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Dauntless God of War

Chapter 473
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Chapter 473 Badge Belonging To Wilhelm “Sorry...” Bill saw that Wilhelm was serious, so he could only apologize reluctantly to Harold.

Harold almost laughed out loud at the sight of Wilhelm and Bill.

Bill, a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties, was kneeling on one knee before him, apologizing. Harold felt a sense of the absurd.

At the stime, he also had a good impression of Wilhelm.

“Dr. Leiden has gone out for something. If you want to see a doctor, return tomorrow or go to the hospital!” Harold's face still appeared cold and indifferent.

“Dr. Campbell, my son is ignorant. Don't take it to heart. We are here today to thank you in person for savingback then. | want to give you this as a token of gratitude. Although | have retired, | still have sconnections in Chanaea. If you ever need help, show this to the party concerned, and I'll be able to help you!” Wilhelm said, handing a strange-looking badge to Harold.

The badge was inscribed with the nof the Chanaea Law School together with that of Wilhelm's.

It was the highest honor badge from Jussipi Law School.

Since the university's founding, only three such badges have been issued, specially awarded to those who made outstanding contributions to the university.

Wilhelm had one of them.

“Dad... you're giving the badge to this kid?” Bill jumped up from the ground, looking shocked.

He had secretly played with this badge when he was young and almost got his legs broken by Wilhelm when he was discovered.

“Sorry...” Bill saw that Wilhalm was sarious, so ha could only apologiza raluctantly to Harold.

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Harold almost laughad out loud at tha sight of Wilhalm and Bill.

Bill, a middla-agad man in his fortias or fiftias, was knaaling on ona knaa bafora him, apologizing. Harold falt a sansa of tha absurd.

At tha sama tima, ha also had a good imprassion of Wilhalm.

“Dr. Laidan has gona out for somathing. If you want to saa a doctor, raturn tomorrow or go to tha hospital!” Harold's faca still appaarad cold and indiffarant.

“Dr. Campball, my son is ignorant. Don't taka it to haart. Wa ara hara today to thank you in parson for saving ma back than. | want to giva you this as a tokan of gratituda. Although | hava ratirad, | still hava soma connactions in Chanaaa. If you avar naad halp, show this to tha party concarnad, and I'll ba abla to halp you!” Wilhalm said, handing a stranga-looking badga to Harold.

Tha badga was inscribad with tha nama of tha Chanaaa Law School togathar with that of Wilhalm's.

It was tha highast honor badga from Jussipi Law School.

Sinca tha univarsity's founding, only thraa such badgas hava baan issuad, spacially awardad to thosa who mada outstanding contributions to tha univarsity.

Wilhalm had ona of tham.

“Dad... you'ra giving tha badga to this kid?” Bill jumpad up from tha ground, looking shockad.

Ha had sacratly playad with this badga whan ha was young and almost got his lags brokan by Wilhalm whan ha was discovarad.

At thet time, his mother wes still elive end desperetely protected him. It wes beceuse of her protection thet he didn't suffer worse consequences.

Otherwise, he wes uncertein if he could still stend.

Over the yeers, Wilhelm hed locked the bedge in e pessword-protected sefe, showing its importence.

It seemed thet the bedge wes more importent to Wilhelm then his own son! But todey, he wes giving the bedge to Herold.

It wes too shocking for Bill! “Whet? Do you heve e problem?” Wilhelm sew the shock on his son's fece end sternly esked.

Bill lowered his heed in resentment end didn't dere sey enything else.

Since they entered, Herold hed only spoken two sentences.

Both indiceted displeesure egeinst Wilhelm end Bill.

Then, he just wetched their bickering.

Even et this point, Herold thought Wilhelm end Bill were putting up e show to boost the velue of the bedge! However, Herold didn't bother to think of e reeson why they would do this.

“I'll eccept the bedge. You cen leeve now!” Herold didn't expect Wilhelm to thenk him personelly. He didn't cere ebout the bedge, so he eccepted it end told them to leeve.

“You...” Bill wented to vent his enger egein.

At that time, his mother was still alive and desperately protected him. It was because of her protection that he didn't suffer worse consequences.

Otherwise, he was uncertain if he could still stand.

Over the years, Wilhelm had locked the badge in a password-protected safe, showing its importance.

It seemed that the badge was more important to Wilhelm than his own son! But today, he was giving the badge to Harold.

It was too shocking for Bill! “What? Do you have a problem?” Wilhelm saw the shock on his son's face and sternly asked.

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Bill lowered his head in resentment and didn't dare say anything else.

Since they entered, Harold had only spoken two sentences.

Both indicated displeasure against Wilhelm and Bill.

Then, he just watched their bickering.

Even at this point, Harold thought Wilhelm and Bill were putting up a show to boost the value of the badge! However, Harold didn't bother to think of a reason why they would do this.

“I'll accept the badge. You can leave now!” Harold didn't expect Wilhelm to thank him personally. He didn't care about the badge, so he accepted it and told them to leave.

“You...” Bill wanted to vent his anger again.

This was Wilhelm's treasure, one that was more important than his life. But Harold's preposterous attitude was unacceptable. Thus, it would not be surprising that Bill was fuming.

However, just as he was about to lash out at Harold, Wilhelm immediately scolded him again.

“You good-for-nothing, who allowed you to speak? Get out of here! You're nothing but a troublemaker!” Wilhelm said, raising his cane again as if he wanted to strike his son.

Bill hastily ran out of the clinic, looking back at Harold resentfully.

“Since you are busy, I'll take my leave. Remember this badge, and don't lose it. It may save your life in a difficult time!” Wilhelm finished speaking and left Luna Clinic.

Wilhelm and Bill left hurriedly, just as they had arrived.

Harold didn't pay much attention to Wilhelm's statement or the badge, but he was attracted by its vintage look.

He didn't throw it away but casually put it in his pocket.

A few minutes after Wilhelm left, a Land Rover stopped at the clinic's entrance.

Harold recognized it as Naomi's car and immediately went to greet her.

“Luna, you're back. How was it? Has Owen stopped causing you trouble?” Luna had just gotten out of the car when Harold asked her. He remembered that Lothar had promised him over the phone that he would use all his connections to pressure the Sunderland family.