its mane is nothing more than a paper tiger. Ignore it and aim for its temple. It relies on its mane to pretend to protect its head, but its head is actually the weakest part of its body.'

Another cripple wielding a trident with a tof flames rotating around it hopped around on a single leg. He seemed capable of flying, but knew better because conserving energy was the most important on the battlefield.

He faced off against yet another treant, one of many that Ryu had seen on the battlefield, making him believed that there was something odd going on here.

'You will never be able to slice off enough limbs to kill it. The heart of this tree it located three inches from the ground and four from the root of its bottom-most, left branch.'


Both opponents died in quick succession, dying beneath the barrage of the cripples.

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"Form up!" Ryu roared. "Push!"

All the while, Ryu was fighting against the sopponent. He didn't seem to care that he was probably the only one remaining that had yet to kill a single opponent.

Ryu just felt that this treant was the most useful.

After the battle began, it grew much larger until it towered at over ten meters. Because of this, it was able to impact a large range of the battlefield, and that was exactly what Ryu needed.

Seeing that the situation was changing, the Tiger Barrack soldiers becmuch more obedient, and they followed Ryu's orders with less reluctance. As a result, Ryu's push forward only becmore and more efficient.

Suddenly, not even two hours later, the cobbled together vanguard had becan organized army. They moved with such well-coordinated precision that even Commanders who weren't supposed to be paying attention to them, had begun to.

Ryu no longer barked out orders. Instead, he continuously sent out thousands of secret messages, controlling tens of thousands of variables all at once.

As such, other than Commander Tiger and the thorny Commander, no one had any idea that this was all Ryu's doing. In fact, many others thought that it was precisely one of those two responsible for the current situation.

The defensive line continued to be pushed and pushed. Soon, they were a mere 20 kilometers from the wall of rainbow when they had been 100 kilometers away before.

'It's close enough now forto make a break for it…' Ryu's gaze narrowed.

Still, the more the spent on this battlefield, the more he felt that something was off.

'I'll be ready.'

Suddenly, Ryu turned into a streak of lightning.