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Goodbye, My Wretched Love! By Dolly Molly

Chapter 15
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Chapter 15

Sofia came out of the elevator, and Daisy, who had been waiting, rushed to her quickly.

“Sophy!”Daisy’s face paled, and she grabbed Sofia’s cold


“Sophy, what did Finley Stwart do to you? Are you okay?”Daisy was frightened.

She had thought to send away the guests and was ready to leave with Sofia, but she didn’t expect

Sofia to be taken away by Finley.

This matter had exploded in the Charming Bar now. Someone saw Mr. Stwart carrying Sofia away on

his shoulders.

How ambiguous that scene was!

Everyone was guessing whether Mr. Stwart’s feelings for Sofia have been revived. But it didn’t look like

it, anyway, everyone envied Sofia.

Sofia was disfigured but still could get the love from Mr. Stwart, the man who could impact the whole of


Anyone who could sleep with Mr. Stwart would wake up laughing from a dream.

Everyone was jealous of Sofia, but Daisy thought they were f***g idiots. Finley Stwart was a b***d and

cruel, the one


Chapter 15

who had a relationship with him would die.

Daisy didn’t think it would be any good for Sofia to be taken away by Finley alone. She mustered up the

courage to find Sofia but was blocked by Finley’s bodyguards. She couldn’t even close the door of the

exclusive elevator.

Seeing that it was past three o’clock in the morning, Daisy was anxious. When she saw Sofia come

out, she rushed up and asked questions with concern.

Sofia was weak and she whispered, “Daisy, go back first.”

“Okay!”Daisy hurriedly led Sofia towards the staff passage, but they were stopped by Sis May.

“Sis May.”Sofia and Daisy stopped.

Meroy walked slowly, Sofia didn’t know how long this night would be to get through.

She now knew who Meroy was subordinate to, and Finley didn’t know what to do with sending her


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Meroy looked at Sofia with a smirk, and her eyes were fixed on the marks on Sofia’s neckline. She

coughed and said, “Miss Campbell, you don’t need to work at Charming Bar from tomorrow on.”

Sofia clenched slightly into fists, and she knew that Finley was against her so he fired her on purpose.

Daisy couldn’t hold back the anger, and she sneered, “Sis May, you have been in this industry for so

long, you have seen all kinds of people.”


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“For Sofia’s personality, you should know it very well. She always hard to work.”

“Mr. Stwart was so unfair!”

“Fine! We don’t want to do it anymore, but you must pay us salary, right?”

Seeing that Daisy blushed, Meroy sneered and thought Daisy was a cute girl.

She liked Daisy quite a bit. Daisy seemed bad-tempered, but she was very soft-hearted underneath.

If it was Meroy, she wouldn’t be able to stand against Finley and desperately defend Sofia.

Daisy was a good girl and a friend worth making, but she was a little silly.

“Unfair? You could ask fair with Mr. Stwart if you’re not afraid of death! Do you dare to ask for it?”

Daisy was speechless, and she didn’t dare to ask for it. She just wanted to speak for Sofia.

Sis May glared at Daisy, “Besides, it’s the beginning of the month, what salary did you want? You don’t

want to work here anymore? If not, then don’t be late tomorrow! Get out now! Don’t get in my way!”

Sis May scolded Daisy and then left. Sofia and Daisy were confused. It meant that if Sofia was

dismissed, Daisy could continue to work.

Daisy breathed a sigh of relief, looking at the whole of NY,

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there were indeed many clubs, but the salary was the highest, the treatment was the best, and the only

place where guests didn’t dare to mess around was Charming Bar.

Daisy was still worried about Sofia’s mother’s medical bills, so she didn’t want to leave Charming Bar.

She grabbed Sofia’s hand and smiled, “It’s fine, Sophy, you can stay at home for a few days and don’t

worry about work and money, just take your time.”

Sofia was full of doubts about whether Finley let her go.

As long as she didn’t appear in front of him again, maybe they would be able to turn over a new leaf in

their lives.

Sofia cooked washed clothes, and cleaned their house for Daisy in the following days.

After finishing the housework, she opened various job- hunting websites. Because her hand was

disabled and her face was disfigured, her image was not good. Although she was a top student in the

design school, those design companies rejected her when they heard Sofia’s name.

Sofia gave up her profession completely and started to ask. those restaurants, pubs, and even food

delivery companies, but no one was willing to hire her.

There were still a few other companies who planned to keep her because of her honesty, so they could

let her clean the floor, and wash the dishes without showing her face. It was set at first, but in the end,

they rejected her inexplicably.

Sofia was an idiot if she still didn’t find that someone was


Chapter 15

trying to frame her.

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Somebody was trying to punish her, and didn’t want her to find any job, not even the lowest-paying and

most tiring job.

“Could it be Finley Stwart? How could he?!”Daisy looked at Sofia who was extremely exhausted and


Sofia smiled bitterly to herself and shook her head. Since Finley could let Daisy continue to work in

Charming Bar, he probably would not be so bored to intervene in a small restaurant to prevent them

from providing Sofia with a job.

Daisy grabbed Sofia’s hand, “Don’t worry, Sophy, there was always a way.”

“The medical expenses can still support Aunt for three months, I will beg Sis May to arrange more work

for me these days…”

“Daisy,” Sofia hurriedly said, “Daisy, I’m grateful. Our Campbell Family was a muddy mess, and you’ve

been involved. I really can’t let you…”

Daisy looked at her seriously, “Sofia, you have always been the one I look up to. You were so smart,

you’re good at drawing, you even opened your studio and the design company and won so many

awards. I have always believed that you were such a good person, and you will not be unlucky forever!

I am optimistic about you! Don’t be too hard on yourself, don’t be discouraged!”

Sofia felt heavy in her heart for a moment, she seldom cried after she got out of prison, but at this

moment, Daisy’s few words made her cry.


Chapter 15

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She hugged Daisy with a m***d voice, “Daisy, thank you.”

But Daisy’s words reminded Sofia that she couldn’t use her left hand, but she could still draw with her

right hand.

Sofia suddenly thought of a way, and bought more than a hundred white T-shirts, each costing $5.

She bought paint and started painting on the white T-shirt.

With a few simple strokes, each pattern was individually designed by Sofia. Each of them was different,

and the color. matching was also good-looking.

After she specially treated the paint, the color will not fade. within a short time.

Daisy praised Sofia as a genius, and the painting was really good. To support her, Daisy went to work

by putting on it.

After one hundred T-shirts were painted, Sofia bought a small cart in the second-hand market and was

going to set up a stall in the market to sell her painted T-shirts. She intended to sell one for $20.

She didn’t know if she could sell it since the pattern she designed herself.

At eight o’clock in the evening, Daisy came home from work. for dinner, and Sofia still had four hours to

sell clothes.

She touched the T-shirts which she drew for more than half a month. She drew late every day, and her

eyes hurt.

Daisy also prepared a glow-in-the-dark billboard for her. Sofia looked up at the radiant night scene and

suddenly felt

Chapter 15

that life was not that bad.

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Daisy said that if life reaches the lowest point, don’t be afraid, no matter how you go in the future, you

will always be positive.

Sofia lowered her head and smiled, that girl was sometimes very philosophical.

She pushed the car on the road. Her left hand was not strong, so she pushed with some difficulty. But

she still walked forward step by step firmly.

She believed in the miracle again now.

Suddenly, a pickup truck seemed to lose control and slammed into the sidewalk.

The screams from the surrounding crowd, the m*d **

crashing sound, the shattering sound of the trolley, and the T-shirts with beautiful patterns s***d all over

the floor, stained with bloodstains…