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Flash Marriage When We Met

Chapter 174
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Chapter 174 Stu pid Apprentice

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Chapter 174 Stu pid Apprentice

“Dean, can you do me a favor and give me a neat score? I missed the pass by one or two points, what

a pity…”

She still remembers patting her chest and reassuring Leo that it would be fine to


The dean said he was also very embarrassed, if it wasn’t for Leo’s sake, he wouldn’t have pulled out

the test paper and checked it carefully.

“Monica, I can’t do anything about it. This is already the result of adding neat points to the paper. Look

at your high math paper. You understand that the teacher gave you two points! I really can’t continue to

be ambiguous. With a conscience.”

“You are majoring in accounting. Look at your professional courses and your high math. If I let you pass

the exam, if I let you pass, then you will make mistakes in your calculations in the future, and you will

be in the law. You will hate me!’

The dean also said bitterly.

Monica was also very distressed when she heard the words.

Leo had already made up for her before.

He’s obviously good at it, but why did he not perform well in the exam?

“You really can’t have any more grace?”

“Come over next year to make up the exam, I believe you can do it!”

The dean patted Monica on the shoulder with a long way to go, and gave her a firm look, believing that

she would pass the make-up exam.

Monica’s heart is ashamed, it’s over, how will she face Leo when she returns


Monica made up her mind, thanked the dean for her troubles and then turned around to leave. She

didn’t expect to see Leo entering as soon as she turned




Chapter 174 Stu pid Apprentice

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Monica’s pupils contracted suddenly, her whole body froze with fright, and she

dared not move.

Seeing her in a great mood, Leo raised a doting smile at the corner of his mouth, and stepped forward

to pat her head.

“Do you miss me?”

In front of the dean, Leo was not reserved at all.

“How did you come…”

Monica pretended to be calm on the surface.

She can’t let Leo know how much she has passed, otherwise she will die.

“I wanted to go back to accompany you early, but Barret said you came to school, so I came to see

you. I heard that your final grades are out, right? Let me, the teacher, also look at the grades of my

students to see if I have given them long face.”

“Let’s go home and talk about it. It’s not good to talk about it in the dean’s office. Let’s go back and talk


Monica tugged on his sleeve and was about to go out, but was stopped by Leo.

“Why, you did well in the exam, and you’re still shy! I’m your parent anyway. I’m asking about your

grades. The dean is also here. He must know your well.”

Leo didn’t intend to leave at all, so he stepped forward.

The dean hurriedly beckoned him to sit down.

“You sit too.”

Leo patted the position beside him.

“No… I dare not…”

Monica said tremblingly.

situation very

Seeing her embarrassed look, Leo thought she was reserved in front of outsiders.

“It’s okay, sit down.”



Chapter 174 Stu pid Apprentice

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Monica thought about it, and according to Leo’s temper, she would definitely break her leg.

She is still standing, let’s feel the feeling of being down-to-earth.

“You sit down.”

Monica stammered.

This time Leo didn’t force it.

He looked at the dean, smiled and said, “She didn’t cause you any trouble, did


The dean served hot tea and said with a smile, “Monica is very good at school, helpful, and has a good

relationship with her classmates.”

“She is indeed a good child. I heard that the final grades of their department have come down. Monica

was ill before and took a long leave of absence. I also tutored her well. Basically, the knowledge in and

out of the book has been integrated. I think this time Her performance will not be bad, I wonder how her

grades are?”


When the dean heard this, he looked at Monica stiffly, thinking that this question

was a proposition.

Leo was a little confused, he asked the dean, why did the dean look at Monica?

He looked at Monica again, and found that her face was pale, her lips were dry, and her forehead was

covered with cold sweat.

“Are you not feeling well?”

“No, I just feel that the room is very hot and the air conditioner is turned up.”

“After I’ve asked about your grades, I’ll take you to the hospital. Zion should stay at home.”

“Dean, where’s Monica’s report card? Bring it to me.”

“I’m going to print…”

The dean said tremblingly.



Chapter 174 St upid Apprentice

Monica just felt dizzy.

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The dean quickly printed out the report card and handed it to Leo respectfully.

There was a slight smile on Leo’s face, and after seeing the report card, the smile on the corner of his

mouth froze for a moment.

Then, his face finally became extremely ugly.

what did he see

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“Dean, are you sure the paper is correct?”


The dean wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

“What about the neatness of the curly noodles?”

When Leo said this, he felt ashamed.

A high-achieving student with a double degree in law and finance has never cared about the neatness

of his face, but he didn’t expect to ask at this moment.

The dean said in embarrassment, “It’s all added. This is Monica’s test paper. I specially transferred it

out. Please read it.”

Soon Monica’s two failing papers were handed over to Leo.

Leo’s complexion is getting uglier and gloomy.

He held the thin roll of paper tightly with his hands, the joints on his hands were white and visible, and

the veins were exposed, showing how hard he was exerting himself.

Monica swallowed.

Will Leo have a heart attack from her anger?

If Go d is willing to give her another chance, she must take the exam well. Who knows why her mind

went wrong during the exam.

Seeing Leo’s gloomy and forbearing appearance, the dean was so frightened that he broke into cold




Chapter 174 Stu pid Apprentice

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“Mr. Hawn, I really can’t bend the law for personal gain. If she passes the test, I’m afraid she will do

financial affairs in the future, and she will hurt herself instead. We also uphold the responsibility to the

students, please forgive me…”

As soon as these words fell, Leo held the test paper and slapped it heavily on the table.

A mu ffled sound struck the hearts of the two of them, making them both tremble.

“The principal did the right thing. It is indeed a disaster to release such grades. I am very grateful for

your serious and responsible attitude towards Monica. I am incompetent. I did not teach Monica a good

lesson and caused trouble for the school.”

Leo held back his anger, and said word for word.

