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Chapter 1505 Excellent Pawn.
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The SuprAlliance didn't want to lose their target for revenge after coming so close to it, so they tried to overwhelm the wall of dragons by crashing into it and scattering the dragons. However, each dragon is as big, durable, and powerful as their war fortress, so the SuprAlliance had to fight tooth and nail for every inch of space that they gained.

They were pushing the dragons, but things changed when the dragons stopped attacking the SuprBeasts and started attacking the world in front of them. Fire poured out of their mouths in similar quantity and power as the firepower of the fortresses. The two waves of attacks clashed and created a zone of death between the two armies.

This zone was a sea of violent energy that attacked and destroyed anything that got close to it. It worked against the SuprBeasts because they had to defend against the passive effect of the zone while advancing against the constant firepower of the dragons.

The SuprBeasts were slowed down and even forced to stop their advance when things bectoo dangerous. But didn't give up though.

Even the fact that their target, the dragon hplane, is moving away from them and further increasing the distance between them didn't discourage them. They are willing to sacrifice everything in this battle for their goal of making progress.

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So they increased the power of their energy shields to the limit of their operating range. They were able to continue advancing due to their dogged determination. But it cost them a lot of energy.

Monarch High Heaven clapped and said, "Legion has found itself the right backer. The SuprAlliance is highly motivated and is far from lacking in Origin stones and origin energy. Any problem that can be solved with money is not a problem for them. It is the best type of pawn one can find."

He is complimenting both Legion and the SuprAlliance. It is a well deserved compliment because the SuprAlliance were able to get close to the plane despite the immense resistance of the dragon.

Unfortunately, things took a turn for the worst for them when the dragon spirit started to attack them. The realm lord had been waiting for this moment. He expected it since the dragon spirit would attack anyone around the plane who isn't a dragon. It is of higher imperative right now that it join the fight. After all, there's no way it would stand back and watch the invasion happen.

Waves of spiritual power surged forth from the dragon plane. It swept through the armada like a cleaver. Weak Origin gods froze. Those with even weaker spirits died. Only powerful Origin gods could maintain movement under the psychic strain.

The psychic strain continued to increase as more and more Origin gods died. The Origin gods left alive had to bear the extra burden of those who had died. The SuprBeasts decided that something had to be done. One of their Origin gods with a suprlaw got into action.

Suddenly, the invisible spiritual wave attacking them materialized. It appeared to be a sea of white water bursting forth from the dragon plane and drowning the suprbeasts. But then a fire appeared in the white ocean after it had materialized. It started burning the white ocean. It did more than that. It was spreading from the armada all the way back to the plane.

This fire is intangible, just like the sea of white water. The two phenomena appear to be illusions, but they have visible effects on the world. The appearance of the fire caused the psychic strain on the SuprBeasts to lessen immediately.

But the SuprBeasts didn't rest on their laurels. They used the materialized white ocean to curse the dragon spirit. Soon the white and pure water was contaminated rapidly. Potent curses, like those that would cripple Origin gods were used to fight the dragon spirit. The white ocean of spiritual water turned black and was still burning.

One particular curse they used was so potent that the dragon spirit had to cut off the outburst of spiritual power along with a considerable portion of itself. If it hadn't done that, then the curse would have spread to it and through it to every dragon with an inner world below the level of a world god.

The fire that was burning the white ocean was already targeting every dragon of the high heaven realm. But it went out after the white ocean disappeared. The fight resumed again without the psychic pressure.

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The realm lord was impressed by the sight. He had to compliment them again. "The SuprAlliance does not fail to impress me. Their use of curses is unparalleled."

Mother High Heaven snickered. "They are good at it because they have been planning to target you andwith it."

Monarch High Heaven chuckled. "I know that. But it doesn't change the fact that it is impressive."

He knows that the SuprAlliance has been working on ways to dethrone him or at least fight him on equal footing, so it is not a surprise that they have a curse that can affect purely spiritual beings and manifestations of Will like Mother High Heaven and the dragon spirit.

The fact that they created the curse to use on him doesn't change the fact that he is impressed. He is not worried at all. Instead, he looked on excitedly to see what next the SuprAlliance has up its sleeve.

He wasn't disappointed. SSuprbeasts left the safety of their war fortresses to confront the dragons head-on. The fight moved on to the use of concepts.

He complimented them, "Smart. They plan to distract the dragons so that their armada can advance."

These SuprBeasts belong to the warrior class. Warriors are always on the front lines. They don't need the ships to protect them. In fact, they are on the slevel as the fortresses in terms of defense and durability, if not higher. So it would be a waste to keep them in the fortress.