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Fated To The Alpha (Ezra, Katya)

Chapter 103
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Fated To The Alpha by Jessica Hall Chapter 103

Maddox POV

Ezra never gave me control when it came to Kat, yet I could see he was struggling with his temper which I knew

was coming directly from Kat, her anger fueling him and he never felt so out of control before, usually my temper

scared him but for once he was scared of himself. Either way I was more than comfortable in both forms as I

watched Andrei leave.

Even Mateo I could feel was becoming annoyed, making me wonder if it was all from Kat. Her usually shy and

placid mindset had slowly left over the last couple of days and Mateo and we thought she might be going into heat

again since Mateo marked her but instead we got left with this demon version of my kitty.

Mateo mindlinks Ezra as we walk toward the car, yet Ezra was ashamed of his behaviour; he never intended to lose

his cool with her but she had been constantly screaming at us for the last three days. Ezra ignores him pushing

back further where Mateo couldn’t reach him.

“You drive, I will deal with her” I tell him, opening the car door, he looks at me worried as he climbs out.

“He has given me control Mateo” I mindlink to him, sliding across the back seat as Mateo climbed in the driver’s


“You seem calm” Mateo notes, and I felt it rather calming talking to Mateo, we didn’t talk much. I mainly spoke to

Ares, when I did talk to Mateo it usually involved me yelling at him or him copping my nager, but since we marked

him. I actually find him and Kat make me rather centred now.

“I am, Ezra was having trouble controlling himself” I tell him before turning to look at Kat as he starts the car. She

shuffles away realising Ezra didn’t have control and I unclip her seatbelt before yanking her onto my lap. Her scent

made me growl softly as I pressed my face into the crook of her neck.

“You aren’t going to hurt her are you?” Mateo mindlinks me. I say nothing. I don’t want to hurt her, not intentionally


“Do I need to pull over Maddox?” Mateo asks when I say nothing and I see him glance at me in the mirror before

realising Kat had goosebumps rushing over her skin.

“No, I am fine ” I tell him, when Kat suddenly bites me trying to get my arm off her chest. I growl at her.

“Let me go, you big furry brute” She says. I pull my arm away looking at it, her blunt teeth barely breaking the skin.

I growl at her enjoying the way she cringes when I press my canines against her throat. I always found it amusing

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that she wasn’t scared of me until the teeth came out.

She freezes and I see Mateo’s eyes dart to me nervously and I could feel him debating with himself whether or not

to pull over and get me away from her.

I run my canines over her shoulder and her breathing hitches, her heart rate increases thumping loudly against my

hand that is holding her against me.

“Maddox?” Mateo says, slowing the car down and I could see he was about to pull over, probably the only thing I

liked about Mateo before I marked him was as much as he feared me, he was first to react and jump in against me

to protect Ezra from the damage I sometimes caused. No matter how many times I had injured him he always

stayed even when Ezra told him to run. I knew he would give his life for our mate, even if it meant me killing him,

though now just the thought of hurting him makes me queasy.

“I’m fine, keep driving, I find her temper more amusing than annoying” I tell him, feeling the car increase in speed.

“Not so smart mouthed now kitty” I tell her and I feel her temper rise, feel her anger bubbling at my words. Mateo

pulls into the driveway and Kat tries to scramble off me.

“Stop” I tell her when I feel her elbow me in the ribs. Yet she still struggles, making me wonder how much worse

her attitude was going to get. Andrei said it was from her needing to shift. I found it amusing but I wanted my kitty

back. This side of her was making Ezra uncomfortable with himself. Ezra was the calm while I was the storm, yet he

gave me control which in some ways scared me.

Fear wasn’t something I felt often but each time I have felt it was something to do with Kat.

Mateo opens the door and I climb out of the car, dragging a struggling Kat with me. She drops her weight and I only

just manage to grip her arms before she slides onto her butt and escapes. I pick her up, her entire body thrashing

as she tries to escape my grip when I chuck her over my shoulder. I grip the back of her thighs to stop her from

kicking me. Mateo was watching her and I could feel his concern for her but I could feel he was also becoming

annoyed with her erratic behaviour. At least now we know it isn’t her fault and that she wasn’t being a brat for no


“Put me down” She screeches and I have never seen her so out of control before. She was almost manic as she

tried to escape, hitting and scratching at my back.

“Don’t hurt her” Ezra tells me coming forward at the sound of her manic voice.

“I’m trying not to but she is bloody hurting me with her nails tearing apart your back” I tell him.

“What’s wrong with her” Mateo says opening the door to the house, her breathing was increasing and I was now

struggling to hold onto her as she continued to thrash wildly. I had no idea what was wrong with her but the feeling

oozing off her felt out of control, like she was losing her mind with her anger.


“I don’t know” I tell him climbing the stairs, Kat suddenly starts thrashing again nearly tumbling off my shoulder and

I barely catch her before she falls on the stairs. Ezra watches worriedly when she suddenly starts clawing at her

face and ripping out her hair. Mateo quickly grips her wrists and pulls them away from her face and hair.

“We need to get her upstairs” I tell him suddenly becoming increasingly worried, this wasn’t kat. She was acting

insane. Just as we reach the second level she turns in my arms managing to force Mateo to let her go, her nails

scraping down my face before she knees me in the side of the head making me drop her. Mateo grabs her around

the waist as she jumps up. Kat throws her head back, headbutting him when I notice her gold eyes had turned

black, even the scleras were black. She looked demonic and possessed, her strength was astonishing as she tosses

him off like he weighs nothing.

“Maddox, do something, something is wrong with her” Ezra tells me suddenly trying to take control back. Her

breathing was so heavy she was almost panting when I saw her eyes dart to the door on the floor below, she

suddenly took off and I realised she was going to jump off the balcony overlooking the floor below. Ezra shoves

forward because I was too shocked at her behaviour to react. Mateo screams for her trying to get to his feet when I

feel Ezra take control, shoving me back with blinding speed.

Ezra POV

I had never seen her like this before, never in my life did I think I would ever see her like this as I watched her.

Maddox stares at her stunned at her fury when she runs toward the balcony.

“Kat no” Mateo shrieks jumping to his feet and I shove forward gripping the back of her shirt and yanking her back.

She falls on top of me and I wrap my arms around her holding her still before rolling so I was sitting on her back.

Her hands clawing at

any part of me she could reach as Mateo came over trying to hold her still as she flailed around.

My heart was racing at the sight of her, her anger igniting mine and I couldn’t understand how her mindset

completely shifted, she had been off for days and I thought it was because Kora wasn’t talking to her, yet I don’t

think she even realised how much attitude she had been giving us, not necessarily what she was saying but the way

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she talking to us. She had been snapping and snarling at us for days and it had been driving Mateo and I insane but

today, today it was like a switch flicked in her head and now this is what is left.

She rolls beneath me, her nails digging into my leg as she tries to shove me off. Mateo holding her arms down. “Shh

kat calm down babe ” Mateo tells her soothingly before looking at me. He looked terrified not of her but for her.

She turned her head biting into my leg when she wasn’t getting anywhere by hitting us now that Mateo had her

arms pinned to the floor.

“Ezra what do we do?” Mateo says but I was clueless, I had never dealt with her like this, this was something else.

“Remark her” Maddox tells me, my heart was pounding in my chest, my blood boiling in my veins making me

wonder if Mateo was getting the same second hand anger from her.

“Mark her again Ezra” Maddox snaps at me when she starts screaming and thrashing harder, Mateo’s wrists were

bleeding from where she had bit and scratched him, trying to get her hands free.

Suddenly Mateo pulls her head to the side before looking at me wanting me to mark her again to knock her out. I

didn’t want to hurt her, I felt guilty enough for slamming her on the table and yelling at her.

“Do it Ezra hurry” Mateo yells at me. I swallow pushing the guilt aside before letting my canines elongate. I rip her

up by her shoulders, sinking my teeth into her neck. She screams and starts thrashing before her thrashing slows,

her hits becoming weaker before she turns limp. Her breathing slows and I let her go gently, putting her back down,

to find her face slack as she passed out.

Yet I could feel her anger still, feel the manic cold darkness wash over me the moment I sank my teeth into her, like

it left her and rushed into me. I rolled off her moving away from her and I could feel Maddox stirring and growling in

my head. My entire body trembling as I fought against him wanting to shift and tear apart something.

Mateo was breathing heavily as he stared at me and I knew he could feel the shift in us.

“You right?” He asks me and I stare at Kat passed out on the floor. Maddox felt wild inside me and I knew Mateo

could feel it. I needed to let him out before he took over, if I didn’t he may not give me control back and I don’t

want him to take out what the hell rushed over kat that was now in us on them.

“Go, leave I will take care of Kat, Go Ezra” Mateo tells me. Fur was sprouting on my arms and I was too scared to

move, worried the moment I did he was going to shove forward.

“Now! I can feel him, Ezra you need to go” Mateo says, scooping up kat.

I force myself to my feet, clutching the bannister, m y claws sinking into the wood and leaving marks. “Ring Andrei,

find out what the f*ck with is wrong with her” I spit out through gritted teeth, I could feel my fingers start snapping

and rush down the stairs. I barely make it outside before my clothes are in tatters, Maddox forcing the shift and

running toward the forest.