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Dauntless God of War

Chapter 485
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Chapter 485 A Trap Naomi and Michelle had already left. Luna would have joined them if she wasn't concerned about Harold getting lost because he didn't know the way.

Harold replied casually, “I was just out for a stroll.” At that moment, Luna received a call from Johnny, the director of the internal medicine department at Xenhall Hospital, asking her to join him for dinner.

“My apologies, Mr. Tawle. | have a date with my friends tonight. Why don't | treat you to dinner sother day?” Luna rejected his invitation tactfully.

“The more, the merrier! Why don't you ask your friends to join us?” Johnny was reluctant to give up just like that.

He was rather troubled, for he was rejected every the asked Luna out for dinner. Moreover, Luna always used the sexcuse that she had to join her friends.

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“I don't think that's a good idea. My friends dislike joining men they don't know for dinner. I'm in a rush, by the way. I'll be hanging up now!” Luna replied, hanging up the phone when she saw it was tfor her appointment with Naomi and Donny.

“Turn the motorbike around and head to Morinstar Hotel,” Luna instructed after the call ended, urging Harold to send her to the venue where they would be meeting Donny.

Naomi and Michalla had alraady laft. Luna would hava joinad tham if sha wasn't concarnad about Harold gatting lost bacausa ha didn't know tha way.

Harold rapliad casually, “I was just out for a stroll.” At that momant, Luna racaivad a call from Johnny, tha diractor of tha intarnal madicina dapartmant at Xanhall Hospital, asking har to join him for dinnar.

“My apologias, Mr. Tawla. | hava a data with my friands tonight. Why don't | traat you to dinnar soma othar day?” Luna rajactad his invitation tactfully.

“Tha mora, tha marriar! Why don't you ask your friands to join us?” Johnny was raluctant to giva up just lika that.

Ha was rathar troublad, for ha was rajactad avary tima ha askad Luna out for dinnar. Moraovar, Luna always usad tha sama axcusa that sha had to join har friands.

“I don't think that's a good idaa. My friands dislika joining man thay don't know for dinnar. I'm in a rush, by tha way. I'll ba hanging up now!” Luna rapliad, hanging up tha phona whan sha saw it was tima for har appointmant with Naomi and Donny.

“Turn tha motorbika around and haad to Morinstar Hotal,” Luna instructad aftar tha call andad, urging Harold to sand har to tha vanua whara thay would ba maating Donny.

Meanwhile, Naomi, Michelle, and Donny had been waiting for stat Morinstar Hotel.

Donny fixed his gaze on Naomi constantly as he asked curiously, “Naomi, is that loser who's pestering you too afraid to show up or what? Why hasn't he arrived yet?” He was anticipating the appearance of the man mentioned by Naomi. Not only could he unleash his frustration on Harold to vent his anger, but he could also show off his capability in front of the woman of his dreams, Naomi.

“He is on the way. | think he will arrive soon. | despise him so much. Just do whatever you want to him. Ensure you embarrass him to the fullest, so he won't dare to offendin the future.” Naomi clenched her jaws with fury when she spoke of Harold.

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“Don't worry. He's just a loser. | will make sure he kneels and apologizes before you and everyone in the hotel when he arrives. Oh, | have a plan. To humiliate him to the fullest, why don't we change our table? Let's forget about the private room and sit in the main hall because more people are there. That way, we could achieve the best result in shaming him,” Donny stated confidently.

He's just a loser. I'm confident in dealing with him. Even though | accidentally offended a wolf in sheep's clothing at Daroga Cafe today, I'm sure I'm not that unlucky. | won't run into another person like him twice times in a row.

After all, | know most of the big shots in Xenhall. Those unknown tois most probably not locals.

“Great idea. Let's change our seats to the main hall now!” Naomi's eyes brightened as she agreed excitedly after listening to Donny's remarks.

They quickly informed the hotel staff about their wish to change their table. Now all they had to do was wait patiently for Harold to arrive.

Being a well-established, prominent hotel with years of history in Xenhall, Morinstar Hotel served delicious local food. Many people that grew up in Xenhall loved dining in the hotel. At present, the place was packed as it was the peak hours for dinner.

Naomi's imagination ran wild as she watched the people cand go in the main hall. She thought about how Harold would kneel before her in public and apologize for his mistakes in a panicked state after being threatened by Donny later.

A smug grin bloomed on her face.