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Earth's Greatest Magus

Chapter 1964: Earth Under Attack 2
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The tattoo-faced pirate, now entrusted with leading the assault on Earth, surveyed the holographic image displaying the planet's information. The data provided details of the planet, its geography, and its people.

"71% water, and over a billion people, it's a beautiful planet," he mused aloud, his voice tinged with a sense of anticipation.

Just moments earlier, he had witnessed the demise of his friend and rival. The relief of being assigned a different task rather than facing the savage magus directly was evident in the pirate's demeanor. He was particularly grateful that he wouldn't be leading his crew against the monstrous adversary.

To add to his reassurance, Dong Bai, the formidable woman-like grand magus, accompanied him on this mission.

Upon receiving more data, the pirate crew quickly identified the expected number of magus defending the planet. "Three crescent magus hold up in the place designated as Bodhi temple, one half-moon magus in the forest on the north island, their strongest force holed up in their biggest city called Rome, one half-moon, and four crescent moons."?The pirate captain turned to the long-haired grand magus and asked, "Senior Dong Bai, which place should we visit first?"

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The long-haired grand magus, chuckled at the prospect. "Only that Dragon Squad is worthy of my interest. But, these earthlings were mistaken to think I would take their bait, wasting time for these half blood soldiers, We shall focus on our objectives," he declared with confidence.

Their given job was to eliminate as many Earth magus as possible, but with the revelation of a valuable primordial wisp on the planet, their goals had evolved. The crew's primary focus shifted towards harvesting these potent beings. The first confirmed target was the temple, while the forest, housing the half-moon magus, remained unconfirmed but held potential significance.

Amidst the unfolding scenario, the grand magus made a decisive choice. "We will split forces. You take one team to that island; I will go to the temple," he commanded, displaying a keen sense of strategic division. His decision was rooted in the urgency of the situation, intending to avoid wasting time on an unconfirmed location. However, the tattooed magus exhibited anxiety, concerned that the half-moon magus on the island might be as formidable as the one guarding the moon.

Observing the captain's hesitation, the grand magus couldn't help but express annoyance. "Huh, you are such an embarrassment. Alright, then, you can bring the whole team. Do not fail," he directed, emphasizing the importance of success in their mission.

As the ship descended further into the planet's atmosphere, the grand magus exited the vessel, flying solo towards the temple. Meanwhile, the tattooed magus, now smiling confidently, took command of the ship and steered it towards the north island, accompanied by the full force of six magus and 20 saints supporting him.


Emery's worry escalated as the pirates set their sights on Earth. The realization that the Kronos faction had divulged critical information about the planet, potentially putting his friends and the invaluable primordial wisp, Gaia, at risk, fueled his anger.

"There should be no reason for them to pillage a lower realm planet unless it's to harm my friends or attempt to seize Gaia," Emery muttered under his breath. The knowledge that the Kronos faction had played a role in this menacing situation only intensified his frustration.

"Those bastards from Kronos!" he cried out in exasperation.

The grand magus pirate, reveling in Emery's evident distress, turned to his captive audience with a sinister grin. "My men will burn your precious planet and kill your friends," he taunted, attempting to provoke Emery further. The threat to Earth and its inhabitants loomed heavily in the cosmic air, adding a layer of urgency to Emery's determination to thwart the pirates and protect his home.

Emery's mind raced as he quickly assessed the dire situation unfolding around him. The grand magus pirate chieftain stood before him, and within the main ship, there were still 8 magus poised for battle. The other ship, was confirmed to head toward Britannia, which meant Morgana was about to confront 7 magus on her own. However, Emery's primary concern was the formidable, grand magus level pirates who posed a significant threat.

Fueled by urgency, Emery immediately called upon the Dragon squad, directing them to move quickly towards Bodhi Temple to aid the Abbot. The odds seemed daunting, and Emery couldn't shake the anxiety for his friends. With limited options, he decided on a course of action: eliminate the pirates in front of him as quickly as possible, then turn his attention to assist his friends in the impending battles. The fate of Earth loomed in the balance, and Emery needed to act decisively to protect both his friends and the primordial wisp, Gaia.

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Emery's resolve was unwavering as he faced the grand magus, acknowledging the high stakes of the impending confrontation. "I guess I have no other option than playing with you,"

In response to his words, Emery instructed Master Borin to deactivate the defense barrier, a move that amused the tiger-

faced grand magus. He laughed for a moment before saying, "You arrogant fools, you will regret this," the grand magus sneered with confidence.

Without a hint of hesitation, the grand magus descended into the protective arearesembling a thunder god descending upon the battlefield. The very air seemed to tremble in response to his presence.

Multiple cannons fired in rapid succession. However, the grand magus, undeterred by the onslaught, showcased his unparalleled skill. With a seamless motion, he unsheathed a massive double-edged sword that sparked with lightning, the crackling energy adding to the intimidation of his presence.

In a display of unparalleled skill, he effortlessly deflected the relentless barrage of attacks, each energy beam redirected with pinpoint accuracy, resulting in explosions that marred the once-pristine walls of the moon base.

The grand magus's voice thundered through the protective area, his arrogance evident in every word. "You little toys cannot harm me!" Despite the intimidating display, Emery's excitement only intensified. He braced himself for the impending battle.
