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Flash Marriage When We Met

Chapter 171
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Chapter 171 Cooperation

Today was the day she was discharged from the hospital, but Monica couldn’t be happier.

Leo came to pick her up. She was recovering well. The wound on the back of her head had been

stitched up and stitches were removed, and she couldn’t see it even if she covered it with her hair.

The rest of her injuries have healed, except for some bruises that haven’t faded away completely.

The doctor suggested that she should stay in bed for a few more days. She didn’t like the hospital and

had to go back all the time, so she had to go home.

Leo wanted to knock her on the head, but he stopped because he was afraid that she would be men

tally hand icapped.

“What’s wrong? Didn’t you always want to go home?”

“Of course I’m happy to go home, but there are still more than ten days until the final exam. I have

delayed so many classes, what should I do?”

“I thought you were worried about something, don’t you still have me?”

Monica’s eyes lit up when she heard that.

Monica looked at him and said, “You teach me!”

“I’m just afraid you’ll embarrass me.”

Leo raised his eyebrows and said.

“No way! In the lessons you taught me before, I can understand everything, and I will definitely not

embarrass you!”

Monica assured, smacking her chest.

“Pack up and go home, I’ll review for you.”

When Monica returned home, she thought she should eat and drink, but she didn’t



Chapter 171 Cooperation

expect the tasteless nutritious meal from the hospital to come home.

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She followed Leo to make up lessons every day, using her brain every day, and she didn’t even give

him good food and drink.

If it wasn’t for the supplement soup every day, she would really collapse.

Leo is indeed a good teacher, so complicated topics become easy to understand in

his mouth.

She also learned at this time that Leo turned out to be a top student with a double degree abroad.

Familiar with economics and law, I had already obtained the qualifications for Ph.D. abroad at that time,

but it was delayed because I came back.

Monica bit her pen while doing the questions and said, “Leo, you are so good abroad, there must be

many girls chasing you, right?”

Monica didn’t look up to see the flicker in his eyes.

She didn’t hear his answer, so she couldn’t help but look up.

“Why are not you talking?”

“I won’t tell you, do the questions well.”

“There must be. You were still like this four years ago, and you must have confused many people! Then

did you do anything to be sorry for me?”

“You did something wrong, should you fight?”

Leo tapped her notebook helplessly, and he watched Monica write nonsense.

“I’m distracted!”

Monica quickly recalculated and forgot what she said just now.

She will do wrong things when she is distracted, and she can’t do two things at


She finished the task early today, Leo asked her to stay at home obediently, and he went to the

company to see.

Jason took the initiative to talk about cooperation, and he naturally paid attention



Chapter 171 Cooperation

to it.

Monica nodded, wishing he could leave quickly.

It was rare for him to leave, so she naturally had to put on a good show.

She slipped into the kitchen and Barret wasn’t there, good for bad things!

“Auntie, can you cook me something delicious? I’m so hungry…”

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“Mr. said that your diet must be based on a nutritious meal. You can’t eat anything else. It’s not good for

your health.”

“I don’t want to eat a nutritious meal. It’s not delicious. You can cook me

something delicious. I promise not to eat too much, just one bite, even if it smells the aroma!”

Monica said pitifully that she had lost weight during this time, and it was all in vain


Aunt decided to make her a dessert.

“This is for nourishing the body. It’s okay to eat something, and the husband probably won’t say


“Thank you, Auntie!”

Monica ate and drank enough, and went back happily.

She almost finished her homework, so she wandered around the study.

There are no taboos in Leo’s study, you can flip through them at will. She also couldn’t understand the

business documents on the desktop.

She opened the drawer to see what was inside.

There was only one book in it, but why didn’t he put it on the shelf?

It was rare for her to find a book she could read, so she opened it quickly.

She was about to put it in boredly, but unexpectedly found something inside.

She opened it to look, and it was a photo of Leo and Karl, but Leo was missing a small half.



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Chapter 171 Cooperation

She didn’t notice the gap, but stared at Karl,

Is this Karl?

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Upon closer inspection, the two brothers turned out to be very similar.

This is obviously a photo taken four years ago. The Leo four years ago is obviously not as serious as

he is now. He still knows how to smile at the camera!

She and Leo haven’t taken a photo yet, and she wants to secretly keep it as a


She took out her phone and took a picture.

At this moment, the JC GROUP office–

“I’m here today to say thank you.”

“You are welcome.”

The two are of the same age, he is older than Leo, age is indeed crushing.

But if it is a big business, the Miller family is obviously not as good as JC GROUP.

Leo sincerely wants to cooperate with the Miller family, which is a good thing for the Miller family.

“Have the assets of the Field family been digested?”

“It’s been rushed over the past few days, and it will take some days to completely annex it. Outsiders

know that it was the Miller family who dealt with the Field family, but in fact it was you who lost your

own interests and held back Zack before letting me There is an opportunity to take advantage of. The

Miller family will surely become the third largest group in the near future, if you need help, just ask.”

Jason is also welcome. Leaving Victoria, he is wise, calm and has a long-term


He knew that the two brothers of the Hawn family would have a rivalry, since he accepted Leo’s favor,

he naturally tried his best to help him.

“Actually, what I want is very simple, I just want the Miller family to keep Monica!”

