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Full-Level Rich Daughter Makes a Strong Comeback

Chapter 708 - 708: Telling the Truth
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Chapter 708: Telling the Truth

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation  Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Upon hearing Lian Mengzhu’s words, Ye Wanwan’s heart involuntarily skipped a beat. The ominous premonition deep within intensified. She parted her lips as if contemplating words, yet in the end, she remained silent.

Lian Meng Zhu paid no attention to Ye Wanwan’s lack of response. Her thoughts were entirely occupied by the impending arrival of Ye Leng’an. As tticked away, the tension within her heightened.

The revelation that Ye Leng’an was her biological daughter left her at a loss on how to face her. The unsettling feelings she had harbored towards Ye Leng’an due to Ye Wanwan, especially the doubts that arose after Leng’an disclosed the truth, left her feeling utterly discomposed.

Simultaneously, there existed a yearning to meet Ye Leng’an as soon as possible. She was, after all, her daughter – a child inheriting her and her husband’s bloodline, invoking a profound sense of guilt within her.

As tpassed, uneasiness crept over Ye Wanwan. A tickle in her throat resulted in an involuntary cough.

Her incomplete recovery from the injuries sustained during the Family Competition lingered. Had her parents not summoned her today, she would be resting in her room.

“Wanwan, are you alright?”

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Alarmed by Ye Wanwan’s cough, Lian Mengzhu instinctively turned her gaze toward her, expressing concern. “Wanwan, are you alright? Didn’t they say you were much better? Why is it still like this?”

“It’s nothing, just a bit fatigued from the lack of rest these past two days,” Ye Wanwan replied with a smile. Tentatively, she suggested, “Father, Mother, I’m not feeling well. How about I go back and rest first?”

She believed her parents wouldn’t refuse, given their evident concern. Regardless of the identity of the impending visitor, in her parents’ eyes, she remained the most important.

“Let’s wait a bit longer!” Ye Hongxuan furrowed his brow. “The person coming today is crucial. If you can’t endure, I can have someone fetch smedicine for you. Wait a moment; we still have something important to discuss with you.”

“That’s right, Wanwan, hang in there!”

Although Lian Mengzhu felt for Ye Wanwan’s plight, leaving under these circumstances was out of the question.

“Alright.” Ye Wanwan nodded, smiling. Despite her tired appearance, she offered no significant resistance, appearing compliant.

Internally, her demeanor belied the turmoil she felt. The day’s events had thoroughly overturned her understanding of things.

Amidst this internal struggle, Ye Wanwan finally laid eyes on the person she awaited.

The entry of two figures almost prompted a scream from Ye Wanwan. The unexpected visitors were none other than Huangfu Ruiling and Ye Leng’an.

Had she not forcefully restrained her inner panic, she might have already rushed out.

At this juncture, she comprehended all that needed understanding. Huangfu Ruiling and Ye Leng’an must have been informed; hence, their abrupt visit yesterday. Clearly, her parents had already confirmed the truth, evident in the present gathering.

This realization sent shivers through Ye Wanwan. What awaited her next? Would her parents still regard her as their daughter once aware of the circumstances? What about her standing within the Ye family?

Despite these concerns, she remained convinced she wouldn’t be ousted from the Ye family.

If they intended to expel her, she wouldn’t be seated there. Moreover, her mother had implied she should get along with Ye Leng’an, hinting at a harmonious relationship.

“Well, everyone’s here!” Ye Leng’an ushered Huangfu Ruiling inside. Observing the individuals in the living room, she raised an eyebrow and sarcastically remarked, “So many people waiting for– I’m truly flattered!”

In the past, Ye Wanwan would have retorted sharply to Ye Leng’an’s sarcasm. Today, however, she remained silent, refraining from expressing any opinion.

Though Ye Hongxuan’s expression darkened, he refrained from speaking.

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Lian Mengzhu rose immediately. Addressing Ye Leng’an, her demeanor mixed nervousness with anticipation. Nonetheless, joy prevailed. “Leng’an, you’re here! Quickly, have a seat!”

Without hesitation, Ye Leng’an pushed Huangfu Ruiling forward, occupying a seat beside her.

Seated, she turned her attention to Ye Hongxuan and asked directly, “How’s it going? Master Ye, I presyou’re aware of the outcby now!”

Ye Hongxuan nodded and turned towards Ye Wanwan. Deliberating for a moment, he began, “Wanwan, there’s something I need to tell you. What I’m about to say might be profoundly unsettling, but I hope you’ll listen calmly. Wanwan, you’re not my biological daughter. You were switched by Lian Zixin. Ye Leng’an is my true biological daughter. And Lian Zixin is your biological mother.”

“What?” Ye Wanwan’s expression suggested a profound blow. She vehemently shook her head, seemingly attempting to deny the revelation. “Impossible, Father. Are you joking with me?”

As she spoke, tears welled up in her eyes. When she gazed at Ye Hongxuan, her pitiful demeanor resembled that of an abandoned creature – both yearning and cautious.

Witnessing this, Ye Hongxuan’s heart softened. He wanted to offer words of comfort but found himself at a loss.

On the side, Lian Mengzhu couldn’t contain herself. She promptly reassured, “Wanwan, though you’re not our biological daughter, we’ve always treated you as such for so many years. Even with Leng’an’s return, you’re still our daughter, and we’ll treat you equally.”

“Really?” Ye Wanwan raised her head, looking at Lian Mengzhu. She cautiously asked, “Mother, you and Father won’t really forsake me, will you?”

“Of course not.” Ye Hongxuan affirmed, “Regardless of the circumstances, you’re still our daughter.”