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Chapter 1504 Glory To The Supreme Alliance.
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What they are about to do is just tit for tat. They have been attacked by dragons recently, so it is just right that they attack the dragons too. Their hplane has been destroyed, so the dragon plane should be destroyed too.

They will not leave until the dragon plane has been destroyed. They are determined to do that, and nothing will stop them. Not even death. They are immortal. They will simply return after death to make sure their revenge is settled.

Instead of fear, most of the SuprBeasts felt excitement. Even the ancient ones that should have a good handle on their emotions felt emotional. This is because this fight is a precious opportunity for revenge that they never thought they would get.

The SuprAlliance has been looking for the hplane of the dragons for a long time, but they have never been able to find it for many reasons. The first reason is that it moves around. The second reason is that it cannot be sensed by any being that is not a dragon.

It is as if there is a spiritual force field that distorts the space around it. It is both a spiritual illusion and a skilled use of spatial encryption. The third reason is that any entity that stumbles upon it dies through soul dissolution.

All of these reasons made it so that they could not find the plane. The mission released by the SuprAlliance for the location of the dragon hplane has gone unfulfilled, and many didn't think it would ever be fulfilled. But a certain suprbeast of theirs managed to crack the stealth system of the plane.

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This SuprBeast has the divine abilities of soul fire, a dragon heart, and a spatial divine ability. He happened to stumble upon the dragon plane a few hours ago and managed to decipher the encryption of the plane before he was killed.

Unfortunately for the dragons, there was a glitch in their spiritual attack. It didn't wipe out the memory of the SuprBeast, so he remembered the coordinates of the plane after he resurrected. Then he informed the SuprAlliance about an hour ago.

The dragons might change the encryption quickly, so the SuprAlliance rushed here with everything they could put together in a short time. Even so, what they managed to put together is enough to threaten the dragons.

They might not be able to destroy the plane in one fell swoop, but they have set a minimum requirement for this expedition. It is to land on the ancestral grounds of the dragons. The dragons won't be able to hide from them anymore, and they will be able to funnel the might of the SuprAlliance onto them.

The General of the SuprBeasts in charge of the upcoming battle said to his troops, "Listen up. This war will be expensive. Many of you will die. A lot of wealth will be lost. But hear my words, we won't stop until the dragon plane is destroyed. There is no surrender or retreat. This fight will go on forever if it must. Prepare for that eventuality, and do your best. Glory to the SuprAlliance!!!"

The SuprBeasts raised their voice and shouted, "Glory! Glory! Glory!"

This is their reply to the request to leave. The armada continued to approach, so the dragons formed up to resist them. Many dragons flew to position themselves in front of the supralliance. They formed a wall of bodies to protect their hplane.

Each dragon is a collosal creature. The smallest one is 1 kilometer long. Tens of thousands of them formed into a massive wall that smight say is impenetrable. Then they opened their mouths to produce dragon breath at their enemies. So the wall is not only difficult to breach, it can also attack.

The SuprAlliance returned fire. Dragon fire lanced toward the armada while annihilation cannons fired back at the dragons.

The annihilation beams were blocked by the barrier formed with dragon force and soul force. The annihilation beam that could cause a destruction chain reaction in everything it touches to amplify itself was blocked perfectly.

The SuprAlliance was also able to block the dragon fire with their energy shield. They did so at the cost of their energy stores. It is not a problem for them as long as they can get close to their targets. They used the protection of their barriers to continue moving forward under fire while returning fire.

The first exchange appeared to be a draw. But both the dragons and the SuprAlliance were already experiencing sstrain. Even Mother High Heaven, who was watching, was also strained. That's because she had to keep the realm intact under the pressure of attacks that can wipe out a plane.

Legion was also stressed. Only one person wasn't stressed or strained. The realm lord cheered them on with glee, "This is so exciting. Fight and fight. Fight for me."

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He almost couldn't sit still. The system has made the calculation with all the information that they have and has predicted the outcof this battle, but it is still exciting to see.

He knows what will happen, but that hasn't dampened his enthusiasm. He is looking forward to that ending with so much anticipation that it is difficult for him not to interfere in the fight by fanning the flames.

He got his wish, too. Things got hectic and violent very quickly. The wall and the armada crashed into each other. Massive dragons clashed with equally massive warships.

The SuprAlliance couldn't stand back and fire because it is delaying them from achieving their goal of landing on the dragon plane. If they don't achieve that as soon as possible, the coordinates of the dragon plane might becencrypted very soon.

In that case, they would only be able to see the dragon plane at best. They wouldn't be able to reach it. Then it will eventually beccloaked and disappear from their senses.


A/N: Speople already guessed that Legion was going to make this move. The war between the SuprAlliance and dragons is finally here.