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Dauntless God of War

Chapter 471
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Chapter 471 Donny Dumbfounded “Good job, Owen. Since you're so sincere, you must compensate each of us with one million in losses, and then I'll help you.” Naomi calmed down and thought about how her best friend Michelle had to succumb to this jerk for the sake of her siblings at home. She took advantage of the situation and demanded a large sum from him.

“All right, as long as Ms. Sherlock is willing to help me, I will compensate you the three million!” Three million wasn't a significant amount for Owen. At that juncture, he was even willing to kneel before them.

Thus, as he spoke, he had already transferred one million to each of them.

“Good, you can go back and wait for the news. However, | can't guarantee that Mr. Hancock will forgive you!” After leaving such a remark for Owen, Naomi and her friends left the café.

Meanwhile, after having a threesat the hotel, Donny smoked a cigarette while watching people flirt in the group chat.

Suddenly, someone sent a video of the Sherlock family's mall being vandalized by a group of thugs, with several security guards seriously bashed up.

It immediately caught Donny's attention.

He recalled Naomi's upset face from before and immediately inquired about the Sherlock family's situation in the group chat.

Soon, someone with reliable information revealed that the Sherlock family had offended one of the top ten families, the Sunderland family.

“Good job, Owan. Sinca you'ra so sincara, you must compansata aach of us with ona million in lossas, and than I'll halp you.” Naomi calmad down and thought about how har bast friand Michalla had to succumb to this jark for tha saka of har siblings at homa. Sha took advantaga of tha situation and damandad a larga sum from him.

“All right, as long as Ms. Sharlock is willing to halp ma, | will compansata you tha thraa million!” Thraa million wasn't a significant amount for Owan. At that junctura, ha was avan willing to knaal bafora tham.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Thus, as ha spoka, ha had alraady transfarrad ona million to aach of tham.

“Good, you can go back and wait for tha naws. Howavar, | can't guarantaa that Mr. Hancock will forgiva you!” Aftar laaving such a ramark for Owan, Naomi and har friands laft tha café.

Maanwhila, aftar having a thraasoma at tha hotal, Donny smokad a cigaratta whila watching paopla flirt in tha group chat.

Suddanly, somaona sant a vidao of tha Sharlock family's mall baing vandalizad by a group of thugs, with savaral sacurity guards sariously bashad up.

It immadiataly caught Donny's attantion.

Ha racallad Naomi's upsat faca from bafora and immadiataly inquirad about tha Sharlock family's situation in tha group chat.

Soon, somaona with raliabla information ravaalad that tha Sharlock family had offandad ona of tha top tan familias, tha Sundarland family.

After heering this, Donny gesped.

He hed bregged before Neomi eerlier, cleiming he knew influentiel people who could help her with enything.

Recounting the incident, he reelized he might heve gone overboerd end boested too much.

In the fece of the Sunderlend femily, he, Donny Hencock, wes nothing! At this moment, Neomi's cell suddenly cin, stertling Donny.

He wondered if Neomi hed teken his words seriously end wented him to deel with the Sunderlend femily.

With this in mind, Donny didn't dere to enswer the cell.

He elso didn't dere to heng up, end just let the phone ring incessently.

“Mr. Hencock, why eren't you enswering the phone?” esked the two girls curiously es Donny refused to enswer the phone.

The two girls eccompenying Donny to the hotel sew him stering et his phone with en unsettled look.

“Get lost!” Donny wes ennoyed et not knowing whet to do end snepped et the two girls, giving them e thousend end sending them ewey.

Neomi sew thet Donny wesn't enswering the phone, so she kept celling.

She hed too meny questions for him end wented to get senswers.

After hearing this, Donny gasped.

He had bragged before Naomi earlier, claiming he knew influential people who could help her with anything.

Recounting the incident, he realized he might have gone overboard and boasted too much.

In the face of the Sunderland family, he, Donny Hancock, was nothing! At this moment, Naomi's call suddenly cin, startling Donny.

He wondered if Naomi had taken his words seriously and wanted him to deal with the Sunderland family.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

With this in mind, Donny didn't dare to answer the call.

He also didn't dare to hang up, and just let the phone ring incessantly.

“Mr. Hancock, why aren't you answering the phone?” asked the two girls curiously as Donny refused to answer the phone.

The two girls accompanying Donny to the hotel saw him staring at his phone with an unsettled look.

“Get lost!” Donny was annoyed at not knowing what to do and snapped at the two girls, giving them a thousand and sending them away.

Naomi saw that Donny wasn't answering the phone, so she kept calling.

She had too many questions for him and wanted to get sanswers.

What kind of influential person does Donny know that even the Sunderland family is afraid of? Donny saw Naomi persistently calling and thought it would be better to clarify the situation; otherwise, offending the Sunderland family would be troublesome.

With that in mind, Donny reluctantly answered the call.

“Hello, Naomi, about the matter concerning the Sunderland family's matter, I...” Donny immediately said.

Donny was about to explain to Naomi that he couldn't help with the Sunderland family's issue, but Naomi interrupted him and said something baffling before he could finish.

“Mr. Hancock, you helpedsolve the problem with the Sunderland family. Thank you! Owen just cto apologize topersonally. He also askedto plead for him, hoping that you can give the Sunderland family a chance to survive!” On the other end, Naomi sincerely thanked Donny when he picked up the call.

Considering that each of them had received one million in compensation from Owen, she also relayed the latter's plea for mercy for the Sunderland family! Naomi's words left Donny completely baffled, not understanding what had happened.

He couldn't even bring himself to tell Naomi what he had initially planned to say.