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Chapter 1510 Next Step: Immortality.
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Ragnarok is Legion's next move. If Legion-8 and the SuprAlliance are not enough to tie down the dragons, then the bottomless abyss might just do the trick. It is just that in this case, the bottomless abyss is overkill.

For the first tin history, the entire dragon plane has been turned completely upside down. Even though Ragnarok is not using the boost of his shard of power, the abyss that he created reached the very top of the plane as a hurricane and reached down to its foundation as a pit. It is also spreading and will soon reach both the sphere of grayness and the mountain of wealth at the center of the plane.

The chaos made Ragnarok and Legion happy. The look of frustration and anger on the dragons reminded them of their promise of chaos. Gehaldirah had the slook of frustration and anger when he was made to run away like a rat from the dragon in the trial. That dragon had a grin on its face and was smug. Now it is their turn to grin and be smug.

They enjoyed every moment of it until Legion-8 finished gestating. The solid barrier, which was more than 10 kilometers thick, turned to dust. The space that the gray sphere occupied also collapsed into the star at its center. It caused a dark void to appear in the plane.

This dark void couldn't be seen with the eye because of the pitch darkness submerging the whole plane, but it could be felt as the plane shook because of it. The impact of the sudden appearance of emptiness caused the plane to contract rapidly to fill in the void.

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The immortal land was unmoved, but the life crystal was stretched to its limit. It couldn't handle the stress after Legion-8 had siphoned a large amount of its power. It snapped and broke. It caused the plane to detach from the realm.

The dragons wailed and roared in anger. They turned their gaze, filled with yearning for retribution, towards the center of the void. In the dark void is the most beautiful dragon ever. It is a crystal dragon, fluctuating with various colors. Sometimes it is black, and sometimes it is red. Other times, it is yellow, green, and brown at the stime.

Legion-8 stood out in the darkness of the void left behind by his egg. Both space, time, and matter around him had been consumed. Now he has been born, but it is not the end of his troubles. He still has to escape.

Escaping the plane is unlikely to end his woes. As things are, it is certain that the dragons won't let him go. He will be chased with all their might. Then there is the SuprAlliance, which is hell-bent on killing every dragon. So the best thing he can do to becsafe is to acquire immortality. He will have very little to fear with it.

There are two options for him to get immortality. The first option is to unify with Legion-7. This option is more difficult than it should be because Legion-7 can't break through the layers of space in this plane due to the dragon spirit and the encryption of space. But it is still something he can do.

Since Legion-7 can't unify with him the way it did with Ragnarok, all he has to do is meet up with Ragnarok, who is close by, and make physical contact with him. The process will be quick, as opposed to the second option, which is to becan Origin god.

Legion-8 is very powerful, but he is not an Origin god yet. He is at most a very powerful transcendent. He still needs to comprehend laws, beca titan of law, and then becan Origin god.

This might be difficult for others to do in an Origin cycle, but he can do all of these in a few hours. It would be dangerous and longer to do than the first option, but he decided to do it instead of unifying with Legion-7.

Fortunately, he is not alone. He has Ragnarok here to protect him. The bottomless abyss is spreading wantonly in front of everyone, while the other clones are lurking around secretly to protect him. All he has to do is comprehend the laws he needs, enter his domain, and use the image that has been created for this moment to beca titan of law.

He did so very quickly. He used the laws he needed at 100% comprehension, and the universe rewarded him for his achievement. Then he summoned Legion-1's domain and hid within it. Ragnarok covered the location he hid in with his bottomless abyss so that no one would be able to interrupt him.

Legion-8 started the breakthrough to Titan of Law immediately. He doesn't need to spend tcreating a concept because Legion has already done so. The ring of stars representing his various Authorities was made to collide within his Origin core.

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The 13 of them collided and created a massive supernova. He pulled his dragon heart into his Origin and caused it to take root at the point of intersection of the laws with his image. Then he began pulling the essence of the stars into his dragon heart . The essence fused with it according to the image he had created for his concept.

His breakthrough went without a hitch since he could manipulate cosmic forces and he had access to cosmic energy from Helios. His essence leaked out, but he replenished it with more cosmic energy and managed to create a 13-law concept.

It is not complete yet, as it needs sfinishing touches, but it is undoubtedly a worthy achievement. Even the dragon king was impressed. It appeared to congratulate him.

A single eye appeared in the void of his domain. This eye has the snumber of pupils and colors as his dragon heart. All 13 of them were fixed on him intently.

A voice cfrom the eye. "Congratulations on your success."
