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Flora’s Guide to a Second Chance at Love and Life

Chapter 22
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Chapter 22 Students at Westbrook High School were still buzzing with excitement on their way back to class. Flora had beca legend at Westbrook High School almost overnight. She silenced everyone who had ever looked down on her Sstudents with poor grades saw Flom as a role model. They even hung her photos above their beds, hoping for a miraculous tumaround just like hers.

Students from Class 2 also returned to their lessons, while the Irving family took Flora hto celebrate. Their dading girl had made them so proud with her stunning achievement. Of course, they had to celebrate There w ne were no teacher to stop het, as Flors could just skip class with these grades.

Flora had left sitems in the classroom, so she asked Raul and Henrik to walt for her at the school gates.

As she approached the comer of the academic building, a girl suddenly appeared in front of her. The girl stood on the steps below, her eyes red and swollen, staring intently at Flor.

"You're not Flora. Who are you?" Flora looked at Carina calmly and smiled. "Yes, I'm not the Flora of the past. The foolish Flora is dead. I've been rebom." While speaking, Flora slowly ascended the stairs until she was standing on the step right above Carina, looking down at her slightly "Carina, I should actually thank you. You gavethe chance to be rebom from the ashes." Flora's cold eyes narrowed slightly. In them, Carina saw intense hatred, and even a killing intent. Panic surged in Carina's heart.

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"Flora!" She yelled, trying to make herself less afraid.

"Carina, we have a lot of unfinished business. But I've been too busy lately to deal with you. If you know what's good for you, you'll stay away fromand my dad. Otherwise, you'll learn what consequences are Then, Flora turned to leave.

Carina watched her retreating figure, a mixture of jealousy and madness flashing in her eyes.

She suddenly reached out to push Flora. She wanted Flora dead.

Flora had stolen Uncle Raul's attention, and the honor that should have been hers. Carina should have been the top scorer She wanted to kill Flom! Just as she was about to touch Flora, Flora casually stepped aside. Due to inertia, Carina tumbled down the stairs.

"Ah! Carina let out a scream.

Flora didn't even look back and coldly continued forward.

יחי That evening, after dinner, Flora stayed at the Irving family's house to rest. After taking a shower, she picked up her phone to call Connor- The call connected in about three seconds.

"Hi Flora" Connor's magnetic voice mixed with the sound of static reached her ears.

"Connor!" Flora called out cheerfully, her voice filled with laughter, "We've finished our exams. Guess what score I got" "How much?" "Seven hundred and forty-two. Top of the class.

"Hmm, impressive. Connor wasn't the least bit surprised or astonished It's like to him, Flora scoring nearly perfect marks was nothing out of the ordinary.

Flora chuckled. This feeling of being trusted unconditionally was wonderful.

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"I'm free tomorrow. Can I csee you?" "Sure" His immediate response seemed almost impatient. He hadn't seen her for days.

The next day. Flora got up early, got ready, and hurried over to Connor's place.

The bodyguards, who previously treated Flora as if she were a plag greeted her warmly and politely.

They had seen the changes in Flora too. She had becmore attractive and likable.

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Even if it was likely all an act, it didn't matter. As long as she could keep Mr. Gonnor happy, that was enough

Previously, every visit from Flora would leave Connor furious, causing : Busin them trouble too. Nowkit was different. Her presence seemed to bring joy to Mr. Connor warming up the cold villa.

Flora quickly entered the villa and saw Connor already dressed and waiting for her at the dining table.