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Echoes of Unrequited Love

Chapter 168
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Chapter 168 Hogan was dead serious when he said it.

Right in the spotlight.

| And that kinda threwfor a loop. All | could muster was a weak “uh-huh,” my face totally betraying me.

After all, this whole “work” thing was just smoke and mirrors.

But | was not ungrateful. | was crystal clear that without Hogan stepping up to bat forin tonight's farce, I'd have been left high and dry.

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But why, though? Mr. Brainiac himself surely knew the can of worms he’d open by speaking up for me, yet he went ahead and did it, way out of left field.

“All this hustle’s killed my vibe.” That crisp voice snappedback to reality. Next thing | knew, Hogan and Cecilia had vanished into the crowd, gone with the wind.

The others, seeing Timothy all wiped out, tried to cheer him up. But the guy was dead set on teaving. Looping his arm over my shoulder, he was all, “Xaviera is beat. Gotta take her home, right, Xaviera?” Timothy gavethose innocent puppy dog eyes as he dropped that last line, grinning from ear to ear.

| knew he was givingthe wink-wink, nudge-nudge.

| played along. “A bit, yeah.” Five minutes later, Timothy was leadingout of the {x | and towards the parking lot.

We hadn't gone far when sobs hit my ears. | stopped dead in my tracks and saw Hogan and Cecilia not too far off.

The girl was a mess, head hanging low, sniffling, “I just don’t get it. Why'd you have to lie for Xaviera?” The word “lie” pierced my ear and | froze.

So, Cecilia was in on it? “It’s not for her,” the guy sighed softly, his long fingers brushing her cheek, “I have my reasons.” 11:02 Chapter 168 His reasons.

| quickly looked away, my heart thumping like crazy.

Eavesdropping was no good, so | nudged Timothy, “Is the car here?” Seems he read my mind, “It’s chilly here. Let's wait up front.” An hour later, Timothy droppedoff at the hotel.

Scratching his head, he said with a hint of regret, “Sorry for the scare tonight.” Thinking about the near humiliation, | sheepishly said, “I should be the one apologizing. Killed the mood.” “No, it’s on me.” Timothy was adamant, a touch of urgency in his voice. “None of this. would've happened if not for me.” | eyed him, and suddenly the image of that mechanical cufflink flashed in my mind, leavingspeechless.

If, and | mean if, Sean really was FreeMan, Timothy's guilt made sense.

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Thinking about his relationship with Sean, | couldn't bring myself to ask.

After all, prying into a close friend's secrets would just put them on the spot.

| downplayed it, “Overall, had a blast today. Get srest.” Timothy left with a look of unsaid words on his face.

The kind that tugged at my heartstrings.

If my hunch was right, maybe there was still a chance for that deal? With that thought, | stumbled back to my room.

The wine hitlike a ton of bricks.

But just as | got to my door, | jumped out of my skin-the door was ajar.

Lights on inside.

Panicking, | walked over and looked up to see a tall figure silently standing by the window, motionless.