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Dauntless God of War

Chapter 497
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Chapter 497 Strange Condition Evelyn thought her hopes were dashed, so she was pleasantly surprised to hear that. “What condition? | will agree to any condition!” She agreed excitedly without knowing the condition.

“You agreed without hearing the condition?” The imposter was surprised by her answer and belatedly realized how much Evelyn adored the God of War.

He felt intense envy toward the actual God of War, whom he had never had the opportunity to encounter.

Evelyn replied presumptuously, “You wantto keep your appearance a secret, right? No problem. | can assure you that your appearance will remain confidential. | can guarantee I'll forget your features after one glance!” “Pfft! That's not my condition,” the imposter replied with a frown.

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“Huh? Then what's the condition?” Evelyn was baffled.

“My condition is, you can take a look at my face if you agree to have a few drinks with me,” the imposter revealed.

His answer made Evelyn's jaw drop. “You wantto drink with you? What a weird condition,” she commented in disbelief.

“Yes, we'll enjoy a few alcoholic drinks together. If your answer is yes, I'll remove my mask and show you my face. If you decline, then it would be best for you to leave this place immediately!” the imposter told her.

His tone had reverted to its usual detachment, leaving her to make her decision.

“Sure, no problem. We'll just be drinking, right? Where are the drinks?” Evelyn agreed readily.

She had initially planned to use her charms to seduce the imposter, so she wasn't afraid that he might drug her or take advantage of her when she got drunk.

In fact, she would welcthe God of War to take advantage of her! Thus, she nodded eagerly and appeared to be even more eager than the phony God of War.

The imposter was inwardly elated to see her response.

Once | get her intoxicated, it will be much easier to ask her questions. Also, it is obvious that she is not resistant to the idea of having sex with me.

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In order to maintain the facade of being the God of War, the imposter had to remain dedicated to the task and forgo any romantic relationships for stime.

Evelyn wasn't as strikingly gorgeous as Isabella, but she was still good-looking.

Only a handful of pretty girls like her exist in this world. It looks like | can enjoy myself tonight! The fake God of War immediately led Evelyn into the living room of the presidential suite. There was a liquor cabfull of famous liquors from all around the world.

The imposter gestured to the expensive liquor bottles in the caband declared, “I'm your host today, so you have free rein to pick whatever you like. What would you like to drink?” Evelyn took in the sight of the large liquor cabthat was before her. A strange emotion seemed to flicker across her face. “I had no idea that the renowned God of War had such a fondness for alcohol,” she remarked in surprise. “This is quite a stock of liquor you have here in your hotel room! Letsee... | think I'll pick this bottle, then. Why don't we drink it up together tonight?” She had chosen a bottle of whiskey.

Many of the liquor brands were unfamiliar to her even though she had been born into a privileged lifestyle.

However, judging from the packaging itself, she knew they weren't cheap.

Evelyn chose a regular whiskey that she was familiar with in order to avoid any potential embarrassment if the other liquors were meant to be enjoyed in a specific manner.