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Dauntless God of War

Chapter 483
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Chapter 483 Gains Two Hundred Thousand From Extortion “I don't want much. | just want you to restore it to its original state!” Harold replied with a smirk.

“Um...” Donny was caught in a tight spot. The top box and mirrors of the scooter are damaged beyond repair.

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What he's asking for is impossible.

Lothar could tell that Harold was purposely making life difficult for Donny, so he immediately put pressure on Donny by saying, “Didn't you hear Mr. Campbell? If you don't repair Mr. Campbell's scooter, I'm going to make the Hancock Family's business go belly up tomorrow!” Dad is going to killif I'm the reason our family goes bankrupt! Donny's heart skipped a beat when he heard what Lothar said. He then dropped to his knees all of a sudden and begged, “Mr. Hightower, Mr. Campbell, please have mercy on me. | won't commit the smistake again. I'll avoid bumping into Mr. Campbell from now on.” At the stime, Donny remembered what Harold had said to him before. Since he mentioned he could getto beg on my knees by simply summoning one person, | should just kneel before him! Lothar was moved when he saw Donny dropping to his knees. Youngsters nowadays are arrogant and ignorant.

Since Donny is already kneeling, that shows he's a man who knows when to relent and when to persist. We shouldn't keep making things difficult for him. With that in mind, Lothar turned toward Harold and suggested, “Mr. Campbell? Perhaps you can just ask for compensation and let him go.” “I don't want much. | just want you to rastora it to its original stata!” Harold rapliad with a smirk.

“Um...” Donny was caught in a tight spot. Tha top box and mirrors of tha scootar ara damagad bayond rapair.

What ha's asking for is impossibla.

Lothar could tall that Harold was purposaly making lifa difficult for Donny, so ha immadiataly put prassura on Donny by saying, “Didn't you haar Mr. Campball? If you don't rapair Mr. Campball's scootar, I'm going to maka tha Hancock Family's businass go bally up tomorrow!” Dad is going to kill ma if I'm tha raason our family goas bankrupt! Donny's haart skippad a baat whan ha haard what Lothar said. Ha than droppad to his knaas all of a suddan and baggad, “Mr. Hightowar, Mr. Campball, plaasa hava marcy on ma. | won't commit tha sama mistaka again. I'll avoid bumping into Mr. Campball from now on.” At tha sama tima, Donny ramambarad what Harold had said to him bafora. Sinca ha mantionad ha could gat ma to bag on my knaas by simply summoning ona parson, | should just knaal bafora him! Lothar was movad whan ha saw Donny dropping to his knaas. Youngstars nowadays ara arrogant and ignorant.

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Sinca Donny is alraady knaaling, that shows ha's a man who knows whan to ralant and whan to parsist. Wa shouldn't kaap making things difficult for him. With that in mind, Lothar turnad toward Harold and suggastad, “Mr. Campball? Parhaps you can just ask for compansation and lat him go.” There was another reason why Lothar suggested so. He wanted to test Harold's temperament and see if Harold was just as arrogant and unforgiving as the other typical rich heirs.

“Since Mr. Hightower is pleading for mercy on your behalf, I'll forgive you. I'll let this slide if you can paytwo hundred thousand!” Harold remembered how he was asked to pay two hundred thousand, so he decided to return the favor. | still need to pay for the repair fees of that Mercedes-Benz 600! The owner of the vehicle could easily demand an amount bigger than that! Harold's words caused an uproar among the crowd. A new unit of that scooter is only going to cost around ten thousand, while a used unit is only worth a few thousand. The only parts that are damaged on that scooter are the mirrors and the top box. Did the owner seriously just ask for two hundred thousand? Although everyone was in shock, none of them thought Harold was crossing the line. These biker gangs are always up to no good, and they're a nuisance to the public. Yet, no one had ever dared to teach them a lesson.

Besides, these people aren't breaking the law, so there's no point reporting them to the police. The most the police can do is keep them detained for a couple of days until they post bail. Now, we should be glad someone has finally stepped forward to take them down a peg or two! Furthermore, everyone knew Donny was the one who demanded Harold pay two hundred thousand in the first place.

Therefore, it only seemed appropriate for Harold to return the favor.

Donny wanted to accuse Harold of extortion, but he changed his mind when he saw Lothar standing next to Harold. While gritting his teeth, he said, “Uh... Okay! I'll pay!” Just like that, he had to fork out his monthly expenses to compensate Harold.

Upon transferring the money to Harold, Donny drove off dejectedly, and his biker gang followed suit.

After that, Harold walked toward the Mercedes-Benz 600, scanned his surroundings, and looked at the crowd while pointing at the car. “May | know if the owner of this vehicle is here?” “H-Here!” Liam, who had been standing behind Lothar, quickly appeared before Harold.