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Feel the Way You Feel My Love Novel

Chapter 77
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Feel the Way You Feel, My Love Chapter 77

“Yes, I heard she’s already married with two kids. And yet, here she is hooking up with other men. How


“What do you know? She’s probably through with her penniless husband and is looking for a better one!”

Natalie frowned as these contemptuous statements rang in her ears, making her feel uncomfortable.

What’s going on? She just got back from lunch, and now she’s somehow become a hussy in their eyes?

With that thought, her expression hardened as she walked towards the crowd of gossip-mongers.

Not expecting she would approach them, they quickly dropped their conversations and looked at her


“Who told you I’m having an affair with Mr. Sean?” Natalie stopped in front of them and asked in a chilling


They exchanged glances, and then one of them came forward and replied, “Someone from the design

department talked about it in the group chat.”

“The design department?” Natalie pursed her lips. Suddenly, the whole thing made sense.

After that, she ignored the crowd and marched towards the elevator.

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When Natalie got to the design department and entered the office, she unsurprisingly overheard the

same discussion.

She did not seem angry about it. She strode to her workspace, picked up a magazine, rolled it up, and

then hit it against her desk.

Slam! The loud noise shocked everyone.

Natalie glanced indifferently at the many faces across the room, and when she spoke, her voice was

solemn, “Who among you were instructed by Jasmine to spread rumors about Mr. Sean and me in the

group chat? Come forward at once!”

She was so certain Jasmine was the mastermind behind this because she knew that she and Sean only

had two mutual acquaintances, namely Shane and Jasmine. Shane would definitely not pull something

like this, which left Jasmine as the only suspect.

As for the reason, Jasmine probably did it to ruin Natalie’s reputation in the Thompson Group. What a

dirty trick!

Most of the people in the office were shocked to hear her statement, whereas a handful had guilt written

on their faces.

Natalie recognized them as Jasmine’s posse. They had no talent in design, and their greatest skill was

extolling Jasmine to the skies.

“So it’s you guys!” Natalie glared at them.

Knowing it would not make much sense to cover up since they had been found out, they simply admitted,

“So? What if it’s us?”

“Apologize!” Natalie demanded in an icy tone.

They proceeded to confront her, “Why should we? You started the scandals, and yet we can’t talk about


Natalie scoffed, “Scandals? I don’t even know when I had an affair with Mr. Sean, and yet, here you are

adamant that I am guilty. How deceptive. I’ll give you one more chance. Apologize, and clear my name in

the group chat. Otherwise, I will not stop till I get my justice!”

However, the small gang took no regard for her. They had little intention to make reparations.

Natalie could surmise that they showed no fear because they had strong backing. She sneered.

These people are really stubborn. They thought they needn’t be afraid of anything since they have

Jasmine to back them up. How foolish. Never mind, I could take this opportunity to drive these people

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out of the Thompson Group and weaken Jasmine’s power while I’m at it. Let’s see who Jasmine can use

to deal with me next.

With that, Natalie tossed aside the magazine she had in her hand, sat down, and turned on her


The small group of people snickered when they saw her do so.

They had wondered how she would assert her power, but it seemed she was just a paper tiger who could

only resort to trash talk.

For a while, Jasmine’s posse did not take Natalie’s warning to heart as they returned to their seats. They

continued to spread rumors about Natalie and Sean, deliberately raising their voices while doing so.

Natalie knew that they were directing their aggression at her, but she paid them no mind.

The more they talked, the more items she printed.

Finally, she picked up the printed pile of materials, left the design department, and headed to Shane’s


“Mr. Shane, I want to talk to you.” Natalie knocked on the open door.

Shane paused his writing when he heard her voice and lifted his head to meet her, “What is it?”

“So the thing is…” Natalie explained the case about the rumors to him as she stepped into his office.
