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Echoes of Unrequited Love

Chapter 152
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Chapter 152 When | brought up the idea of being discharged with the nurse, Hogan was the first one to jump down my throat.

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“Look at you, all sick and pale. You think you can get discharged?” His words were sharp as a tack, and his tone was colder than a witch's tit, “Cut the drama, Rainbow Capital isn’t picking up the tab for a partner who's brought it all on herself.” | mulled over what he meant and couldn't help but feel ridiculously amusing. Then, | heard Cecilia persuade gently, “Xaviera, Hogan's just looking out for you. Your health is your bread and butter; you've gotta take care of yourself first, right?” | All | felt was that my temples were throbbing, and I lost all desire to even speak. How could these two brainiacs not get it? The reason | didn’t want to stay in the hospital was to avoid seeing the two of them at the stime! But there they were, acting all butthurt as if | didn’t appreciate their good intentions. They really didn’t have a clue about the social graces.

Just when | was caught between a rock and a hard place, bam! The door slammed open, and there stood Timothy, panting at the doorway, his puppy-dog eyes filled with worry.

After his pretty eyes swept overfor a couple of seconds, he bee-lined it to my side and pointed at my ankle, “You forgot the doctor's orders? Wear socks, keep warm, why are you always so hard-headed?” Gone was his usual Mr. Nice Guy facade, replaced by a B. of 1/3 SEEN Chapter 152 sulk. That was the kind of imposing vibe that only the big shots had. Even if he looked young and usually approachable, in that moment, he couldn't hide his authority.

| was just about to explain when Cecilia butted in, “Mr. Temple sure is worried about you. Look, since Mr. Temple is here, why don’t you stay in the hospital for him, Xaviera?” Timothy did a double-take, looking at me, questioning, “You wanna leave?” “Exactly.” Cecilia piped up again, all woebegone, “Hogan and | couldn't talk her out of it. Mr. Temple, you have to convince her.” | curled my fingers, my thoughts a hot mess. | had only one thought - got out, these two out of here this instant.

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I didn’t want to see them for another second.

Timothy, sensing my discomfort, asked, “You feeling okay?” Before | could answer, Cecilia said, “Well, Hogan, since Mr. Temple is here, it seems we don’t need to stay tonight. What do you say, Xaviera?” | glanced at the so-called innocent eyes of the young girl and then at Hogan, who was silently standing by, and managed a lukewarm. reply, “Sure.” Getting rid of Timothy would be a piece of cake compared to these two.

But my response earned a snort from Hogan, “Ms. March's plans are always so thoughtful.” With that, he spun on his heel and left the room without a backward glance. Cecilia, taken aback, glanced atand then said, “Well, 2/3 SEEN Chapter 152 Xaviera, you get srest; we'll cto see you tomorrow.” “Tomorrow? | muttered to myself, “please don’t. Thanks but no thanks.” | looked up only to see Timothy with a smile on his face.

“What's up?” “Seems like | cjust in time.” Timothy said, eyeingand propping his chin, “Xaviera, do you know that | freaked out when | heard from Shirley that you passed out? And now I'm being used as a handyman by you.

Aren't you gonna thankproperly?” | knew this man was sharp, but he was even slicker than a fox. | was worn out, managing a strained smile, “Sorry, I'm really out of options.” “I knew something was off when | bumped into you at the commercial street.” Timothy glanced at me, saying, “But this Mr. Zade is not quite the man the rumors make him out to be.” “Oh? How so?” “Word around Rivertown is that the Zade family has this icy man, who looks all ascetic but with wicked skills.” Timothy paused, “but | think he’s missing a bit of gentlemanly charm. If it were me, | wouldn't dream of giving you such a hard time.” 3/3