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Echoes of Unrequited Love

Chapter 128
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Chapter 128 | didn’t expect Hogan to drop such a bomb onout of the blue. | was stuck between a rock and a hard place, not knowing whether to stay or go.

But then, Zachary stepped in to smooth things over, “Mr. Zade, Ms. March looks like she hardly hits the gym and seems totally wiped out.” At that, Hogan shot Zachary a frosty look and sneered. “You sure have an eye for details.” It was clear as day that Hogan was out to get me.

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Zachary’s mouth hung open for a sec, and he shotan aggrieved look, but he didn’t dare to make another peep.

| thought to myself, dealing with a boss with such a short fuse was really putting Zachary’s nerves to the test.

In that moment, the air was thick with awkwardness.

“Mr. Zade, lighten up, will ya?” Shirley chimed in then, “Us ladies just don’t have the stamina you guys do. How about this? I've got a win-win solution. Wanna hear it?” She spoke with a smile, totally unfazed by the chill on Hogan's face.

“Go ahead, President Stapleton.” “Since Ms. March is running on fumes, let's just give her enough tto recharge.” Shirley said with a cunning glint in her eye, turning to Zachary, “How about this, Zachary takes care of Ms. March, and I'll keep Mr. Zade company climbing the mountain. We'll meet at the mountaintop restaurant later, deal?” Her tone was inquiring, but it was obvious she had already made up her mind. Smart women often knew how to create their own opportunities. Shirley was one of "a Zachary was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly shot Hogan a look begging for backup. But Hogan dodged Zachary’s gaze like he was invisible.

Fair enough, turning down or immediately accepting an offer from a beauty like her would've been a no-go, especially since there was a Cecilia in the picture with him and Shirley.

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But Shirley’s suggestion was music to my ears. So | boldly said, “President Stapleton, you're so thoughtful. This way, | get to rest up without holding you and Mr. Zade back from enjoying the sea of clouds. It's the best of both worlds.” Shirley cracked a satisfied smile and turned to Hogan, “So, Mr. Zade, we good to go with this plan?” Then, without warning, those piercing eyes landed on me, and | heard Hogan say in a nonchalant tone, “Whatever.” Soon, onlyand Zachary were left at the viewing deck.

1051 docomo Chabler 128 Zachary took a sip of water and said, puzzled, “Xaviera, it's obvious President Stapleton is up to no good. Are you really cool with Mr. Zade going off with her alone?” Shouldn't Cecilia be the one to worry? | scoffed at myself. “After all, your boss is quite the charmer.” “Don’t get it twisted, Xaviera, Mr. Zade is just doing it for work.” gave Zachary a curious look and ribbed, “What kind of work involves going two by two with Ms. Stapleton?” “Xaviera, I'm telling the truth. Mr. Zade agreed to President Stapleton’s invite just to get his hands on that guest list.” Zachary was getting worked up, his voice growing louder. “Once we have it, we can find.

He clamped his mouth shut abruptly, panic-stricken, and blurted out, “Crap. Mr. Zade toldto keep it under wraps.” | mused for a few seconds and finally pieced together what was going on. So the reason why Hogan was giving Shirley the tof day, even willing to hike up a mountain to see a sea of clouds, was all because he was after that hotel's guest list.

That kind of info was super private; one couldn't even buy it with money. No wonder Hogan was willing to go the extra mile.

For Cecilia's sake, he really was going above and beyond. Since Shirley had something so important, | figured | needed to make nice with President Stapleton too.