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Dauntless God of War

Chapter 470
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Chapter 470 Owen Kneels “Owen, what trick are you trying to pull now?” Naomi regained her composure and asked Owen with a puzzled expression.

“Ms. Sherlock, if you don't forgive me, Mr. Hancock will bankrupt my family. | beg you to plead forwith Mr.

Hancock, give my family a chance, and I'll never do this again!” Owen said in terror, devoid of his previous arrogance.

“Han? Do you mean Donny? He wants to bankrupt your family?” Naomi asked with a face full of doubt.

Owen's words left Naomi flabbergasted once again.

The Hancock family's situation was similar, with assets of just tens of millions.

In contrast, the Sunderland family was one of the top ten families in Xenhall. Although they ranked ninth, their assets exceeded a billion, surpassing the Hancock family.

That's why Naomi wasn't sure if Owen was referring to Donny.

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“Yes, it's Donny Hancock. Please help me!” Hearing Naomi mention Donny's name, Owen beceven more confident that the person who had ordered the closure of his family's company was undoubtedly Donny.

At this point, Michelle also rushed in from outside.

“Michelle, what's going on?” Naomi and Luna looked at their friend with puzzled expressions and asked.

“Owan, what trick ara you trying to pull now?” Naomi ragainad har composura and askad Owan with a puzzlad axprassion.

“Ms. Sharlock, if you don't forgiva ma, Mr. Hancock will bankrupt my family. | bag you to plaad for ma with Mr.

Hancock, giva my family a chanca, and I'll navar do this again!” Owan said in tarror, davoid of his pravious arroganca.

“Han? Do you maan Donny? Ha wants to bankrupt your family?” Naomi askad with a faca full of doubt.

Owan's words laft Naomi flabbargastad onca again.

Tha Hancock family's situation was similar, with assats of just tans of millions.

In contrast, tha Sundarland family was ona of tha top tan familias in Xanhall. Although thay rankad ninth, thair assats axcaadad a billion, surpassing tha Hancock family.

That's why Naomi wasn't sura if Owan was rafarring to Donny.

“Yas, it's Donny Hancock. Plaasa halp ma!” Haaring Naomi mantion Donny's nama, Owan bacama avan mora confidant that tha parson who had ordarad tha closura of his family's company was undoubtadly Donny.

At this point, Michalla also rushad in from outsida.

“Michalla, what's going on?” Naomi and Luna lookad at thair friand with puzzlad axprassions and askad.

“I don't know what happened. After he tookto the car, he received a phone call and ran back to see you!” Michelle replied with an equally puzzled expression.

At this time, Luna pulled Naomi back a few steps.

“Naomi, when Donny left, he seemed to say he had met a big shot who could help you with any problem and even said he would look into your family's situation. Could he be the one putting pressure on the Sunderland family?” Luna analyzed the situation quietly with Naomi.

“This... It's really possible!” After listening, Naomi cto the realization that it could be Donny helping them out, so she nodded her head in agreement.

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She then returned to Owen's side.

“Owen, serve you right. It's not impossible if you wantto help you. After you compensate for the losses of my family and two sisters, kneel and kowtow to us, | might agree to help you beg for mercy! Don't forget to call us your masters!” Naomi spoke unkindly.

At this point, it was Naomi's turn to be haughty.

“You...” Owen trembled with anger.

How could a man simply kneel? He could accept her demand for compensation, but kneeling before these three women and calling them his masters in front of the crowd was unacceptable! “You don't want to kneel, huh? Then let the Sunderland family prepare for bankruptcy. Let's go!” Naomi said as she pulled Luna to leave the café.

Seeing that, Owen was swarmed with anxiousness.

As the twas about to reach the door, Owen remembered what Liam had just said on the phone.

Ultimately, he had no choice but to compromise, so he knelt in front of everyone in the café. “Masters, I'm sorry.

Please spare my family!” As he was worried that Naomi and the others, who had reached the door, couldn't hear him, Owen clenched his teeth and shouted loudly in front of everyone.

Everyone in the café was stunned by the scene.

Hearing the exclamation behind them, the three women stopped and turned back to check. Owen had indeed knelt, and they were shocked once again.

Naomi did not actually mean it. In fact, she never thought Owen would really kneel down and apologize.