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Echoes of Unrequited Love

Chapter 122
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Chapter 122 docomo In a breezy tone, Hogan just dropped this hot mess right on my shoulders. Suddenly, it felt like an invisible giant squeezing my heart, so tight | could barely the When we visited Morgan, me, Hogan and Cecilia were all there. It was hard enough to get the meeting since Hogan was busy pampering Cecilia with her career and leavingout in the cold Now that there was a curveball and things were heading south fast, he was looking atto clean up the mess Turned out after all this hustle, | was just the fall guy looked like - was like chasing a Convincing FreeMan- when we didn’t even have a clue what he looked like- fairy tale.

if by sfluke I pulled it off, that was justdoing my job. But if | didn’t, well, we all knew what was coming.

And there was Cecilla, ready to throw her hat in the ring. | curled my fingers, trying to claw back ssanity, and said with a hint of sarcasm. “Mr. Zade sure has a lot of faith in me.” | was obviously talking in opposites. Hogan got the hint and nonchalantly said, “Ms. March, aren't you full of tricks? Alright, this time. I'll give you plenty of room to showwhat your got. One week, | expect to see satisfying results.” One week. Not only did Hogan givea tough nut to crack, but he only gavea measly week The southern part of Meadowbrook was a famous tourist spot, crowded with thousands of visitors every day.

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Firlding FreeMan there in such a short twas like looking for a needle in a haystack.

It dawned onthat Hogan was probably settingup on purpose, targeting me.

Cecilia, seeing the situation, piped up. “Hogan, isn’t one week a bit too short? It's really putting Xaviera in a tight spot.

That was quite considerate of her.

Hogan looked atas if he'd heard a joke and said. “Ms. March, you feel it's too much?” | gritted my teeth and forced a casual tone, “Fine. I'll take on the mission.” When Wallis heard the whole story, she was livid, “This is the tto play dumb or throw a tantrum, for heaven's sake. Why not act cute with Hogan and save yourself the headache?” Tugging the corners of my lips, | replied, “You think I'm Cecilia?” “But the fact that FreeMan stood us up last minute is really weird.” Wallis snapped back to reality, pondering, ‘Seems this guy’s got more intel than we thought.” 12 10:50 7 docomo Chip 122 This just got trickier.

“No worries, I've already infiltrated FreeMan’s fan group. | believe we'll have new leads soon enough.” Wallis reassured me. “But it looks like you'll have to make the trip to Meadowbrook alone.

| The company couldn’t run without a boss; if we were both gone, it'd be chaos. | knew then that this time, | had to rely on myself.

But charging in blind would getnowhere: | needed a plan. As | was seriously scrolling through FreeMan'’s Twitter, a message suddenly popped up on my phone.

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“Xaviera, the insurance company has sorted everything out; you can pick up the car in four- days.” | opened it and saw it was a message from Timothy. Before leaving the art show that afternoon. we'd exchanged contact info.

The message also had a photo of the insurance company’s settlement receipt. Gotta say, the guy was pretty efficient.

“Thanks a lot. I'll transfer the money to you right away.

No sooner had | sent the message than Timothy called.

“Are you dissing me. Xaviera?” There was a hint of irritation in his voice as he gruffly said, “It's the other driver's fault entirely: how can | let you pay?” | explained, “You've been running around handling this; you deserve it.” “You really feel that way?” | didn’t expect such a question out of the blue and replied earnestly. “Truly and sincerely.”