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Fated to my Enemy by Diane Doherty

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Book Two Chapter Five

Luna Ryley

| awoke naked and wrapped in Blake's strong arms. | smiled, snuggling closer to him. I'm so relieved that he’s

safe. We didn’t get to talk last night about what happened, but | didn’t need words. | needed him.

| heard Evie up in the room beside ours and sighed. | was hoping for smore tin her father’s arms before

having to get out of bed. | untangled myself from Blake's tight hold and quietly got out of bed. | pulled on a robe

before leaving our room and entering hers. She was standing in her crib, bouncing. She let out a squeal when

she noticed


“Good morning, my baby girl. Merry Christmas,” | picked her up and snuggled her to my chest. She was getting

so big. Slie began to suck on my bare chest and | knew she was hungry. | quickly changed her diaper before

sitting down in the rocking chair by the window.

She latched on and | watched the sunrise, holding our baby. She was beautiful with her dark brown hair and big

gray eyes. | rubbed her chubby check and she closed her little eyes. She had quite an exciting day yesterday

and | knew another one was coming. It’s our first Christmas as a family and | was excited. The holidays mean so

much more when you have someone to share it with.

| remember all the Christmas’ when it was just Walter, Channing, and me. We would go skating and cook dinner

together. After we would. watch Christmas movies while we ate homemade pies. And | can’t wait to share all of

that with Blake and Aspen. And now our daughter.

Evie was fast asleep by the t| was done feeding her. I laid her back down before going to get dressed. |

needed to get breakfast made and

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dinner prepped.

Walking through the house to the kitchen, the house was so quiet. This is how Christmas morning has been for

the last few years but when Channing was younger he would be the first one awake. He would rush to the

kitchen and turn the coffee maker on before going to see what Santa left in his stocking. Then when the coffee

was done brewing he would wakeand Walter. | smiled at the memory as | pushed the button to start the

coffee marker.

While the coffee was brewing. | walked into the living room to get the fire started. This place was a Christmas

wonderland and | was going to give myself ten minutes with my cup of coffee to enjoy the c rackling of

the fire.

By the t| had the fire roaring, the coffee was ready. | poured myself a cup

and sat down on the couch with my feet on the coffee table. Moments like these are overdue in my life but |

wouldn't change it for anything. Being a Luna and a mother is busy but | have Blake this taround. I'm not


“Told you.” Lily chimed in.

“Yeah. Yeah.” | rolled my eyes.

It wasn’t long until Walter joinedon the couch with a mug of coffee. He sat back besidewith his feet on

the coffee table. | leaned my head on his shoulder and he kissed my head.

“Merry Christmas, baby girl.”

“Merry Christmas,” | mumbled.

“Blake and Evie must still be asleep.”

“They are. Evie was up but after a feeding, she was asleep again. So |

figured | would make breakfast and get a head start on dinner.” | told




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“Blake invited your parents to dinner tonight, did he tell you?” | scrunched up my face, not expecting that.

“No, but we didn’t talk about what happened last night. My nerves. couldn't take much more of it. Was it bad?” |

asked him.

“I think Blake should explain everything to you. But he did askto join your pack, to which | agreed.” | sat up

and looked back at him.


“I should have done it when you first joined. There are only a few of us that Blake trusts with your life Ryley. And

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now you have a daughter who is most likely a Luna Wolf. | need to be there to protect you both.” He wrapped his

arm around my shoulders and tuggedback against him. | smiled when he kissed my forehead.

“As long as you are sure this is what you want.” | sighed.

“| get to watch over my daughter and granddaughter. It’s what | want, baby girl.”

“And | want you there.” | told him.

We sat in silence, listening to the crac kle of the fire. | knew my ten minutes were up, but | didn’t want to move.

Walter will always be a comfort. He knowsbetter than | know myself and I'm so thankful for him.

“Good morning,” | greeted Aspen as he walked in and sat on the coffee table in front of me. “What are you doing

up so early?”

“I haven't slept. | need you to speak to Dad for me.” My stomach twisted..

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“Aspen, what are you talking about? Is this about the girl you were tellingabout?”

“No, this is about the war with the council. I'm not going back to Alpha training. I'm staying to protect you, Evic,

and the baby,” he said.

“I don’t understand,” | leaned forward and took hold of his hands.

“I'm not leaving you. The council is going to be coming after the pack. Training is just going to have to wait.”
