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God of Tricksters

Chapter 241: Team Play
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Chapter 241 - Team Play

However, the moment she closed her eyes, she somehow could hear Theo's voice echoing in her mind.

"Lusting over your own junior. -5."

Her body jolted as if she got electrocuted before her mind felt refreshed.

"Grand Burst!"

She stabbed her sword to the ground as a series of explosions filled the arena. The shock wave produced by the explosion blew all the pink-colored fog away.

Noticing she didn't smell the sweet fragrance anymore, Alea panted on the ground while searching for Agata. "I heard something good a few days ago. You need to incorporate illusion into reality, is it? He is right. There's no way that Theo will say those romantic lines."

Agata fell silent and observed her condition before smiling. "Is that so? I am not using any illusion though."

Alea didn't want to hear anything from her anymore. As soon as she regained control of her body, she leaped forward, trying to stop her again.

Those two created another destruction in the arena, but there was another pair that brought the same amount of destruction. It was Phyrill and Marco.

"Ha!" Phyrill threw a fist that was caught by Marco. The collision alone created a powerful shock wave to the surrounding, followed by lightning sparking on the ground. Phyrill didn't stop there and twisted his wrist to use the sword to cut his hand. "Lightning Flash."

"!!!" Marco quickly leaped back before launching the water dragon to Phyrill.

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Phyrill jumped straight to the dragon with his head.

A translucent green screen appeared above his head as Phyrill struck the headbutted the dragon, destroying it.

After that, he threw one of his short swords toward Marco.

It was covered with lightning, so Marco decided to avoid it instead of catching it. He couldn't use it anyway, so there was no point in catching it.

"Moon Claws." Phyrill waved his right hand and released another four crescent-shaped white lights.

Instead of dodging, Marco took this attack head-on, resulting in him getting blown away to the ground.

However, Phyrill soon realized what Theo said was true. Marco used the dust that kicked up to the air as a smokescreen and disappeared into the labyrinth, trying to make Phyrill search for him.

Theo had instructed them about this, so Phyrill didn't hesitate to search from above the wall as it would be more effective.

On another side, Laust panted a few times while staring at the female before him. As expected, it was still hard to fight someone with a blessing when you didn't have one yourself. That was why Laust had some hatred for those blessed people.

"Bad Boy Present!" Alys summoned three head-sized charcoal that were burned by fire. "This is the present for you, a bad boy."

The three burning charcoal flew straight to Laust as the latter had no way to avoid it because of the wideness of the path.

"…" Laust clenched his teeth and raised his foot instead. Beneath his shoe, Magic Power began to concentrate.

"Ha!" Laust used that foot to kick the middle charcoal, returning it to the sender. "I am not a kid, so I don't need a present. You can take it back."

Alys smiled and dodged to the side while staring at Laust. "Haha, you can't simply return the present, you know. Bad kid needs some spanking, though, I won't be the one who spanks you."

As soon as she finished her words, she leaped forward.

Laust responded kindly, but soon he realized her words. "Not you?"

Laust suddenly opened his eyes wide. The real threat wasn't Alys, but Marco, who suddenly emerged from the corner and appeared on his back.

Since Laust had noticed him, Marco smiled and waved his hand to Laust's back, planning to hit the white pressure plate attached to his back. "You're mine."

"I have been waiting for you." Laust smiled back as he took one big step to the left before turning around with a perfect balance as if he had expected him to come this whole time. Theo obviously didn't say anything about this. It was purely Laust's assumption that the "something" in Theo's mouth was a surprise attack.

"What?!" Marco widened his eyes and raised both hands to block Laust's fist that soon hit his stomach. He couldn't afford to go down with that strike after all.

However, due to his sudden appearance, Marco couldn't release his powerful strength and got blown away.

"Surprise!" Just like him, Phyrill appeared behind him to hit his back.

Marco looked at Phyrill and knew he would drop out after this and said, "You won't be able to stop her."

"Hmph!" Laust snorted and turned around again as if he had prepared enough to stop Alys' attack.

But as expected of the strategy made by the one who received a blessing from God of War, it was still one step above Theo's plan.


A loud and powerful shock wave shook the arena as a few more walls flew into the air.

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Phyrill gulped down as he sensed someone's presence on his back. "Seriously?!"

Phyrill quickly pushed his hand to Marco's back, but the latter already summoned his Water Dragon to Laust.


Phyrill managed to tap the pressure plate, but his own also got pushed by the one appearing behind her, Agata. She had come all the way from the other side to this battlefield as if this was the execution ground for their team.

The Water Dragon hit Laust's shoulder and stopped his movement, allowing Alys to go around him and push his back. "Ha!"




A series of loud noises resounded in the arena as those three loud noises were the signals for them to drop out.

In other words, Phyrill took Marco out while Agata took him down right after. Marco had resigned to his fate and chose to help his teammate, Alys, to stop Laust. His plan succeeded and Alys managed to get Laust.

This way, the battle soon became a disadvantage for Thersland as Alea, who just cut down the stone walls, was shocked to find that she was the only one left.


The three people were instantly escorted out of the arena by Diego.

It didn't even take one second, so the battle could continue as if nothing happened.

Agata smiled and looked at Alea. "Unfortunately for you, we have someone that can make a perfect plan too, you see."