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Dauntless God of War

Chapter 499
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Chapter 499 A Surprising Discovery Rumors have been circulating that the God of War was critically wounded following his last engagement, so it's likely that he is still recovering and cannot confrontdirectly. It would explain why he has toleratedimpersonating him for such a long tand announcing that I'm him to the world.

As the thought occurred to the imposter, he let out an icy chuckle.

After obtaining what he desired, the fraudulent God of War began to rake his burning, craving eyes over Evelyn's delicate complexion and alluring body shape. An intense desire stirred within him as he felt the impulse to take her right there and then.

He told her, “You're drunk. I'll help you to the bed so you can get srest.” He rose to his feet and went over to Evelyn and picked her up.

Evelyn might be feeling tipsy, but she was still able to think straight.

Her body warmed up when the fake God of War swooped her into his arms.

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Before she had the chance to decide if she should put up a fight or take a more proactive approach, the imposter unceremoniously tossed her onto the bed.

He then lunged toward her.

“Ah!” Evelyn let out a blood-curdling scream subconsciously and rolled aside as she wasn't prepared yet.

“What's wrong? Don't you like me?” “N-No, it's not that. You haven't taken a shower yet, have you? Why don't you go ahead and do that?” Evelyn stammered out an excuse to conceal her uneasiness.

What's wrong with me? | thought | had made up my mind to be more active and take the initiative, but now | find myself feeling nervous and uncertain when he's showing enthusiasm.

“Oh, I see. I'll be done soon, so stay put and wait for me!” the imposter told her cheerfully.

He hopped off the bed and strode toward the bathroom, his steps determined and confident. He began to undress as he walked, unbuttoning his shirt and peeling it off before throwing it to Evelyn.

Obviously, he was trying to set the atmosphere.

Seeing that, Evelyn covered her eyes instinctively.

When the shirt landed on her head, she removed her hands and peeked at the man striding into the bathroom.

Anxiety began to swell within her chest.

However, she had no idea why she felt that way.

Didn't he show his bare back towhen we were in Jinrich? He also carriedon his back. | remembered how shocked | was to see his back full of scars. Wait, scars! Evelyn jolted up in surprise when she recalled the scars on the God of War's back.

She directed a shocked look at the imposter, who disappeared behind the door of the bathroom.

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Finally, she discovered the source of her anxiety.

It's the scars! The God of War who savedhad scars all over his back! This man, however, has no such scars, and his skin is even more soft and delicate than that of a woman. Is he an imposter? Evelyn trembled in fear at the conclusion that struck her.

No wonder he gave off a different scent when | first met him. It turns out that the God of War who savedin Jinrich wasn't this person. Which is the real God of War, then? Confusion inundated Evelyn.

She desperately wracked her mind in an effort to remember the events in Jinrich and was certain that the man with scars all over his back was the real deal.

Only the true God of War had the ability to rescue her from the perilous circumstances back then.

The current one bore no resemblance nor was built like the legendary God of War.

Evelyn's muddled mind promptly cleared up.

She scrambled off the bed to escape from the imposter's room.

Upon opening the door, she was met with the sight of his subordinate standing guard outside, causing her face to immediately turn a pale white.