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Fated To The Alpha (Ezra, Katya)

Chapter 121
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Fated To The Alpha by Jessica Hall Chapter 121

Katya POV

I wake to find my hands tied behind my back, my ankles tied together and a blade against my throat.

“Try anything and I will let my men have their fun with you” Comes a voice, I thought I would never hear again. I

glance up and find I am across the lap of Darian and two men I am not familiar with. Darian smirks down at me.

“Miss me?” He asks and I growl at him when he grips my hair pushing my head back down in his lap. The blade

digging into my throat and slicing my skin.

“I will enjoy watching you be ripped to pieces” I spit at him. His grip tightening in my hair as I

stared at his face, he looked so much like his father it sickened me, his green eyes menacing as he watched my


“See you still have your mothers sharp tongue not that it helped you before but I will enjoy seeing what you can do

with it” He says bumping his hips into the back of my head and I could feel the bulge under my head, the sick f*ck. I

wiggle trying to move my head away from his crutch. I try to feel for my mates, try using the mind link when I feel a

prick in my th!gh making my eyes snap back to focus on Darian who was holding up a needle.

“Night night Kat” He purrs and I feel my vision blur, his face becoming distorted as my vision warped. I fight against

it, fight the urge to succumb to it when I hear the tyres screeching.

“I thought you said he was dead?” I hear Darian yell above me. I try to turn my head to see what he is talking about

but can only see the back of the front seats in the car.

“Don’t stop, run him down” I hear Darian say before feeling the car speed up before hearing it hit something, pain

radiating through me making me scream before I hear the car stop.

“F*cking grab them” I hear before hearing gun shots and I am shoved into the footwell of the car as I am shoved of

their laps as they get out of the car just before my vision goes black.

I wake to the sound of dripping, a continuous dripping noise of water hitting concrete. My head rolls heavily to the

side and I try to move my hands that are pulled painfully behind my back. I could hear someone breathing heavily,

the sound raggard and wheezing. I force my eyes open to see the concrete wall in front me. My vision was blurring

and the contacts weren’t helping with my imparied vision. I could smell blood and lots of it.

I tried to scan my surroundings yet my neck could barely hold my head up, everything hurt. My h!ps were k!lling,

my ribs were k!lling and my leg felt like it was broken. Yet I knew the pain wasn’t mine.

I blink, trying to blink my vision clear when I pick up Ezra’s scent and adrenaline hits me, my heart racing when I

realise it’s his blood I could smell, his

pain I could feel. My head whips to the side and I see they have him in a bathtub chained down. The smell of

burning flesh as he was placed in a tub of wolfsbane. I could see the purple flowering plants floating in the water,

his head just above the water resting on the side of the claw foot tub, while his arms were chained above his head

to the wall, the only thing stopping him from slipping under the water.

“Ezra” I croak out just as I hear a door open. The heavy door groaned as it was pushed open.

“Ooh there is my feisty Luna” Comes Darian’s sneering voice.

“Hey baby miss me?” He says stopping in front of me, he crouches down his hands on my knees and I struggle

trying to break free my legs tied to the chair legs as he ran his hands up my thighs a gun in his hand before the

barrel presses against my stomach when his hand stops at the apex of my

legs. I just needed him closer, close enough to sink my teeth into him. I was livid and I couldn’t get the image of

Ezra’s body covered in burns from the wolfsbane.

“Your mate and that stupid Alpha from the Forest Howlers pack thought they could take on three of my cars” He

clicks his tongue before laughing.

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“You must have one hell of a pu**y, not many would throw themselves in front of a moving vehicle” he says and I

growl at him.

“You are disgusting” I tell him.

“No, my father was disgusting, a digusting Alpha and a fcking coward, you were mine Kat, your mother promised

you to me. And now you have to go and get yourself knocked up by this ar$ehole, never mind I will take care of that

soon enough. But first I need you to do something for me ” He says but I was still stuck on his words, he said I was

knocked up, knocked up as in pregnant and the fck could he possibly know that?

“Before you say no, I have your mate, and The forest Alpha, you will do as I ask Kat. I have no problem putting a

bullet in their head otherwise” He says tapping my face with the gun.

“Where is your father?” I ask him. He pinches the bridge of his nose in frustration, his dark hair falling in his eyes

before he sighs.

“Dead, he didn’t like it too much when I told him to cut a deal with Andrei to k!ll your mother, apparently he had a

thing for her for years. I only care about one thing and I don’t give a f*ck who I have to k!ll even my own father and

mother, b!tch wouldn’t stop crying. The wailing ah I couldn’t stand the wailing so k!lled her too just to shut her up”

he says with a shrug. So that meant this sick

f*ck was now Alpha. The thought sickened me, I didn’t think he would have the balls to take on his own father

clearly I underestimated him.

“You k!lled your own dad?” I ask, shocked he was only a few months older than me. I grew up with him and he was

always so eager to please his father, so eager to grab his attention.

“Yes b*stard tried to stop me from taking my rightful title if she wasn’t my sister I would have k!lled her, turns out I

actually like her out of my entire family I love my sister so when she told me, that father was handing the pack to

her instead of me, well that was enough to anger me”he says his eyes darkening.

“ A girl, he was going to strip me of my title and give it to my baby sister” He chuckles, shaking his head.

“She would never betray me, but now that’s the issue I am having. See Tabitha is sick, very sick and she hasn’t got

long to live left, I need you to heal her, every few months for the rest of her life. That’s where you come in” He

smiles and I fight the urge to shiver.

“Go f*ck yourself” I tell him.

“No, but you will after you reject your mates, did you know Lunar wolves could reject their mates even after they

have been marked, literally heal themselves of the mate bond, Tabitha told me found that rather interesting” No i

didn’t know that but I glare at him, I was not rejecting my mates.

“So first I need you to heal my sister then we will get down to this mate business, you will reject Ezra then I will

mark you so I have you, though I am curious as to how he managed to mark you twice ” He says flicking my hair

over my shoulder and staring at my mark.

This idiot has k!lled his own father knowing nothing of what is going on, knows nothing of me being a Gemini wolf

and clearly has no idea I actually have two mates and them having marked each other their scents blended as one

and it was clear he had no idea what he had got himself into.

“You really should have left the pack to your father, clearly you are too stupid to run a pack, clearly all those

braincells are used for breathing only” I tell him and he growls before I feel the back of his hand connect with my


My head whips to the side and I feel my teeth rattle, my face burning before he grips my face, his fingers dig in

painfully to my cheeks when I hear a growl beside me. Darian smirks, turning his gaze to Ezra.

“Hey cuz, just having a friendly chat with your mate, not that you can do anything about it, how is your bath, is the

water alright, hasn’t gone cold?” He asks and Ezra growls. I turn my head slightly to see Ezra glaring at him. Darian

laughs sadistically and I realise he has lost the plot severely. He was always a jerk growing up but something was

seriously unhinged in him.


“It must suck knowing not even your father wanted you as Alpha” I tell him and he looks back at me, his lips pulling

back over his lips as he snarls at me.

“Was it to do with your intellect, clearly that is lacking, or was it to do with the fact that Tabitha always surpassed

you in everything, or was it” – His hands wrap around my throat, as he cuts off my air. I could feel my face changing

colour as he deprived me of oxygen.

I could hear Ezra struggling with his chains as he tried to break free but his strength would do him no good while in

a bath of Wolfsbane and he couldn’t heal. His voice flitted in my head.

“Mateo will come for us, just do what he says” Ezra says yet my eyes felt like they were pulsating in my head as his

grip got tighter. Darian’s face inches off mine and I could hear Ezra yelling at him and still struggling but I couldn’t

focus on what they were saying. Darian suddenly lets go and I gasp, sucking in much needed air.

“You will mind your tongue or next time I will cut it from you” He growls at me. Suddenly the door opens again

before I hear a trolley being wheeled in and I see Andrei strapped to a table. His entire body covered in blood, he

had wounds all over him and I could smell the wolfsbane that had been crushed into his wounds, smell the sizzling

of his flesh as the toxins ate away at his flesh like the water was doing to Ezra.

“I am curious as to why he was helping you, even after he k!lled your mother. I will admit I jumped the gun a little

before I found out all the facts. Yet when I learned my father was standing me down, I kind of lost it. Tabitha told me

what she could but even she didn’t know much, just that Andrei here traded your mothers life for some old

documents. So Kat tell me why the forest howlers pack is now helping you, and you seem to have forgiven him for

your mothers murder. What am I missing?” He says tapping his gun on his forehead as he thought.

I stare at Andrei, half his skin was missing from the gravel rash, his arm was broken, the bone jutting out of his skin.

I was beginning to understand why suddenly jackson’s pack attacked Andrei’s. We thought it odd but now I realise

Jackson wasn’t even stupid enough to go to war with not only Ezra but Andrei.

His son however being the brain dead twit he is with a god complex, clearly knew nothing and was just attacking for

the sake of it, trying to scare off his rivals, he has lived behind his father reputation for so long but now he was

trying to make his own. Not even Jackson has been stupid enough to send his men over pack territory he has no

control over, this was purely for this sick b*stards entertainment.

I now knew why Jackson wouldn’t want to give him the Pack. His son was sick and depraved, a danger to his own

Pack with his ruthlessness, and the insanity I could see behind his green eyes. It is no wonder as to why he would

give the Pack to Tabitha and why he needed me.

His pack would suffer in the hands of his sicko of a son, this is why he needed me to heal Tabitha, she was the only

one ever to be able to keep Darian in check. His sister and him were always close, he was always quick to defend

her and her him. We all heard the rumours growing up how Tabitha would cover up for her brother, bribe his victims

to remain quiet but I always thought they were merely rumours because for the most part he seemed well put

together, the king of the school.

Yet I had heard the rumours and clearly his father had too about his wild partying ways and the drugs and the girls

that fell victim to him, but everything was usually swept under the rug by Tabitha. No one wanted to get on her bad

side, her brother even less.

No one wants to go against their future alpha and he exploited that for years but now with his father gone, no one

to cover up for him, he was a whole other level of crazy.

“Oh I almost forgot to tell you the good news” Darian says, turning to Ezra.

Ezra growls at him and his eyes flicker for a second and I check to see if Darian notices, but he was too busy

distracted with his own thoughts to notice Maddox growing wild within him and I could feel him trying to break down

the wall that wolfsbane had forced over Ezra.

“Did you know Kat here is expecting your mutt?” Darian says waving his gun at me. Ezra looks at me before his

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eyes dart to me.

“Is this true?” Ezra asks worriedly.

“No idea” I tell him but Darian appeared to be enjoying our little exchange.

“ It’s true, I had your blood tested before I tried to feed it to my sister. I had to make sure you didn’t have any

diseases after sleeping with my mutt of cousin, he got around alot before you. Turns out your blood didn’t heal her,

so I am guessing you have to actually do something specific to heal her”

I growl at him and he walks over to Ezra pushing the gun to the side of his head. “ So you will tell me, you are

supposed to be this mystical healing wolf, now how do you heal her and don’t lie to me or I shoot your mate, he

won’t survive a gunshot to the head, or should I shoot Andrei?” He says moving and tapping the gun to his chin. I

hoped it went off in his face but it didn’t.

He walks over to Andrei sticking his fingers in one of his wounds, he hisses but ignores the pain of the wolfsbane

burning his fingers and Andrei moans in pain, when Darian then lets his claws extend, jamming them in his


“You never did tell me why he was helping you” He says, jamming his claws deeply into his shoulder making Andrei


“He is my brother” I scream, wanting him to stop and I see Darians eyes flash dangerously, a devious smile

spreading on his sadistic face.

“Interesting, now since you are talking how do you heal my sister” He says, jamming his claws in and twisting his

hand in Andrei’s shoulder. Again he thrashed on the table he was strapped to.

“I have to bite her, mark her” I scream out in a rush and he stops. He cocks his head to the side

thinking, before he pulls his claws from Andrei and pulls the gun on Ezra again.

“You have to bite her and mark her?” He asks but my voice never waivers as I stare back at him.

“Yes, I have to mark her, give her the lunar mark” I lie to him.

“Fine” I watch his glaze over as he mindlinks someone.

“I will take you to my sister and you heal her and I may think about letting your brother live” He says “No you want

me to heal her, you will let them both go. I want them back on their territory with proof or I am not helping her” I

tell him and he growls before walking over to me and hitting me with the butt of his gun. I feel my blood trickle

down into my eye and Ezra makes a pained noise and I see his head start bleeding while my wounds heal.

“You are in no position to negotiate, I have your mate and your brother”

“ I am the only one that can heal her, you either let them go or I let her die, you are the one in no position to


He raises the gun pointing it at Ezra. “Do it, go on. Do it and I will listen to your pain while you watch her die ” I warn

him hoping I was calling his bluff and not k!lling my mate.

“ I will let one of them go and you reject your mate before I let him leave” Darian says, leaning down to glare at


“Fine let Ezra go and I want to know for sure he is okay and off pack territory. Only then I will heal Tabitha ” I tell

him, my heart sinking that I couldn’t get Andrei out. I just hoped Mateo and the other pack Alphas had a plan.

“Definitely not, you are not rejecting me” Ezra snaps and I feel my heart clench, but to save him I have no choice. I

won’t let my mates die for me and that is what will happen when I k!ll Tabitha. I know their lives are tied to mine,

Darian will k!ll me and they wont be dying with me.

“Don’t you dare ” Ezra growls through the link. I feel my eyes brim with tears but I already made up my mind.

“I love you both and I will not lose either of you” I tell him.

“ah trouble in paradise, it’s okay Ezra I will take good care of your mate” Darian taunts him and I feel Maddox, he

was so close to the surface now and

the rage through the bond was starting to scrare me.