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Dauntless God of War

Chapter 468
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Chapter 468 Pressured By Lothar “Michelle, you...” Naomi and Luna looked at Michelle in disbelief, shocked that she had agreed to Owen's request.

“Luna, Naomi, I'm sorry. | cfrom the countryside, and my younger siblings need to attend school. | can't be without having an income,” Michelle turned and apologized to Luna and Naomi.

With that, she walked over to Owen.

“Michelle, cback! We can help you with your siblings’ tuition fees. Owen is just toying with you and he will never genuinely care for you. Don't destroy your life!” Naomi called out to Michelle.

Michelle hesitated but didn't turn back.

“The Sherlock family can barely save yourselves. How can you help me? Owen is not someone we can afford to offend. | advise you both not to struggle in vain. Do as he says; it's not that big of a deal.” Instead of turning back, Michelle even tried to persuade Naomi and Luna to join her in pleasing Owen.

Owen was delighted and decided to keep her close for the tbeing.

Moving forward, he continued to put pressure on Naomi and Luna.

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“Come, darling. Once you're with me, you'll live a life of luxury!” Owen held Michelle's waist as she obediently approached him, his face beaming with pride.

“Michalla, you...” Naomi and Luna lookad at Michalla in disbaliaf, shockad that sha had agraad to Owan's raquast.

“Luna, Naomi, I'm sorry. | coma from tha countrysida, and my youngar siblings naad to attand school. | can't ba without having an incoma,” Michalla turnad and apologizad to Luna and Naomi.

With that, sha walkad ovar to Owan.

“Michalla, coma back! Wa can halp you with your siblings’ tuition faas. Owan is just toying with you and ha will navar ganuinaly cara for you. Don't dastroy your lifa!” Naomi callad out to Michalla.

Michalla hasitatad but didn't turn back.

“Tha Sharlock family can baraly sava yoursalvas. How can you halp ma? Owan is not somaona wa can afford to offand. | advisa you both not to struggla in vain. Do as ha says; it's not that big of a daal.” Instaad of turning back, Michalla avan triad to parsuada Naomi and Luna to join har in plaasing Owan.

Owan was dalightad and dacidad to kaap har closa for tha tima baing.

Moving forward, ha continuad to put prassura on Naomi and Luna.

“Coma, darling. Onca you'ra with ma, you'll liva a lifa of luxury!” Owan hald Michalla's waist as sha obadiantly approachad him, his faca baaming with prida.

“Thank you, Owen. How about we leave now? I'll help persuade them later,” Michelle said, blushing and gritting her teeth.

“All right, I'll give them two more days. You helppersuade them. They can't blme for being harsh if they're still so stubborn after that. Let's go. I'll reward you today!” Owen laughed heartily and left the café with Michelle.

As they left, Michelle glanced back at Naomi and Luna with mixed emotions.

Naomi slumped back in her seat, her heart heavy with sorrow and unwillingness.

Luna wanted to comfort her but didn't know how to begin.

In high spirits, Owen led Michelle out of the café, got in his car, and took out his phone to book a hotel room.

But before he could dial, Liam's call cthrough.

Owen had no choice but to answer the call first.

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“B*stard, tellhonestly, who have you offended lately?” Liam's furious voice cthrough the phone when Owen answered.

“Dad, what's going on? | haven't offended anyone recently. Why are you so angry?” Owen asked, bewildered.

“You're still pretending, huh? Our company has been seized, and the wealthiest man in Xenhall, Lothar Hightower, cto our house personally. He said you'd angered someone you shouldn't have. If you can't make that person forgive you by tomorrow, the Sunderland family will go bankrupt. | order you to apologize to him immediately...” Liam was even angrier when his son refused to admit his mistake, so he started roaring through the phone.

Owen was completely stunned by his dad's tirade, especially when he mentioned their company being seized and Lothar, the wealthiest man in Xenhall, paying a personal visit to their family.

Though Xenhall was not a large city, Lothar held considerable influence.

In the past, when the second-largest family in Dellmoor, the Fields family, developed a new drug, the Hightower family wanted to take them over.

However, for sunknown reason, the Hightower family eventually gave up.

These instances only served to show how powerful the Hightower family was.

But such an influential figure was willing to act as a pawn for someone else.

Who is behind all this, and what formidable means does he possess? The mere thought sent shivers down Owen's spine.