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Echoes of Unrequited Love

Chapter 4
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Chapter 4

This was definitely rubbing salt into the wound for us, who were already up to our eyeballs in debt.

We had a peaceful afternoon, and Wallis and | gradually cback to our senses, deciding to keep looking for


At nine in the evening, | dragged myself back to my place, listless. No sooner had | stepped out of the elevator

than | spotted someone from a distance.

The hallway was dimly lit, and there was a man leaning against the wall with his arms folded, his expression

hidden in the darkness, but a hint of crimson showing at his fingertips.

It was Hogan.

As the motion-sensor light flicked on, Hogan and | locked eyes in the charged air.

The smell of smoke was choking.

| looked at him and said casually. “What a coincidence.”

Hogan didn’t say a word.

| felt an oppressive tension bearing down onand kept explaining, “We're already scouting for other financial

backers, so Mr. Zade, no worries.”

| wasn’t scared of rubbing Hogan the wrong way, but | had to consider the whole company.

Sure enough, when | put it that way, Hogan's aggressive aura simmered down a bit.

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| didn’t say much more, just reached for the door. But then, | heard Hogan say, “We'll fund the project.”

My hand froze on the doorknob, and an odd feeling flickered through me.

Looks like he'd already checked out the project proposal.

But why?

Hogan isn’t short on big projects, and if he wanted to collaborate, he could have just reached out to Wallis

directly. Why go to the trouble of waiting here?

| lowered my gaze, wanting to ask, but not sure

| had a hunch it wasn’t that simple.

how to broach the subject.

Sure enough, Hogan followed up with, “But | have one condition.”

I knew it.

Meeting Hogan's gaze, | said politely, “Please, Mr. Zade, go ahead.”

“Cecilia needs a project for her graduation design. | want her involved in this game.


Chapter 4

So, he wanted to gild his girl Cecilia with all our hard work.

| curled my fingers into a fist, then relaxed, and said. “I'll report to President Lott first thing in the morning.”

| was just a tech stakeholder; | couldn't reject Hogan's olive branch over personal matters.

Besides, we were strapped for cash, seriously strapped.

Hogan seemed taken aback by my composure, gavea brief glance, and simply acknowledged.

When he makes that face, it usually means the conversation is over.

| smartly went inside without another word.

Outside, his footsteps faded away, and | crouched down, burying my face in my knees.

The next morning. | broke the news to Wallis that Rainbow Capital was willing to invest.

Wallis was dumbstruck for a moment, then quipped, “Even a jerk’s connections are connections, huh?”

| couldn’t help but laugh and cry at the stime, then | brought up Hogan's condition. After hearing it, Wallis

patted my shoulder, comforting me. “Think about that sprawling 208 square meter apartment, and those male

models at the club. We gotta take the money.”

| nodded pragmatically. “Can’t let this opportunity get away.”

So, Wallis and | went back to Rainbow Capital.

This time, the receptionist led us to the CEO’s office on the top floor.

Just before pushing the door open, | faintly heard a girl's crispy laughter. Looking up, | saw Cecilia sitting

demurely next to Hogan, laughing without a care.

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She immediately put sdistance between herself and Hogan when she saw us enter, blushing as she said,

“I'll leave you guys to it.”

“No need,” Hogan stopped her, his gaze falling on Wallis and me, “Say hello to your new colleagues.”

“New colleagues?” Surprise flickered in her eyes, quickly filling with a touch of grievance, Cecilia murmured, “Do

you think I'm dumb?”

“What are you talking about,” Hogan replied gently, “Aren’t you worried about your graduation project? Now

you've got one.”

Cecilia looked up, her face a picture of bewilderment.

Wallis elegantly reached out his hand, saying, “Yes, Ms. Irwin, welcto the LOVE STORY family.”

Cecilia looked at Hogan with joy and mixed emotions, “Hogan, you're so good to me.”


Chapter 4

| could tell the unexpected surprise touched Cecilia deeply.

And | was pretty surprised too.

Looking back over the past six years, | had given Hogan his fair share of surprises - anniversaries, birthday

parties, and the like, and | did it with pleasure.

Now, he seemed to be getting the hang of it.

Still, Hogan's inconsistent behavior lefta bit puzzled, but in the face of money, all that seemed trivial.

Hogan invested five hundred thousand.