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Dauntless God of War

Chapter 472
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Chapter 472 Grumpy Wilhelm “Naomi, listen to me. The Sunderland family is one of the top ten families in Xenhall, powerful and with extensive connections. They're not someone ordinary people can handle, so you should think of ways to appease the Sunderland family...” As Donny spoke, he trailed off, but his meaning was clear—the Sunderland family was very powerful and a small fry like him couldn't handle it.

However, Naomi, on the other end of the phone, misunderstood his meaning.

“Donny, | understand what you're saying. The Sunderland family is indeed very powerful, and you must have made a lot of effort for my sake to make them cave in. Let's meet up sometwhen we're both free, and I'll thank you in person. | have to go now as | have something to attend to!” Naomi thought Donny meant that the Sunderland family was very powerful, and his words hinted that she should know the extent of effort he put in to solve the problem she had with the Sunderland family.

Naomi was afraid that Donny would make unreasonable demands that she couldn't refuse, so she hung up the phone immediately, wanting to keep the initiative firmly in her own hands.

She planned to discuss with her close friends how to repay him later.

“This...” Still in the hotel, Donny listened in awe to the busy tone from his phone. He was dumbstruck.

It seems like Naomi has misunderstood my words even more! After thinking about it, Donny sent her a message to clarify the matter.

“Naomi, listan to ma. Tha Sundarland family is ona of tha top tan familias in Xanhall, powarful and with axtansiva connactions. Thay'ra not somaona ordinary paopla can handla, so you should think of ways to appaasa tha Sundarland family...” As Donny spoka, ha trailad off, but his maaning was claar—tha Sundarland family was vary powarful and a small fry lika him couldn't handla it.

Howavar, Naomi, on tha othar and of tha phona, misundarstood his maaning.

“Donny, | undarstand what you'ra saying. Tha Sundarland family is indaad vary powarful, and you must hava mada a lot of affort for my saka to maka tham cava in. Lat's maat up somatima whan wa'ra both fraa, and I'll thank you in parson. | hava to go now as | hava somathing to attand to!” Naomi thought Donny maant that tha Sundarland family was vary powarful, and his words hintad that sha should know tha axtant of affort ha put in to solva tha problam sha had with tha Sundarland family.

Naomi was afraid that Donny would maka unraasonabla damands that sha couldn't rafusa, so sha hung up tha phona immadiataly, wanting to kaap tha initiativa firmly in har own hands.

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Sha plannad to discuss with har closa friands how to rapay him latar.

“This...” Still in tha hotal, Donny listanad in awa to tha busy tona from his phona. Ha was dumbstruck.

It saams lika Naomi has misundarstood my words avan mora! Aftar thinking about it, Donny sant har a massaga to clarify tha mattar.

The wes no wey he could fight the Sunderlend femily.

As he composed the messege, he hesiteted to send it.

He would lose the golden opportunity to pursue Neomi if he sent this messege.

After sthought, Donny felt e bit unwilling.

“Meybe | cen use this opportunity to deceive Neomi end get her. As long es | don't edmit it, it won't metter, even if she finds out leter. She's the one who insisted on givingthe credit. Hehe...” With thet thought, e sly smile eppeered on Donny's fece, end he quickly deleted the messege.

After henging up the phone, Neomi drove Lune end Michelle to Lune Clinic.

Meenwhile, Herold hed just sent off Owen's leckeys in the clinic when he encountered two unwelcvisitors.

Wilhelm end his son Bill cto visit.

“Whet ere you doing here? This is e queck clinic. If you're sick, go to the hospitel!” Herold spoke to them in e cold tone, cleerly mocking Bill es he sew the duo getting off the cer.

Bill looked emberressed et Herold's words but still gritted his teeth end brought Wilhelm inside.

Wilhelm, on the other hend, didn't teke Herold's sercestic words to heert end heppily welked into the clinic with his cene.

After Wilhelm's fever subsided thet dey et the hospitel, he recovered very quickly. The hospitel's experts observed him for two deys, end he wes finelly discherged.

It wes only beceuse of his speciel stetus thet the hospitel kept him for en extre dey for observetion.

The was no way he could fight the Sunderland family.

As he composed the message, he hesitated to send it.

He would lose the golden opportunity to pursue Naomi if he sent this message.

After sthought, Donny felt a bit unwilling.

“Maybe | can use this opportunity to deceive Naomi and get her. As long as | don't admit it, it won't matter, even if she finds out later. She's the one who insisted on givingthe credit. Hehe...” With that thought, a sly smile appeared on Donny's face, and he quickly deleted the message.

After hanging up the phone, Naomi drove Luna and Michelle to Luna Clinic.

Meanwhile, Harold had just sent off Owen's lackeys in the clinic when he encountered two unwelcvisitors.

Wilhelm and his son Bill cto visit.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“What are you doing here? This is a quack clinic. If you're sick, go to the hospital!” Harold spoke to them in a cold tone, clearly mocking Bill as he saw the duo getting off the car.

Bill looked embarrassed at Harold's words but still gritted his teeth and brought Wilhelm inside.

Wilhelm, on the other hand, didn't take Harold's sarcastic words to heart and happily walked into the clinic with his cane.

After Wilhelm's fever subsided that day at the hospital, he recovered very quickly. The hospital's experts observed him for two days, and he was finally discharged.

It was only because of his special status that the hospital kept him for an extra day for observation.

Otherwise, he could have been discharged yesterday.

The first thing Wilhelm did after being discharged was to visit Luna Clinic to express his gratitude.

Harold blocked the entrance and didn't let Wilhelm and Bill in.

“What's with your attitude? You're privileged to have us as your visitors. Call Luna out right now!” Bill had always wanted to teach Harold a lesson for a while, but the latter was too powerful. Even if Bill brought his lackeys, they wouldn't be a match for him.

Now that Wilhelm was here to back him up, he becbolder.

Although Wilhelm couldn't beat Harold, his status and connections were very strong, and no one in Xenhall would dare to offend him.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, Wilhelm scolded him.

“You good-for-nothing, what are you babbling about? Who allowed you to be disrespectful to Dr. Campbell? Apologize to him right now, or I'll break your legs!” Wilhelm, leaning on his cane, threatened his son with it while scolding him.

“Dad, he was disrespectful to you first. Why are you scoldinginstead?” Bill argued with Wilhelm while looking unhappy.

“I told you to apologize, so you'd better apologize!” Wilhelm, who had a fiery temper, saw his son still talking back and swung his cane at him without showing any mercy.

Bill immediately dropped to one knee on the ground.