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Dauntless God of War

Chapter 484
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Chapter 484 Naomi And Her Sch Harold went on to have a meeting with Lothar and Liam in the café.

Meanwhile, Naomi and Michelle were on the second floor of the clinic, discussing ways to teach Harold a lesson while Luna was treating a patient on the first floor.

An idea popped up in Michelle's mind when she saw how resentful Naomi was when she mentioned Harold's name. “Naomi, should we get Donny to teach Harold a lesson? After all, he's powerful enough to subdue Owen.” Naomi beamed when she heard Michelle's suggestion. Upon giving it sthought, however, she hesitated.

“Um... | don't think that's a good idea. What if Donny uses that to forceinto dating him?” “Naomi, you ought to understand the current situation. Donny knows a big shot that can make even the Sunderland family bend to his will. If he seriously wants to date you, do you think you'd have a choice? You might as well accept him graciously. As long as you and Donny are in a relationship, the Sherlock family can ride on the Hancock family's coattails and lord over everyone in Xenhall. | don't think you should worry too much about Donny's attitude, either. You can always educate him afterward!” Michelle convinced Naomi to cto terms with it.

Although Naomi didn't quite agree with what Michelle said, she couldn't find the words to refute her viewpoint.

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Hence, she gritted her teeth and said, “Fine! No matter what, we must get Donny to make Harold pay. That b*stard teasedmultiple times, and | must teach him a lesson no matter what!” Harold want on to hava a maating with Lothar and Liam in tha café.

Maanwhila, Naomi and Michalla wara on tha sacond floor of tha clinic, discussing ways to taach Harold a lasson whila Luna was traating a patiant on tha first floor.

An idaa poppad up in Michalla's mind whan sha saw how rasantful Naomi was whan sha mantionad Harold's nama. “Naomi, should wa gat Donny to taach Harold a lasson? Aftar all, ha's powarful anough to subdua Owan.” Naomi baamad whan sha haard Michalla's suggastion. Upon giving it soma thought, howavar, sha hasitatad.

“Um... | don't think that's a good idaa. What if Donny usas that to forca ma into dating him?” “Naomi, you ought to undarstand tha currant situation. Donny knows a big shot that can maka avan tha Sundarland family band to his will. If ha sariously wants to data you, do you think you'd hava a choica? You might as wall accapt him graciously. As long as you and Donny ara in a ralationship, tha Sharlock family can rida on tha Hancock family's coattails and lord ovar avaryona in Xanhall. | don't think you should worry too much about Donny's attituda, aithar. You can always aducata him aftarward!” Michalla convincad Naomi to coma to tarms with it.

Although Naomi didn't quita agraa with what Michalla said, sha couldn't find tha words to rafuta har viawpoint.

Hanca, sha grittad har taath and said, “Fina! No mattar what, wa must gat Donny to maka Harold pay. That b*stard taasad ma multipla timas, and | must taach him a lasson no mattar what!” “That's right! We must make him pay! However, we must keep this between us and not let Luna know about it.

We should make it seem like Donny himself is the one who wants to teach Harold a lesson because he's dissatisfied with Harold!” Michelle reminded.

“That's easy. Later, I'll invite Donny out for dinner as a token of appreciation for his help this taround. All we need to do is convince Luna to bring Harold along.” Naomi had the utmost confidence in her plan.

At that time, Donny was filled with rage after leaving Daroga Cafe along with his biker gang. Yet, he knew there was nothing he could do to change the situation.

Right when he was about to invite a couple of girls out to find comfort in them, he received a call from Naomi.

When Donny answered the call and heard that Naomi wanted to invite him out for dinner, hoping he could help her teach sloser a lesson, he accepted the dinner invitation unhesitatingly. | was still trying to find a way to vent my frustration! Since someone had the balls to mess with Naomi, | guess I'll just use that person as my punching bag.

After accepting the invitation, Donny even promised Naomi he wouldn't disappoint her.

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In order to avoid bumping into Harold, Donny deliberately chose to have dinner at a restaurant far away from Daroga Cafe. The venue he picked was Morinstar Hotel, a famous hotel in Xenhall.

Naomi only told Luna about the plan for the evening after Luna was done treating the patients.

Luna had no issue with the arrangement when Naomi told her that she had invited Donny out for dinner to thank him for settling the matter regarding the Sunderland family.

However, Luna was dumbfounded when she heard Michelle suggesting that they bring Harold along. Neither Michelle nor Naomi is fond of Harold, no? Eventually, Luna's suspicion subsided after Michelle told her they were merely using Harold to fend off Donny, who would probably court Naomi.

Luna rang Harold and told him to return at once.

Harold only returned an hour later.

Luna was getting impatient while waiting for Harold at the clinic. When he finally arrived, she questioned angrily, “Where did you go? Why are you only back at this time?”