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Echoes of Unrequited Love

Chapter 175
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Chapter 175 It was faint, but somehow warmer than when he spoke tojust moments before.

| calmly averted my gaze, thinking about Hogan's warning, and gently bit down on my back molars.

| focused on how to get Sean on my side.

Logically, after today’s negotiation turned pear-shaped, if | were to rashly approach Sean, I'd probably just be handing him an opportunity to keep stalling, just like Hogan said. So, | needed a go-between.

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Someone who could speak to bothand FreeMan.

After mulling it over, | zeroed in on Timothy.

In the afternoon, | showed up at Timothy's place with all my ducks in a row, but what I didn’t expect was to bump into him on his way out.

The sun-kissed boy was decked out in an all-black windbreaker, a matching cap on his head, and a pair of steampunk goggles that gave him a trendy and cool vibe.

He was also holding a walking stick, looking like he was gearing up for a hike.

Seeing me, he first froze, then anxiously blurted out, “Xaviera, what brings you here?” | hadn't called Timothy beforehand because, with such a big deal at stake, | feared he'd shutdown before we even met face to face. So, | had to suck it up and ask, “Heading out?” “Yep.” His voice was soft, carrying an unexplained distance.

It made sense. The kid was sharp. He probably had an Be why.l was there.

| felt awkward for a moment and just went with his flow, “It’s a bit of a trek to the trailhead. Mind if | chat with you briefly?” Timothy scratched his head, his eyes flickering with hesitation.

I understood. After all, Sean was his best bud, and he had to consider his friend's stance.

| didn’t want to put him on the spot, so | said apologetically, “You go ahead and have fun, we can talk another time.” Chapter 175 After saying that, | turned to leave, but just two steps away, Timothy's crisp voice called out from behind me, “Why the hell are you so set on teaming up with FreeMan? What's the big draw?” | stopped dead in my tracks and turned to face Timothy, only to see the boy looking displeased, with a stubborn spark in his eyes.

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| shot straight, “First off, Timothy's skills are top-notch. And after all this tworking together, | believe we've built a rapport. It makes for an easier transition, saving us a ton of tand money.” “And the life-or-death thing, how do you explain that?” The mention of life or death leftat a loss for words.

If | remember correctly, the last t| heard those words was on a questionnaire Morgan gave me.

But Morgan made it clear that only he and FreeMan himself would see my answers. How did Timothy find out? Could it be that Sean shared even such personal details with Timothy? And did Timothy also fully grasp the predicament Sean was in? | “I'd rather discuss this answer with Mr. Abbott in person,” | sidestepped Timothy's question, puzzled, “But before that, if you don’t mindbeing nosy, during this morning’s negotiation, | could sense that Mr. Abbott was tempted by our proposition, yet he still refused to collaborate. Is anything bothering him?” “What could bother him? It's just that he doesn’t want to mix work with personal life.

that’s all.” “There must be sreason, right?” “He doesn’t like to mix business with pleasure.” “Huh?” | stared at Timothy in surprise, but beneath those goggles, | saw his eyes darting about, desperately avoiding mine.

Suddenly, a bold guess strucklike lightning.

Piecing together the words about life and death, | blurted out, “Timothy, the truth is, Sean isn’t really FreeMan, is he?” Chapter 176.