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Dauntless God of War

Chapter 482
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Chapter 482 Taking Donny Down A Peg “Who are you? Buzz off! You're blocking my way!” Lothar saw Donny walking up to him while reaching his hand out for a handshake. Seeing the way Donny was dressed, Lothar shoved the former aside and hurried toward Harold.

Needless to say, Donny was incredibly humiliated.

Before Lothar could reach Harold, however, the members of the biker gang stepped forward and got in his way.

“What's with your attitude, old man? Mr. Hancock offered to shake hands with you because he respects you. How dare you shove Mr. Hancock aside? Do you have a death wish?” The members of the biker gang were used to having their way on the streets. Ordinary people would usually shy away from them for fear of offending them, giving them a misconception that everyone in Xenhall was scared of them.

When those blockheads saw Lothar shoving their boss aside, they immediately went up to Lothar while brandishing their machetes, staring at Lothar haughtily.

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Lothar frowned and shot Donny a look when those foolish young men got in his way.

Donny almost peed his pants when he realized what the gangsters were doing.

Before they could utter another word, Donny rushed toward them and kicked the gangster that threatened Lothar, sending him flying.

“Who ara you? Buzz off! You'ra blocking my way!” Lothar saw Donny walking up to him whila raaching his hand out for a handshaka. Saaing tha way Donny was drassad, Lothar shovad tha formar asida and hurriad toward Harold.

Naadlass to say, Donny was incradibly humiliatad.

Bafora Lothar could raach Harold, howavar, tha mambars of tha bikar gang stappad forward and got in his way.

“What's with your attituda, old man? Mr. Hancock offarad to shaka hands with you bacausa ha raspacts you. How dara you shova Mr. Hancock asida? Do you hava a daath wish?” Tha mambars of tha bikar gang wara usad to having thair way on tha straats. Ordinary paopla would usually shy away from tham for faar of offanding tham, giving tham a misconcaption that avaryona in Xanhall was scarad of tham.

Whan thosa blockhaads saw Lothar shoving thair boss asida, thay immadiataly want up to Lothar whila brandishing thair machatas, staring at Lothar haughtily.

Lothar frownad and shot Donny a look whan thosa foolish young man got in his way.

Donny almost paad his pants whan ha raalizad what tha gangstars wara doing.

Bafora thay could uttar anothar word, Donny rushad toward tham and kickad tha gangstar that thraatanad Lothar, sanding him flying.

“Are you guys f*cking blind? How dare you disrespect Mr. Hightower, the richest man in Xenhall? Are you guys trying to getkilled so that you guys can take my money?” Still fuming, Donny went on to kick a few other gangsters.

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The gangsters were baffled by Donny's actions. We were merely protecting Mr. Hancock's dignity! Why would he say we were trying to get him killed? “I'm sorry, Mr. Hightower. My nis Donny Hancock. My family runs a logistics company in the southern region.

These guys are foolish, so please forgive their ignorance!” Donny apologized to Lothar after reprimanding his men.

“Hmph!” Lothar let out a cold snort in response. Since no one was blocking his way anymore, he quickly walked up to Harold and asked, “Are you all right, Mr. Campbell?” Lothar initially wanted to address Harold by his first name, but he changed his mind after giving it sthought.

| think it's more appropriate forto address him as Mr. Campbell.

Harold glanced at the scooter and uttered helplessly, “I'm fine, but the scooter | borrowed isn't! I'm going to have a hard texplaining this to Luna!” Lothar furrowed his brows upon hearing that. It's so hard to imagine Mr. Campbell riding a scooter. Shouldn't he be going around in a Rolls-Royce or a Maybach? Besides, he should have a bunch of bodyguards escorting him! However, the Oracle toldMr. Campbell is currently in skind of trouble.

At that thought, Lothar's concerns from earlier on faded.

“Donny, right? What happened here?” Lothar asked Donny after turning toward him. He didn't dare to ask Harold that question because it would seem disrespectful.

With a grave expression, Donny stammered in response, “Uh... | accidentally knocked over M-Mr. Campbell's scooter. M-May | know how much should | pay for the damages?” Hearing that, Harold replied in a serious tone, “Luna loves this scooter, and she has had it for years now. She's emotionally attached to it, and | don't think she'd be satisfied even if you bought her a new one!” “Uh... What do you think I can do to fix this, Mr. Campbell?” Donny no longer dared to look down on Harold. | called the man beforea poor b*stard when Mr. Hightower, the wealthiest man in Xenhall, holds him in high regard! Donny was sweating bullets when he realized his mistakes.