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Fated to my Enemy by Diane Doherty

Chapter 132
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Chapter One Hundred Thirty–Two
288 Vouchers
Chapter One Hundred Thirty–Two
Luna Ryley
“Pull over,” the man demanded as soon as I crossed the border of the pack. I did what he said as the gun pushed painfully into
the back of my neck.
“Cut the engine and give me your keys and phone,” again I did what the man demanded. I’ve been trained to deal with these
kinds of situations. My father had my mother and I run through different scenarios to keep us prepared. What I wasn‘ t prepared
for was the sharp pain in my neck. I let out a gasp as my limb became heavy. My sight blurred as I slumped back
into the seat.
I heard banging and yelling but I couldn’t move.
“Finally, you guys were supposed to be here waiting,” a man yelled much closer to me. The voices became muffled before my
world went black.
I gasped as my body shook violently when freezing water was dumped over my head. I struggled to cover my stomach, fighting
with everything I had to get free and protect my unborn pup. I blinked but the room was bright and I couldn’t see anything. My
heart was pounding in my chest as I tried to focus on if I was hurt. The cold water had my entire body on fire with pain.
“Good, you’re finally awake.” A voice I’ll never forget broke through my thoughts. I tried to focus on the figure in front of me but
my head was pounding and my body shivered from
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Chapter One Hundred Thirty–Two.

the cold water.

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My cheeks were gripped tightly together before my head was shoved to the side exposing Blake’s mark. A growl echoed through
the room.
“I can’t believe you let that cunt mark you. You are my Luna wolf,” Dorian sneered as his face came into focus. I held down the
bile that was threatening to come up from the sharp
movements of my head.
“Dorian?” I mumbled, confused. I looked at my fated mate before looking at the men around the familiar room. I found Wes and
Jared. That’s when it clicked. Everything that was said was a lie. And like an idiot, I believe them. I wanted to believe Dorian, the
man I was fated to wasn’t a monster. But he turned into my worst enemy.
“Dorian, I,” I stammered before my head wiped to the side. My cheek burned as my head pounded in my skull. I winced as a
metal chair dragged around the concrete floor. Dorian sat down in front of me. I jumped when his hands came down on my
thighs, letting out a whimper.
My father always told me not to show fear to the enemy but right now I couldn’t control it. I was terrified for my unborn child, my
boys, and Blake.
“Now, mate, here’s what’s going to happen I will let you keep that thing in your womb if you reject the alpha who marked what’s
mine. And you better get my son here or so help me, Evelyn, I will rip that thing out of you,” he yelled the last part. He didn’t need
to yell for me to know how serious he was, I could see it in his eyes.
“I never believed my father when he would obsess over your
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Chapter One Hundred Thirty–Two
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mother being a Luna wolf. It’s why he pushed me to pursue you. I never thought I would be fated to a Luna wolf. But here we
are, and you will submit.” He said when I didn’t say
anything. I just stared at the person who I would have given everything to. We share a child. I shouldn’t have been shocked by
this but I was.

“I don’t understand, why are you doing this?” I cried, unable to hold back my despair. I flinched when his hand cupped my cheek.
His touch caused my skin to crawl and I fought the
urge to move away.
“Because Evelyn, you are mine and no other male will have you but me.” He growled, standing up from his seat like we were
done with this conversation. But I was far from done.
“And what about Lisa? About Chadwick?” I screamed.
“They aren’t an issue, sweetheart,” he leaned over me.
“Lisa was a cheating bitch and her son wasn’t even mine. And with them gone my real mate and son will be the family I should
have had before you fucken ran from me.” I was left speechless.
“Now, let’s get that mark off of you so you can officially be mine,” he murmured before his lips crushed against mine. I bit down
on his lip before my head whipped to the side again. I winced as he pulled my head back by my hair.
“I can’t wait to punish you for that,” he ran his tongue over the bite. His fingers dug painfully into my upper thigh while his. thumb
dug into my mound. I tried to shift my hips back. further into the back of the chair but I couldn’t move under his grip. I didn’t have
my wolf and he was an alpha. I couldn’t out–strength him, but I could outsmart him.
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Chapter One Hundred Thirty–Two
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“It would seem your ex–mate has shown up without his army. He’s about to find out that my army just doubled.” He taunted with
a chuckle.

“Dorian, please don’t do this, please,” I begged. He leaned
over me, a hand on the back of the chair I was tied to. I shivered when his warm breath blew against my ear.
“And why would I do that, Evie? I almost have everything. Soon I’ll have the biggest pack and the only known Luna wolf as my
fated mate. If you didn’t run, he wouldn’t have to die,” He whispered the last part, before pushing off the chair to stand to his full
Dorian snapped his fingers and his men followed behind him. as he went to leave the room. I fought against my restraints, the
chair banging against the floor. I can’t let him kill Blake. And I know Channing wouldn’t give up without a fight.
“Dorian, don’t do this!” I yelled, as I fought harder, the zip ties digging painfully into my wrists. The door banged loudly behind the
last warrior, leaving me alone. Tears rolled down my cheeks as my sobs ripped from my chest.
“Please don’t do this.”
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