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Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane

Faking it with Damian Black by Louise Jane Chapter 37
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Chapter 37


The next tI opened my eyes, I was back at Damian’s place. I had been asleep

for a day, though it felt like I’d been asleep for a whole week.

Mom, Dad, Nancy, Erick, Candice, and Andrea dropped by and checked up on

me. Damian’s room beca mini garden from all the fiowers they brought.

Mom and Nancy stacked the fridge with food. They were all worried about me,

and I had to put

a facade that I’d be fine. It dawned onthat they didn’t know what really

happened inside my room.

It helped that I was physically okay. Apart from a few bruises, a laceration on

the back of my head, and the fading handprint on my ankles, I was fine.

Candice putup to date on everything that happened while I was

unconscious. She said that Damian was adamant about lettingstay in the

hospital. The cops arrested my assailant, but since Damian did a good number

on him, they brought him straight to the hospital. Four broken ribs, dislocated

arms, and his face was barely recognizable. I’ve yet to know who he was and

what he wanted from me. Part ofwas eager to learn his reasons for targeting

me; the other was still terrified of facing the truth. Candice pointed out that

Damian was handling the case on my behalf. Not even my dad knew anything as

of this moment.

Mom appreciated Damian’s request that I stay here with him while the

investigation was rolling. My b*dy was tired, but my mind wouldn’t letrest.

It’s the emotional and psychological effects of what happened that I’m finding it

hard to cope with. I get easily startled, and I hate being alone, like tonight.

A knock on the door madestiffen. I’d been lost in my head, staring at

nothingness since everyone left.

“Hey.” Damian entered the room. I hadn’t seen him since I opened my eyes, and

the relief that washed over confounding.

He hired two security guards for me, but seeing him remove the boulder that I

didn’t know was weighing down my shoulder.

I smiled at him. “Hey,”

He dropped his suit jacket on the foot of the bed, tossed his tie on top of it, and

sat on my side. “How are you feeling?”

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Stars must have been sparkling in my eyes. This was the first tI genuinely

smiled since I woke up. I was happy to see everyone, but they didn’t know what

happened tolike Damian did. He knew the horror this guy b the hotel.

“I’m fine,” I said, fiinching when Damian reached for my hand.

He frowned. He didn’t need a lie detector to know I was lying straight in his face,

but he played along. enough food in the fridge to feed us to next week. Got

scraving for tonight?”

“I’m not hungry,” another lie. There was a hollow pit in my belly that not even

my favorite wild rice soup co eaten bowl still sat on the bedside table. Damian’s

eyes fell on it.

Nodding, Damian gathered the unfinished food and went to wash the dishes.

When he returned, he had myand a glass of water.

“I’ll be in the room next to yours,” he said once I downed all my pills.

my life since

1 didn’t want him to leave. Being alone terrified me, but I didn’t want to impose.

He’d already done so much for me. “T you, Damian”

He assessedfor a beat, looking unconvinced, before leaving the room.

I tossed and turned on the bed. The mechanical sound of the digital clock

sitting on the bedside table was louder than the waves crashing on the shore. It

was like a countdown to my final destination. I had already given up on sleep

when Damian


09:27 Sat, Feb 10 M.

Chapter 37

checked up on me. “Can’t sleep?”


I bite my l*p. He’d probably seen the light in my room. I tried turning the lights

off, but my mind kept playing tricks on me. as though someone was watching

monster lay under my bed.

I nodded. Damian closed the door behind him. No words were exchanged

between us. I gave room for him on the bed. He offeredhis arms, and a sigh

of relief tumbled down my l*ps when his warmth enveloped me. He turned the

lights off, and I dozed off as quickly as darkness blanketed the room.

The next day. I woke up cocooned in Damian’s arms. Our faces were so close, his

breath fanning my forehead. Dark bags circled his eyes, and day-old stubbles

dusted his jaw. His eyelids fiuttered open, and like always, I was once again

sucked by those intense green pools like a moth to a fiame.

He blinked the sleep away from his eyes, pinningwith a stare. “Hey”

“Hey,” I broke my gaze from him, staring at his throat

“Were you watchingsleep?” a teasing hint in his gruff voice.

“I… I just want to thank you for everything you’ve done, Damian.” I wiggled free

from his hold.

As gently as he could, he drewcloser and k*ssed my forehead, surprising

me. “I promised I’d take care of you. I failed… twice. That will never happen


“Damian…” I wanted to tell him he didn’t need to blhimself for what

happened. He savedtwice. If it wasn’t for him, I would be nursing more than

just bruises and scratches. But he shook his head and k*ssed my head again.

“I’ll make breakfast,” he got out of the room without allowingto say another


“Detective Lean will be here in an hour.” Damian set his phone down on the

dining table.

Seeing what Damian prepared for breakfast – scrambled eggs, toast, whole

wheat pancake, and fruit smoothie gavean appetite. But the mention of

Hunter made my stomach sink. This was the first the brought up the case.

Sweat formed in my palms, my knife and fork sl*pping from my hold. I lift my

gaze from my plate of scrambled eggs and pancakes. My stomach is turning

over. Talking to Hunter meant I needed to go over what happened play-by-

“I can tell him we’ll go to the station when you’re ready.” Damian said over his

cup of coffee.

“Who was the guy that attacked me?” I mustered enough courage to ask.

Damian pondered on it before looking atsteadily. “He’s a member of a local


“What? A gang member?” I frowned.

Damian left the kitchen, went upstairs, and handeda manila folder when he

cback. Bile rose from my ba cface to face with my assailant. I knew it

was him. I will never forget those eyes and that cut above his l*p.

It was his bio. RFletcher. It also contained the basic information about him

and all the crimes he’d been involve

“Drug trafficking. Drug use. Gun smuggling. Assault and attempted murder?” my

hands were trembling as I set the pap down. “I… I don’t know him. How the hell

did I bechis target?”

This information was mind-numbing. Damian watchedintently as I

processed Rome’s bio.

“Someone hired him.” He sounded so sure.

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09:27 Sat, Feb 10




“I’ll get to the bottom of this, Millicent.” His jaw was set on a hardline. He put his

elbows on the table, joining his hand. The cords on his forearms were ready to

explode. His expression was dangerous. “The last thing I want is to make you go

back to everything he did. But if there was anything he said that could help me

find out who hired him, tellnow.”

I couldn’t keep the information to myself anymore, so I told Damian what Rome

said tofrom the hotel and to the night. in my room. When I was done, the

back of my shirt was soaked in cold sweat. Damian’s chair fell back when he

pushed off from the dining table. Anger billowed like white smoke from his skin.

“You should’ve toldthis the first tit happened, Millicent, he was fuming

mad. “What the f uck were you thinking?”

I jumped from my seat as his voice rose. “L… I was scared he’d hurt someone

else I care about.”

“Look at you now,” he gestured atwith open palms. “He assaulted you! If I

didn’t cback…. If I wasn’t there…”

“Damian-” Tears gathered on my bottom lids.

“I don’t know what I’d do if anything worse happened to you. Millicent. I

couldn’t forgive myself for not being able to protect you” His jaw fiuttered.

I stood from my chair and threw myself at him, tears rolling down my cheeks. I

hate that he’s blaming himself for what happened “It wasn’t your fault”

“No.” he heldtight and buried his face in the crook of my n*eck. His entire

b*dy was shaking in anger, in regret, I’m not sure. But his emotions were

slithering through my entire b*dy. I was half certain that this happened because

of me. Now I’m sure that this all happened because you got tangled with me. I

won’t stop until you’re safe again, you hear me? I won’t.”