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Flash Marriage When We Met

Chapter 52
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Chapter 52 | Already Have a Boyfriend

Now she really wants to find someone who understands and ask, don’t make random guesses here,

she looks at Leo as if asking for help.

And Leo was also looking at her at this moment, his quiet eyes fell on her without blinking, with

coldness and anger.

Leo is angry.

But she didn’t do anything excessive.

Wade served her a bowl of soup and said, “Drink it while it’s hot. You’re so thin, I’m really worried that a

strong wind will

blow you away.”

“I won’t eat, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable, I’ll take a step first.”

Monica panicked and didn’t know how to deal with Wade’s kindness to her, so she hurriedly slipped



Wade got up hastily and yelled, but didn’t chase him out.

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He has cultivated himself well, and he can’t leave Leo here


He sat down again and texted Monica.

After posting, he looked at Leo again, “I’ve heard about your name for a long time, and I’m lucky to

meet you today!”

Chapter 521 Already Have a Boyfriend

“Really? I’m afraid you never want to see me again.”

788 Vouchers.

Leo said slowly. Although his words are light, no one dares to ignore the power in them.

Leo has always kept a low profile, and Lilder City reports very little, but his father said that this man

should not be underestimated.

The Hawn family’s internal struggle is so fierce, Leo has been able to live well all these years, which

shows that he is not ant idle person.

Moreover, what terrible thing did he go through to leave the scar on half of his face and the terrifying

and restrained spirit all over his body.

Wade smiled and said, “I will inherit my father’s property in the future. I will inevitably deal with

businessmen, and I’m afraid I will rely on you in the future. I can see that you also care about Monica.

She is indeed a person who people want Good girl to her. Although you are from the Hawn family, you

are not close to the Donat family, but you can take care of Monica, and I am grateful again.”

“I take care of her. This is between me and her. She should thank me if she wants to thank me. What

do you thank me for? Besides, she did call me uncle according to her seniority. But the Miller family

and I are not relatives and friends Friend. I have something to do too, so I’ll take my leave first.”

Leo was indifferent, and gently put down the fork.

The fork landed on the bowl with a crisp sound, and Vivian tapped Wade’s soul.

Chapter 521 Already Have a Boyfriend

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For some reason, Leo’s attitude became more and more unfriendly. Could it be that he did something


Leo left, and Wade didn’t feel like eating, so he hurried back. to school.

She went back to the dormitory, but her roommate told her that Wade was waiting downstairs and said

she had something to look for.

The roommate joked, “Looking at how tight you are with Wade these two days, don’t you…”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm


Monica waved her hands again and again, lest they make random guesses.

“No? I see Wade is getting close to you! Tell me frankly, have


“No, I don’t like Wade, and I already have a boyfriend.”

She glanced at her phone subconsciously, since she ran away until now, Leo hasn’t contacted her.

Is he still mad at himself?

She was a little uneasy.

She was embarrassed to keep Wade waiting too long, so she went downstairs.

“Let’s go.”



Chapter 521 Already Have a Boyfriend

She dared not meet Wade’s eyes.
