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Dark Secrets of the Blind Husband

Chapter 1049
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Chapter 1049 Tea and Truths Cherise pursed her lips. She looked at Steve onstage, holding a microphone to calm the crowd. "I'd like to have a word with this fool." Damien shrugged, "Well, go ahead." So they found a corner and observed as the crowd gradually dispersed.

To Cherise's surprise, none of their high school classmates stood by Steve's side after the incident.

Everyone rose from their seats and departed, unwilling to spare even a few more words for Steve.

According to the chubby guy, Steve, affectionately nicknamed "The Toad," had his heart set on marrying the class's belle just because of his deep pockets. Well, wasn't he just in for a treat? Cherise watched as these people left, feeling even more disillusioned. She was incredulous that she had once shared a classroom with such a group of individuals.

Despite Cherise's lack of high school memories, she still wanted to console Steve with a few words. However, it was disheartening to see that those who did remember couldn't be bothered to offer any words of support to their old classmates. Before long, the wedding guests had dispersed, leaving the venue eerily quiet.

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Stella and Ariana humbly apologized to Steve. Respectful nods and graceful bows accompanied their gestures of contrition as they tenderly guided their elderly relatives toward the exit.

As the last guests departed, Steve's gaze finally settled on Damien and Cherise, who lingered quietly in the corner.

With a smile, he made his way towards them, his steps deliberate and purposeful. "Savannah mentioned she hasn't spoken to you in seven or eight years. I didn't anticipate seeing you here as well." Cherise lifted her gaze to meet the man before her.

At first sight, Steve didn't strike her as particularly appealing.

Upon closer observation and reflection on recent events, Cherise saw Steve's appearance in a more favorable light than her initial impression.

She pursed her lips and replied, "I just happened to be bringing Ariana back, so I cto attend." "Yeah, it's been a while since Savannah and I last caught up." Steve acknowledged with a nod. "I see." After uttering those words, he flashed a charming smile and directed his gaze towards Damien. "Boyfriend?" "Actually, husband," Damien replied confidently.

"Ah, excellent," Steve responded with a subtle grin. "My apologies for the unintended amusement." "Indeed," he continued, his tone hinting melancholy. "This isn't quite the picture-perfect wedding we had hoped for." Cherise pursed her lips, hesitating, before finally taking a deep breath. "Why did you do this?" she asked.

Steve frowned, concerned. "What's wrong?" "My husband just gavesinsight," Cherise revealed.

"You and Trent are in on this together, right?" she pressed.

Steve paused tically before flashing a charming smile. "I happen to have a house nearby, bought specifically for the wedding. Care to joinfor a cup of tea and a leisurely chat?" "Your wedding house?" Cherise asked, her eyes wide with curiosity.

As Steve guided Cherise to the wedding venue, her eyes widened at the grandeur of the house before her.

Though petite in stature, the villa exuded an air of timeless elegance. Its two stories whispered of intimacy rather than grandeur, more reminiscent of a shared sanctuary for two souls than a lavish wedding setting. Sear*ch the FindNøvelwebsite on Gøøgle to access chapters of early and in the highest quality.

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Yet, what truly set it apart was the absence of the auspicious symbol traditionally adorning wedding chambers. Instead, two simple bedrooms, one above and one below, awaited. Their unadorned simplicity was a testament to the purity of love that would soon grace their walls.

The upstairs bedroom gleamed in pristine white and was adorned with delicate feminine touches. Inside, feminine items whispered of grace and elegance. Meanwhile, the downstairs chamber, enveloped in deep ebony, housed rugged masculine belongings.

The upstairs room belonged to Savannah, while the downstairs room belonged to Steve.

"I apologize for the inconvenience."

Steve delicately set two cups of steaming tea on the coffee table.n "Today, rent was indeed invited by me," he disclosed. Cherise furrowed her brows, unable to hide her confusion. "Why did you do this?" "Is it that you don't care for Savannah?" Cherise probed gently.

Steve hesitated before answering, her voice steady. "I do like her."

Steve smiled wistfully, his gaze drifting out the window as if lost in a distant reverie. From the moment I laid eyes on her in high school, I knew I liked her," he confessed softly.

He escaped with a self-deprecating chuckle: "I'm well aware of my m shortcomings knew I wasn't enough for her, so I could only admire her from afar during high school." MMMWWLIIOAIFO&L MMMWWLIIOAIFO&L mmMwWLHIOfiflO&1 MMMWWLIIOAIFO&L mmMyWL11101F1081 mMMWWLIIOfiflO&1