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Flash Marriage When We Met

Chapter 169
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Chapter 169 Worried

Monica is stubborn, and Leo is also stubborn.

Even if you identify a person, you are not willing to let go, and you will only get deeper and deeper.

Clare knew that she couldn’t dissuade her, but seeing Monica like this, she could only silently feel


“Actually…it’s good for her to be silly. What happened is over, and I don’t

remember it so much. Today’s life is hanging by a thread, and the next day I can forget about today’s

events in an instant.”

“I always thought she was stu pid. I took care of her mistakes in the past. Now I hand her over to you,

and you have to take care of her mistakes in the future. Shè is afraid of pain, the dark, ghosts, hunger,

and being alone. Shan. She cries a lot sometimes, and sometimes has a temper, but she is easy to

coax. You give her a piece of candy and she laughs. Leo, I give you this kind of Monica, and you must

treat her well. Okay? Just take it as me begging you, I know you don’t like my identity, so I will be the

little sister of Zion, please, okay?”

She said tears, because the heart is bitter.

She couldn’t stop her, so she could only ask Leo to treat her well.

I hope that in the future, she will not be shocked, she will not be afraid, and she will not be displaced.

Hearing this, Leo turned to look at Clare.

He got up and said solemnly, “I’ve made a note, I don’t need you to beg me, I will treat her well.”

“That’s good. I won’t stay here anymore. I still have to work. When she wakes up, I’ll be watching her.”

Clare is also afraid of seeing Zion and Vivian lingering here every day, afraid that she will not be able to

hold on before she has time to take care of Monica.

Chapter 169 Worried

Leo didn’t force him to stay, but just thanked him solemnly.

Thank you for taking good care of Monica.

Thank her for staying by this idiot no matter what happens.

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Thank her for being willing to give Monica to herself.

After Clare left, there were only the two of them left in the ward.

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Leo helped her gently tuck the quilt, and said softly, “When will you wake up?”

“Have I ever told you, in fact… I also have something to fear. Ever since I met you, I have been afraid

that you will leave me one day. When I think of the pain of life and death, I dare not even think about

death. But, before I almost thought we were going to do that.”

“I always thought that I could endure pain very well. At the time when half my life was gone, I could

bear it. But now… why have I become weaker and can’t stand the pain anymore?”

There was a bitter smile on the corner of Leo’s mouth, his voice was low and h oar se, full of deep


The sound is not loud, but it flows in the ward for a long time.

Is he weak, or is Monica too strong in her heart?

Monica lay unconscious on the bed for more than four days before waking up slowly.

To be precise, she woke up hungry.

Her head hurt like hell, she only knew that a group of people were surrounding her, talking about

something, but she didn’t understand a word anyway.

She did various checks, and finally there were fewer people in the ward.

Monica saw clearly the person beside her.

It’s Leo…

It’s the Leo she misses so much…



Chapter 169 Worried

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She slowly stretched out her hand and held his big hand, which was as warm as


She couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief, and said in a h oa rse voice, “Am I dreaming, or is it real?”

“It’s true, it’s all true, it’s true when you wake up, and so am I!”

“Can I have something to eat? Give me some water, too…”

Monica finally spoke her mind.

She has been relying on nutritional drips since she was in a coma, and she didn’t feel anything when

she was in a coma, but once she woke up, she was a little overwhelmed.

Leo finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this.

His Monica was finally back.

She was just sober and could only eat liquid food, so Leo prepared porridge.

Monica smelled the aroma of porridge, and her stomach made a proper growl.

Leo didn’t know whether to laugh or not.

Monica hastily reached out her hand, wanting to take it, but Leo slapped it down rudely.


Monica said weakly.

“I’m coming, don’t move.”

He helped her up, her head was still wrapped with layers of gauze.

She could feel the pain in the back of her head, probably Cherry wanted to imitate the TV, knocking

herself out with a stick.

It would be fine if she was really knocked out, but she was beaten like this, and she was seriously


I heard from the doctor that I had a concussion, does it affect my intelligence?



Chapter 169 Worried

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Monica was thinking wildly, but Leo had warmed up the hot porridge and handed it to her mouth.

She opened her mouth obediently.


She couldn’t help but said.

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“Eat more if it tastes good, and go home in a few days, and I will take care of you slowly.”

Leo said softly.

“I thought I was going to die this time. I even dreamed that someone was going to take me away. I

wanted to go with them, but they told me that you would die alone

in the future. I was so scared that I dared not.”

“I desperately wanted to come back, but I couldn’t get out.”

“And then?” Leo felt a little funny when he heard her dream, and only Monica’s head could dream of

such weird things.

“Maybe because I ate too much, they let me go. Then, I came back…”

Monica tilted her head and said, she couldn’t remember the dream clearly, and she

didn’t know if it was because of this that she came back.

When Leo heard this, his throat was blocked.

She has come back.

The road of life is too lonely, he has already tasted sweetness, and he can no longer suffer from it.

It was too much for him to suffer without Monica.

“I’m sorry, it’s all my fault. If I go down with you, you won’t have so many troubles.”

Leo blamed himself and said that he was suffering in his heart these days.

He wished he could lie on the bed, the one who was uncertain about his life and death was himself.

“I don’t think so… Cherry hates me and has a long-standing grievance. She will



Chapter 169 Worried

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definitely not let me go. If she fails this time, she may try again next time. By then,


will be so far away from me, it is even less likely to come to my rescue Me. So I’m very glad, at least…

you ‘re here, and I believe you will be.”

Monica said firmly.

Even if everyone in the world doesn’t care about her, she believes that Leo will definitely want her!