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Dauntless God of War

Chapter 426
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Chapter 426 Flattered Beyond Words

“Hello, Ms. Turner. I'm God of War's assistant. He said he caused you some distress on stage earlier

and would like to apologize by inviting you to a meal. He's staying at this hotel and hopes you'll join him

for dinner,” the woman said and handed a note to Isabella.

“God of War is apologizing to me and inviting me for dinner?”

Isabella was shocked and couldn't believe what she was hearing.

She even thought the staff member was joking with her.

“You heard correctly! This is the address. The dinner is at six in the evening!”

The staff member wasn't surprised by Isabella's stunned expression, as she was also surprised and

even envious of Isabella when she heard God of War was inviting the latter to dinner.

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She was even slightly resentful of her parents for not giving her the same good looks as Isabella.

It was a great honor to be invited by God of War.

The assistant thought she would not need to worry about her livelihood for the rest of her life if she

drew public attention to this matter.

After handing the fake God of War's note to Isabella, the staff member quickly left, fearing that she

might be unable to control her jealousy.

When Isabella opened the note, she read, “See you at the Epean restaurant at Grandeur Hotel!”

God of War's tone was down to earth, which made Isabella feel less nervous.

She immediately went home to change her clothes and makeup, preparing to attend the dinner.

Meanwhile, the fake God of War had already returned to Grandeur Hotel and was sitting on the couch,

listening to the fake Logan's report.

“God of War, I've checked all the exits of the stadium multiple times, but there were no signs of Harold

appearing. He might have disguised himself,” the fake Logan reported to the fake God of War as beads

of sweat formed on his forehead.

After listening to the report, God of War said indifferently, “It doesn't matter that he didn't appear. I've

already invited Isabella to dinner tonight. Isn't he most concerned about her? I don't believe he can

watch me pursue his woman without doing anything. I can also find out some information from her!”

“That's brilliant thinking, sir!”

The fake Logan breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his master didn't blame him and quickly

flattered him.

“All right, you don't have to flatter me. Don't arrange for too many people to stand guard since it will

easily arouse the other party's suspicion. Just keep an eye on Isabella, and Harold will definitely

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appear!” the fake God of War replied smugly.

“Got it. I'll make the necessary arrangements right away.”

The fake Logan left to execute his superior's plan.

After he left, the fake God of War carefully tidied up his disguise and changed into a suit before leaving

the room. He went to the Epean restaurant and waited for Isabella.

He had already booked the entire restaurant for the night and invited a violinist to perform so that he

could create a romantic atmosphere.

Isabella reached Grandeur Hotel before six o'clock in the evening.

“Are you Ms. Isabella Turner? God of War has been waiting for you in the restaurant for some time.

Please follow me!”

The hotel waiter saw Isabella at the door and immediately led her inside.

Hearing that God of War was already waiting for her in the restaurant, Isabella was pleasantly
