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Echoes of Unrequited Love

Chapter 155
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Chapter 155 Yeah, with his dashing good looks, no matter where he went, he was probably a chick magnet.

| knew when to make an exit, but then, in the next second, that crisp voice cfrom behind me, “Xaviera, why are you only coming down now? You hadwaiting, which was quite the ordeal.” The latter part, Timothy seemed to have put on a bit of an act, sounding kind of overdone. | turned around, puzzled, just in tto see Timothy breeze past a group of pretty girls and stride towards 1. me.

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“You...” “Xaviera,” Timothy cutoff, suddenly grabbed my sleeve, and said, “I know | messed up; can you please not be mad?” The girls behind him were visibly displeased. They were givingthe stink eye, their annoyance and irritation practically spilling out.

Seemed like Timothy planned on usingas a human shield. Sure enough, before long, the three girls left with a sour look in their eyes, obviously not happy about it.

“Alright, they're gone now.” | pulled back my sleeve from Timothy's grip, saying, “You overplayed it a bit.” Timothy chuckled, his nonchalant attitude coming through, “Xaviera, are you complimenting me?” He left this place yesterday with a face full of indignation, and here he was now, all smiles and jokes. Talked about a fast mood swing.

DAN 13:32 [x] Chapter 155 “Have you eaten breakfast?” | decided not to dwell on it, “I heard the pudding at the street corner is pretty good.” Timothy gave a slight bow, smiling at me, “Are you offering to treatto breakfast?” At the breakfast joint, Timothy was wolfing down the food in front of him.

To be honest, | was surprised. | didn’t think a rich young man could stomach such a down-to-earth eatery.

After a while, Timothy contentedly wiped the corner of his mouth and said, “I wasn’t lying; | really did cto find you.” The way how he kept calledgavethe jitters.

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“Something up?” “It’s about Sean. He's throwing a bash at River Villa tonight and insisted | bring a date.” Timothy said, batting those pretty, flirty eyes, “Would you dothe honor of accompanying me, Xaviera?” At that, my heart skipped a beat. Sometimes things just worked out - the very details of the party Hogan was so eager to know, | got. them effortlessly from Timothy on this random morning.

“What's up? Not convenient for you?” Thinking about my arrangement with Hogan, | felt torn. | never thought I'd have a stroke of luck fall right into my lap. But | didn’t know if | should take it.

“Don’t rush to answer, Xaviera.” Timothy saw my silence, awkwardly scratching his head, “I'm not used to inviting dates anyway. Look, it’s still early. Why don’t you take your tto think about it, okay?” Chapter 155 His suggestion was music to my ears.

After breakfast, he even walkedback to the hotel, making it a point before he left to say, “The party tomorrow night isn’t that big a deal, so don’t stress about it, Xaviera.” Watching his flustered face, he seemed miles away from his usual defiant self, somehow endearingly cute.

| cracked a smile, but as | turned around, | caught sight of Cecilia standing not too far off. She was holding a fruit basket, and as our eyes met, the young lady immediately beamed, “Xaviera, Hogan and | were worried about your foot, so we cto check on you.” “Thanks.” | responded coolly, “Have you been here long?” “Not too long.” Cecilia faltered, glancing in the direction Timothy had left, and cautiously asked, “Xaviera, was Mr. Temple inviting you to ssort of party just now?”