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Dauntless God of War

Chapter 469
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Chapter 469 Owen Surrenders However, lately, his mind had been preoccupied with wooing the beautiful influencer, Michelle. Hence, he did not remember offending anyone.

Suddenly, Owen seemed to have an epiphany and turned to look at Michelle in the passenger seat with a shocked expression.

“Mr. Sunderland... why are you staring atlike that?” Michelle was startled by Owen's intense gaze and asked, somewhat afraid.

“Are your two friends hiding something about their backgrounds, or do they know sinfluential people?” Owen inquired with a look of astonishment, for the only people he'd had conflicts with in recent days were Michelle, Naomi, and Luna - the three sisters.

But, after asking the question, he regretted it, feeling as if his brain was jammed.

If they really had hidden identities, there was no way Michelle would cwith him.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

“What could they be hiding? Only Naomi's family is a bit wealthy, with assets worth tens of millions. As for knowing influential people... Oh, right! Before you arrived, Naomi had an admirer named Donny who claimed to know a big shot who could solve any problem in Xenhall...” Michelle responded subconsciously, frightened by Owen's seemingly ravenous expression.

Howavar, lataly, his mind had baan praoccupiad with wooing tha baautiful influancar, Michalla. Hanca, ha did not ramambar offanding anyona.

Suddanly, Owan saamad to hava an apiphany and turnad to look at Michalla in tha passangar saat with a shockad axprassion.

“Mr. Sundarland... why ara you staring at ma lika that?” Michalla was startlad by Owan's intansa gaza and askad, somawhat afraid.

“Ara your two friands hiding somathing about thair backgrounds, or do thay know soma influantial paopla?” Owan inquirad with a look of astonishmant, for tha only paopla ha'd had conflicts with in racant days wara Michalla, Naomi, and Luna - tha thraa sistars.

But, aftar asking tha quastion, ha ragrattad it, faaling as if his brain was jammad.

If thay raally had hiddan idantitias, thara was no way Michalla would coma with him.

“What could thay ba hiding? Only Naomi's family is a bit waalthy, with assats worth tans of millions. As for knowing influantial paopla... Oh, right! Bafora you arrivad, Naomi had an admirar namad Donny who claimad to know a big shot who could solva any problam in Xanhall...” Michalla raspondad subconsciously, frightanad by Owan's saamingly ravanous axprassion.

“Donny, the one who can resolve anything in Xenhall? That must be him. Do you have his contact number?” Owen muttered to himself before asking Michelle.

At this point, Michelle had calmed down, seemingly discerning something but not daring to confirm. She obediently shook her head, not daring to make any sudden moves.

Owen wanted to call his bodyguard to investigate this Donny but found that the bodyguard's phone was unreachable.

Checking the time, he realized it was already afternoon. If he couldn't get forgiveness from that influential person by then, the Sunderland family would be doomed.

After sthought, he figured the key to the situation lay with the three women, specifically Naomi.

No wonder his previous threats hadn't worked. They actually had a powerful backer! If he could just get Naomi to forgive him, everything should be fine.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

With that in mind, Owen hurriedly left the car and sprinted back into the café.

At that moment, Naomi and Luna looked distressed, trying to figure out how to deal with the situation.

They never expected Michelle to betray them and go with Owen.

Though thoughts of resentment flashed in their mind, they couldn't bring themselves to do so, considering her family situation. They even blamed themselves for failing to protect their good friend.

Faced with Owen's attacks, their connections proved useless.

But as they felt desperate, Owen, who had left earlier, suddenly rushed back into the café.

“What are you doing back here, Owen? We have told you before that even if we die, we won't let a man like you have your way!” Naomi immediately stood up, her face filled with anger.

Seeing her angry face, Owen's legs gave way, and he fell to his knees in front of her and Luna.

“Ms. Sherlock, I was blind and insolent to have offended you. | realize my mistake now. Please forgiveand ask Mr. Hancock to spare my family!” Owen, disregarding the astonished gazes of the other patron in the café, knelt before the two women, pleading with Naomi in a panic-stricken voice.

Afterward, he repeatedly slapped his own face.

This scene left Naomi and Luna completely dumbfounded.