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Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1994: Finals
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?The final stage of the tournament was met with thunderous cheers from the crowds, all eagerly anticipating the clash between the formidable warrior wielding a stunning spear and the seemingly innocent girl whose smile belied the terrifying beast within. The tension in the arena reached its peak.

"Fight starts!!" the senior monk announced, signaling the beginning of the highly anticipated final showdown.

Brandt, well aware of his opponent's capabilities, recognized Glita as the girl he had lost to in a friendly fight a decade ago. This rematch held the weight of ten years of training and accumulation of experience for the Vanir warrior.

With no need to hold back, Brandt unleashed his full strength, bellowing a battle roar that echoed through the arena. His unique technique, a Vanir special skill that harnessed the legacy power of his ancestors, manifested with glowing blue tattoos appearing on his body. The display was accompanied by a massive surge in his battle power, signifying the depth of his determination.

In response, Glita initiated her transformation, merging her human and wolf halves into a fearsome hybrid form. This time, a new aspect of her transformation emerged as her two arms, from shoulder to razor-sharp claws, turned into frozen crystal, adding an elemental edge to her already formidable abilities.

"I am ready!" Glita declared, her eyes gleaming with a mix of determination and the primal instincts of the wolf within. The stage was set for an extraordinary battle between two warriors, each drawing upon unique powers and skills.

The audience, captivated by the impending clash, held their collective breath as the final showdown unfolded, promising a spectacle of unmatched intensity and skill.

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The arena quivered as the two warriors shot toward each other, colliding in a series of powerful clashes that reverberated with booming sounds of metal meeting metal. Each collision unleashed shockwaves, creating gusts of wind that swept through the arena, signaling the intensity of the battle unfolding before the mesmerized spectators.

As the battle progressed, both Brandt and Glita began to unleash the full extent of their elemental powers, revealing a level of strength that had been intentionally withheld in the previous rounds. Lightning crackled within Brandt's body, infusing his strikes with an electrifying force that heightened the ferocity of his attacks. Simultaneously, Glita harnessed a combined ice and plant spell, conjuring multiple walls of ice thorns that served both as a formidable defense and a potent offensive weapon.

The clash between these two extraordinary warriors was nothing short of awe-inspiring. The spectacle unfolded before the eyes of the audience, making them witness new heights in strength and magic. The sheer power and skill displayed on the battleground left a lasting impression, inspiring those who watched to contemplate the vast possibilities of human potential.

As the battle raged on, some spectators, overwhelmed by the breathtaking display, unconsciously began to pray to their gods. Others, couldn't help but entertain the notion that these warriors were akin to demigods, possessing abilities beyond the realm of ordinary mortals.

The arena became a crucible of emotions, ranging from awe to reverence, as the two warriors continued their epic confrontation, pushing the boundaries of what was believed possible in the realm of combat.

After an intense 20 minutes of relentless clashes, Brandt began to assert his advantage. His techniques proved to be too intricate and complex for Glita to effectively counter. However, despite all the strength Brandt poured into his attacks, the fey girl demonstrated a remarkable resilience. The wounds inflicted upon her were swiftly regenerated, healing inside mere seconds.

Refusing to concede defeat, Brandt decided to unleash a powerful polearm technique inherited from his ancestors. The spear in his hand crackled with lightning power, building up energy in a mesmerizing spiral movement. The intensity of the gathering power raised concerns even among the magus observing the duel.

"That could really hurt her!" Klea exclaimed in concern, realizing the potential danger in Brandt's impending attack. However, both Emery and Morgana remained surprisingly calm, suggesting a deeper understanding of the unfolding situation.

As Brandt's spear technique reached its zenith, the atmosphere became charged with anticipation. In a moment of revelation, the Vanir warrior unleashed the culmination of his skill and power.

[Twistering Bolt]

The spectators held their breath as the powerful lightning-

infused polearm onslaught unleashed by Brandt spiraled straight at Glita.

In a swift and calculated move, she raised both of her freezing talons to block the impending assault. As the impact reached its peak and threatened to break through, Glita roared, undergoing a transformative shift. The fur that adorned her body changes into a bluish-white hue, almost crystalline, accompanied by another surge in battle power, inching closer to the magus realm.

Brandt's formidable moves came to an abrupt halt. Seizing the advantage, Glita retaliated with an ice thorn attack, further restraining the powerful Vanir warrior. The force of the enhanced ice thorn compelled Brandt to acknowledge his defeat.

"Does this mean I win?!" Glita cheered, her smile radiating triumph. "I am the winner!!"

A moment of disbelief settled over the spectators, and then a wave of acclaim erupted once the senior monk officially confirmed Glita as the champion of the tournament.

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The apparently simple girl from the northern island had emerged victorious, defying expectations and securing her place as the Earth's strongest warrior. The stadium echoed with the jubilation of the crowd, celebrating Glita's unexpected triumph in the tournament.

A different reaction washed over Klea as she once again shot a meaningful stare in Emery's direction.

<You didn't just train her, did you? You did something to her bloodline too.>

Emery responded with an apologetic expression, conveying his surprise.

<I am sorry, i honestly didn't know she would be interested in joining this event.>

Klea, took a deep sigh, grew more serious.

<It's not about her winning, Emery. The emissaries—they'll find out you did something against the Magus alliance protocol, this could turn bad to us>

Emery sighed in realization.

<Damn... you're right.>

Klea, regaining her composure, once again adopted a polite demeanor. She continued to serve wine, attempting to use her trump card, Tivali the cat, to her advantage. However, amidst the festivities, Chumo initiated a discussion about Glita's bloodline, unknowingly unraveling more details for the emissaries.

Maintaining a composed demeanor, Klea addressed the two emissaries with a straightforward question.

"So, what do you think? Is our request for middle realm advancement possible?" Klea inquired, her tone reflecting the gravity of the matter at hand. The atmosphere in the room grew tense as they awaited the emissaries' response, knowing that the outcome would hold significant implications for the future of their planet.