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Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1973: Final Battle
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In his [Fusion] form, Emery skillfully maneuvered the confrontation, compelling the alligator-faced grand magus to engage in another intense aerial battle outside the Moon Base. The infusion of the two divine beast souls not only aided in Emery's recovery but also provided a substantial power boost, tipping the scales in his favor and granting him the necessary advantage against the level four cosmos adversary.

"No fucking way!! A trash like you is not my match!" The indignant grand magus, unable to accept the prospect of a stalemate, expressed his disdain. Their pride, built on their fearsome reputation in the Magus universe, fueled their determination to emerge victorious.

Determined to overcome this humiliation, each grand magus intensified their efforts, drawing upon their respective domains. One became enveloped in a brilliant conflagration, radiating intense heat and fiery power, while the other summoned a raging storm of lightning, crackling with raw electrical energy. Both directed their formidable attacks fervently at Emery, seeking to break the deadlock and reassert their superiority.

Yet, with each passing second, Emery's strength continued to burgeon as he assimilated the newfound power from the divine beast souls. The clash that ensued was a relentless spectacle, the reverberations echoing across the lunar surface, signifying a battle of unparalleled intensity.

From within the confines of the Moon Base, Chumo and Master Borin stood in silent awe, helpless witnesses to the cosmic clash unfolding before them. The intense battle had transcended the boundaries of their comprehension, a spectacle of raw power and magical mastery that shook the very foundations of the Moon Base.

Morgana, summoned to attend to the heavily wounded Baphomet, exhibited a display of formidable healing prowess. The Khaos power channeled by Killgragah bathed the young demonic creature, knitting its injuries and revitalizing its strength.

"Remember our pact," Morgana's voice resonated with a solemn reminder, "you will help us after you recover."

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As the cosmic symphony continued, multiple blasts of power reverberated through the moon base, each blast an echoing testament to the relentless determination of those engaged in the struggle.

Emery had emptied his arsenal, utilizing every conceivable spell and even deploying his meticulously prepared [Cthulhu Bombs] in a desperate attempt to gain an upper hand. Despite the added strength from the divine beast souls, the grand magus duo displayed an almost invincible resilience.

The grand magus realm advantage, of siphoning the power of the cosmos provided them with an enduring vitality, ensuring an unyielding perseverance that thwarted Emery's attempts to land decisive blows. The grand magus, in a synchronized display of teamwork, adeptly countered every opportunity Emery seized.

The celestial confrontation gradually descended into a weary standoff as both sides reached the brink of exhaustion. The grand magus, once imposing figures, now bore the scars of a relentless battle, their energies depleted to the extreme. Emery, too, felt the weight of the intense struggle, having fully spent the energy from the souls of the divine beasts.

In a momentary lull, a glance exchanged between the grand magus hinted at the potential decision to retreat, pride reluctantly giving way to the realization of their battered state. However, just as they were on the verge of conceding, Emery's plant armor began to disintegrate. The [Fusion] form had reached its limit, prompting Emery to act swiftly. Opening a portal, he directed his weary plant creatures away.

Their resolve solidified as they charged toward Emery, believing victory was within their grasp. The pirate chieftain, bellowing with confidence, shouted, "YOU LOST!" as they closed in on their prey.

However, just as they were a few feet away, two figures emerged from the portal with perfect synchronization—Morgana and the Baphomet. The revelation dawned on the pirates that they had once again fallen for Emery's cunning trick.

Morgana and the Baphomet unleashed their specialized spells—a pair of powerful flaming incantations. The magical flames surged forth, creating a barrier that momentarily halted the already exhausted pirates.

Despite no longer being in his [Fusion] form, Emery had reserved enough power for a devastating move—[Dao Edge]. Targeting the weaker of the two, the pirate chieftain,

The powerful slash cut through the air with a resounding force, and blood splattered in the air as Emery finally incapacitated the pirate chieftain. Seizing the opportunity, he swiftly proceeded with his plan.

"Chututlu, it's your turn."

From within the still-open portal, multiple dark tentacles emerged and seized the tiger-faced grand magus, pulling him into the abyss.

"DONT YOU FUCKING DARE!!" roared DongBai in fury.

The desperation in his eyes was palpable, a last-ditch effort to save the chieftain.

Emery, however, was ready for this potential counterattack.

The octagonal wheel blades, concealed with precision, sprung forth at the perfect moment. It sliced through the air, homing in on DongBai with deadly accuracy. The blades pierced his chest, prompting a guttural cry of pain.

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In a series of swift and calculated moves, Emery not only captured one opponent but also inflicted severe wounds on the other. The sudden turn of events buoyed Emery and his allies with a renewed sense of victory.

"YOU BASTARD!" DongBai's rage echoed through the lunar expanse.

However, the pirate chieftain's injuries were too severe to sustain the battle. In a final act of defiance, he issued a dire threat, "If you dare to kill him… the pirate king will come for you!"

Emery remained composed, meeting the threat with a calm retort, "You should worry about your own lives."

Battered and defeated, the pirate knew he had no other choice but to escape. However, just as he prepared to make his retreat, he caught sight of an approaching group of ships.


His anxiety heightened, realizing that he had no backup prepared, and that the incoming ships were likely not their His anxiety heightened, realizing that he had no backup prepared, and that the incoming ships were likely not their allies. The chance of escape seemed almost impossible. Despite this, a sly grin crossed his face as he recognized the symbol on the approaching vessels.

"Those bastards, they have to show up now!" he muttered under his breath.

As the ten spaceships descended, one of them stood out—a medium-sized battleship, proudly displaying the unmistakable markings of the Kronos faction. Their arrival quickly filled the moon base's sky, adding a new layer of complexity to the unfolding situation.

Emery maintained his composure as he witnessed Kronos himself descend from the spaceship, accompanied by several formidable figures. Ares, Poseidon, and even Grand Magus Perses, all part of Kronos' powerful lineup, and they came in full battle gear.

Observing the intimidating figures entering the moon base area, Emery calmly remarked, "You finally reveal yourself."

The tension in the air grew as the two forces confronted each other, setting the stage for a momentous clash that would determine the fate of Earth.