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Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 2010: Mountain
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?Before Emery and his companions lay a breathtaking sight: a part of the mountain that stood majestically, seeming to meld seamlessly with the sky above. As they gazed upon it, they discerned a winding staircase disappearing into the ethereal cloudy mist that enveloped the peak.

As they approached, they noticed a massive wooden gate that marked the entrance to the climb. Hundreds of acolytes milled about, their faces a mix of determination preparing themselves for the ascent.

Grand Magus Aurora, her voice serene yet commanding, identified the imposing structure.

"This is Perseverance Mountain, successfully conquer this peak, and you shall earn the title of inner acolyte."

With measured words, the grand magus outlined the challenge that lay ahead: a staggering 11,674-step climb spanning six miles. Acolytes had a mere three hours to reach the summit; failure to do so would result in immediate teleportation back to the base.

Despite the apparent ease suggested by the distance and number of steps, there was an unspoken understanding among the group that this challenge held deeper complexities than mere physical exertion. The possibility of hidden obstacles or tests loomed over them, adding an air of mystery to the task at hand.

Titus's eagerness to take on the challenge was infectious, his enthusiasm spurring the others into action. "Let's do this!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with determination and excitement.

With their spirits high and their resolve firm, the four young acolytes eagerly prepared to embark on the ascent.

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Grand Magus Aurora decided it was time to conclude the tour.

"I still have other matters to attend to, we will speak again later" she announced asking Emery for personal time to talk tomorrow, "Meanwhile I will send someone to guide you."

Emery and the others expressed their gratitude to the Deputy Headmaster. Before departing, she turned to Emery with a meaningful expression.

"Thank you for accepting the position," she said softly, her words carrying a weight of significance. "I am sure your late master would be proud."

With that, the Deputy Headmaster bid them farewell, leaving Emery and his companions to contemplate the task that lay ahead.

As the four youngsters eagerly embarked on their attempts to conquer the Perseverance Mountain, Emery, Klea, and Ashaka decided to take a moment of respite. They sought refuge in a nearby wooden building where they ordered refreshments and observed the procession of hopeful acolytes approaching and departing from the daunting entrance gate.

"I wonder if they could make it on their first try," Emery mused aloud.

As the hours slipped by, the atmosphere grew increasingly tense. Unfortunately, despite their best efforts, the outcome for Emery and his companions was not as they had hoped.

With the allotted time elapsed, the four youngsters returned from their respective attempts, their expressions reflecting a mix of disappointment and exhaustion. Kingrig, with his remarkable aptitude, has only passed a little over 4000 steps. As for the other three, they only reach around the 3000-step mark.

The four acolytes recounted their harrowing experience. They described how the trial was far more daunting than they had anticipated. They were confined to the designated path and strangely unable to cast any spells, leaving them solely reliant on their physical abilities.

With each step they took, the difficulty of the climb increased exponentially. It felt as though an invisible force pressed down upon them, making their bodies heavier and their movements more labored with every hundred steps. The relentless strain quickly sapped their stamina, leaving them exhausted and disheartened.

"Could it be gravity spells?" Klea wondered aloud, her brows furrowed in perplexity as she sought to unravel the mystery behind their struggle.

Ha Ron, his frustration evident, clenched his fists in determination. Despite his annoyance, he was prepared to face the challenge head-on once more. In contrast, Kingrig's demeanor was noticeably buoyant, his enthusiasm undiminished by their initial setback. Titus and Armenius mirrored his optimism, their resolve unshakeable as they voiced their plea for another opportunity.

"Please, let us try one more time," they implored, their voices tinged with determination and hope.

"Of course, give it your best," Emery responded.

As they departed from the testing site, Klea said, "It's much more challenging than I anticipated. They must have heightened the difficulty for the inner realm this year."

Emery nodded thoughtfully, acknowledging the unexpected rigors they faced. Despite their prior knowledge and preparations for the academy, there appear to be unforeseen changes and adjustments each year.

As the four acolytes commenced their ascent, Emery decided to utilize his spirit reading ability to closely monitor their progress. However, the environment posed a challenge to his senses. The space around them seemed to warp and distort, while the mist enveloping the area further obscured his perception.

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Such obstacles were to be expected, considering the prohibition on spellcasting imposed upon the acolytes. Nevertheless, Emery's mastery of spirit sense set him apart from conventional magus. Over the years, his abilities had grown significantly. Through steadfast effort and concentration, he managed to pierce through the swirling mist, albeit with considerable difficulty.

Despite giving their all, the four young acolytes encountered numerous obstacles along their ascent. In addition to contending with the peculiar energy surrounding the mountain and the physical challenges posed by the steep terrain, they also encountered other acolytes who sought to impede their progress. However, the group refused to be deterred, standing their ground against these challenges and maintaining their focus on the task at hand.

Unfortunatly, after three more grueling hours passed, the group found themselves making minimal progress, having ascended only a few hundred steps higher. They were disheartened to realize that they hadn't even reached the halfway point of the challenge. Watching other acolytes return from the summit successfully, many of them younger than themselves, only served to compound their frustration.

"Master, are we truly not qualified for the inner halls?" Arminius voiced his concerns, his tone tinged with doubt.

Emery, however, reassured these youngsters, urging them not to worry. He claimed to understand what was transpiring, preparing to explain the real obstacles of the mountain. However, before he could elaborate, a voice interjected, disrupting their conversation.

"Kid, I hope you're not cheating..."

The voice belonged to a Magus clad in the uniform of a senior staff member. Despite his youthful appearance, there was an air of authority about him as he casually addressed the group. Emery couldn't shake off a sense of familiarity upon seeing the man's face, prompting him to inquire further.

"Who are you?"

"You dont recognize me kid?" the blond hair youth answer with a smile.

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