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Dangerous Desires Novel

Chapter 97
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97 Konkry, Santa Braee Luke The team met in an abandoned safe house on the outskirt of town. Everyone was already there getting ready, Mike shaved his afro and wore golden piercings. He looked good but nothing like Mikey. Mia was dressed like a tourist in a tank top, shorts and a ponytail. She had no muscles, and she looked weak. No one will mistake her for a military officer. Wiley had fake dreadlocks, but they looked natural with blonde highlights. He had false bushy beards with twists in them. He looked poor too. He would fly economy with Mia while Mike and | would fly business class. We wanted to go by ship, but | decided to fly last minute. The earlier we were done with the mission, the sooner | would be home.

| should be with my wife now, taking her for her antenatal sessions, picking baby names and preparing a nursery.

Tia would soon start showing, and the thought of the stress this Luis man was putting us through madewant to end him the more. Paul‘s visit would soon be due. | hoped to make it hearly enough to see my son. | had a prosthetic nose to alter my nose‘s shape and makelook different. | shaved my beards clean and dyed my hair blonde. My natural blue eyes matched the blonde hair, and | could not recognise myself in the mirror. My non the passport was Adam Phelps. “What's your name?” | asked Mike, and he grinned at me.

“Eddie Willis,” He said, and we both laughed. Mia's nwas Kathrine, and Wiley's nwas Wiley, but his surnwas Beams instead Rivers. Before we set out on the mission in our various vehicles, | decided to talk to them.

“We are going on a secret mission to investigate and not to engage. Luis Moon has left us trails leading to Santa Braee. As much as it is stupid to follow an obvious lead, we still have to ensure the threat is not external. We need to find out who Luis Moon is, what he looks like and what he is after. Whatever situation we find ourselves in, we should not engage. Once we get the information needed, we should hop on the plane back individually.

Mia, You and Wiley will Mike and | will leave next. Any questions?” | asked them, and they shook their heads.

“I am sure you all have your spending allowance and hotel reservations,” | said, and they nodded. It was now tto move. We were going to head to the airport in different vehicles to avert suspicion. The cars were parked outside the safe house. Wiley was the only one that would have to use a power bike to fit his disguise.

Boarding the flight was easy, and the air hostesses flirted with me. | got much preferential treatment. To avert suspicion, | collected one of their numbers. | wasn't going to use it, but that automatically screamed that | wasn't mated. | wore a business suit so no one could see Tia‘s mark on my neck. The flight was peaceful, and we arrived in the afternoon at Konkry, Santa Braee. | did not bother to look for the team because we were already communicating via the mind link, and | knew they were alright. | had to fight the urge to call my wife. | took a cab to the hotel, and the lady at the front desk flirted with me.

97 Konkey, Santa Brace Sunset Beach hotel was the shotel Luis sent us letters from. We had decided to start from there by staying there. Wiley was to find employment there, and Mia was to act like a tourist, The guests weren‘t much, and that was a problem. It meant we needed to be careful so we didn’t stand out.

“Would you like to have company in your room? Mr Phelps?” The receptionist smiled at me.” We have beautiful unmated people from Dome, Woodclaw Island. We also have sof our indigenes here if that is what you would prefer,” she asked. A woman from Dmight know who Luis Moon is. Dresidents could not afford the trip. She must have saved a lot to get here. She will helpif | offer her money.

“I would prefer company from Dome, please,” | said, and the woman smiled at me.

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“Male or female?” she asked, and | sighed.

“An adult Female, please,” | said, and she smiled at me. | knew what she was thinking. | was led to my room, and | tipped the staff heavily. The moment | sat on the bed, | began to miss Tia. | decided to return to Santa Braee with her after the Luis ordeal. It wasn't like our Island didn‘t have it all, but it would be nice to travel with my wife and our children.

The ‘company’ arrived, and | was disgusted that | had to do this. The female was pretty, in her early twenties.

She had brown hair and pale skin, green eyes and freckles. She looked cute. | wondered if she was here of her own volition or if she needed the money so badly and had no other choice. She advanced toward me, and | stopped her.

Keeping up appearances was going too hard, but | had no other choice. “What's your name?” | asked her, “Bianca Ash", she replied, and | went to get a drink from the mini bar.

“What will you like,” | said, staring at the array of drinks in their tiny bottles.

“Anything, sir,” she said, trying to sound alluring, and | hoped truth serum was part of the mix if there was anything like it.” I pulled out two tiny bottles of dark rum and handed her one.

“I sat on the couch of the two sitters in the sitting area of the suite and told her to sit on the one sitter on my left facing me. She did as instructed, and | leaned forward to speak to her.

“I like what | see, Bianca,” | said, and she smiled at me.

“Who do | speak to if | want to keep you?” | asked, and she was stunned. Her face was coloured. | knew every girl's dream in her situation was that a rich guy would cand take her away. | intended to do that when | messed the pimp up.

“Justin,” she said, and | raised an eyebrow.

“He works for the boss. | do not know who the boss is, but Justin knows” She had fear written all over her face while talking about this, Justin. | sighed and leaned forward because | had found my opportunity, “I do not want to fuck you, Bianca. | like freeing girls like you, and | am willing to pay you handsomely if you can pointin the direction of this Justin guy.” | said to her, and she 97 konkry, Santa Brace stood up abruptly and started shaking her head.

“I won't betray my pimp. If you do not need me, then | will take my leave,” she said, and she reeked of fear. | got up and pinned her against the wall, taking in her scent of fear. It disgusted me, but | controlled my wolf.

“Fifty thousand for your trouble,” | said, and I could smell her arousal. The money made her hot. It was a life- changing sum in Dome.” “Are.. are you serious?” she asked me, stammering and not able to believe what | had said.

“What do you wantto do, Sir,” she said, and | moved back to sit on my chair.

“I need you to remain withand pretend as if we are fucking while you point out your pimp to me. Once the job is done, | will credit your account in Dome.” | said, and she nodded immediately. | did not want to mention Luis’s nbecause | just got there. | had no business with her pimp or his business, but it was a good diversion. Gradually | will ask her about Luis. Girls like her got around a lot. She will be able to helpfind him. | have to make sure she is comfortable withand that | can trust her. “You sleep on the couch, Bianca and no funny business, or our deal is off,” | said to her, and she nodded. | went to the bathroom to shower, and Mike linked me.

“We have all settled into our rooms. Wiley has an interview scheduled for tomorrow for a temporary job as a barman at the beachside. | am thinking of where to find would keep my ears to the ground.” Mike said. “Good luck with that. I have a girl withhere, and she will leadto Justin, her pimp. If Luis is from Woodclaw island, the pimps from there might know who he is, or one of the call girls might have rendered her services to him. I intend to butter her up and ask her tomorrow if she knows of anyone by that name.” | explained to Mikey, and we promised to keep each other posted.

| returned to the room fully clothed with my fake nose. It was done so well that it will take much effort to take it off. I also hid Tia‘’s mark.

“You do not have to hide your mate‘s mark, sir. | know you are mated.” Bianca said, and | frowned at her.

“It is only a mated wolf madly in love with his mate that would refuse a woman like me, sir.” She said, and | smiled.

“You are wrong. My mate died in an accident. | do not have one. Planing on getting a tattoo over it to helpforget.” | lied, and | hoped Tia would forgivefor it.

“I am so sorry, sir. That was insensitive of me; forgive my words,” she said, and | was glad she bought it. She would want to do more for me, believing she has a chance.

“My friend toldto ask of a guy when I get here. | do not know if you can helpin that regard, “I asked her, and she sat on the couch.

“What is his name?” She asked.

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“Luis. His nis Luis,” | said, and she laughed.

“I have cacross a lot of Luis on konkry. You will need to be a bit more specific,” she said, and | did not want to drop Luis‘s Last nin case the Moon part was a trap, “I will have to call him for his last name. Thanks anyway.” | said and went to bed. | tossed her a duvet and Pillow and used the other. While | lay in bed, | wondered what Tia was doing without me.

TWO WEEKS LATER All the leads we followed led to dead ends. We tried not to use the Moon surnthat Luis gave us, which was hard. We did not know what this guy looked like, and | began to suspect we had wasted our tby coming there. | was tempted to call hevery day, but | refused to, hoping that we were closer to solving the problem and that | would soon be hwith my wife. | wondered how everyone was doing and what was happening in my absence.

| wanted to get up and leave Santa Braee, but | knew we had to catch the bastard. It was now three weeks and nothing. Bianca had been a good sport, and she had shownwho Justin was in the second week. The rest of the team had watched him hoping to catch him privately. The all did eventually, but it led to nothing. It was tto make a bold move. I let Bianca go and paid her smoney. Using the bank account created for Adam, | credited her Daccount. She was overwhelmed with Joy, and she left.

We should have been more careful than we were. Two days after | let Bianca go, men broke into my room with tasers and silver. | was bundled and blindfolded. This wasn‘t my territory, so | knew | was in deep shit. They carriedblindfolded in a van to an unknown location and then forcedinto a building of ssort. | was able to pick the environment from the distinct scents. The vehicle because of the smell of leather and iron and the fact that we were moving. The building because of the smell of wood, iron and dusty concrete floors. | was placed on a chair and cuffed with silver. It burned so harshly that | screamed. The blindfolds were taken off, and to my surprise, my entire team was bound in chains. Speople stood before me, and | saw the most painful thing ever. Bianca was tied too, bloody, beaten and barely breathing. My heart broke. The poor woman only wanted to return to Dto be with her son.

“She was asking too many questions, which was odd.” The guy she pointed out as Justin said, holding a silver knife.

“Suddenly, | learned she packed up and was trying to leave. So | caught her and decided to teach her a lesson.

Boy, did she sing? She didn‘t want to, but she complied when her son cinto the picture. She toldall about your questions. It madebegin to wonder. Four people arrive from Woodclaw on the sday at the shotel asking for a guy with the sname. | must tell you, the four of you almost had us fooled, but we all chere to make a living, and Mr Moon is paying us way too much to disappoint him. Our instruction was clear; whoever comes from Woodclaw asking of Mr Luis or Mr Moon should be caught, questioned and killed,” the guy said, and | realised we had walked into his trap.

We did not have any information about Luis but his name, so we had no choice but to ask about him. He had prepared the place for such an event, and we had stupidly walked into it.

“Mr Adam, who sent you?” The guy asked, and | realised the guy did not know who we were. | was going to use this to my advantage, “Mr Timothy Miles. He is a business associate.” | said quickly, and Justin moved closer.

SAMSUNG 97 Konkty, Santa Braee TIT “What are you doing, Luke?” Mike linked me, and | told them to follow my story.

“Why would Mr Miles send you?” Justin asked.

“The Moon family has locked him up on Woodclaw because Mr Luis is on his board. They will not release him until he provides Mr Luis Moon. We were to chere and find Mr Luis to implore him to surrender himself to the Moon family or help Mr Miles get out of the bind that he is in.” | said, and Justin believedbecause he looked disappointed.

“I guess you lots are not the ones we are waiting for. ” Well then, Kill them,” the man said to the other, taking out their guns. My heart was in my mouth because | knew they would not miss their mark. This was the worst way to go. | promised my wife | would return to her. | began to struggle with my chains, but it was useless. | had never been afraid, but the thought of putting Tia and our children through the pain of living withoutscaredand | was determined to live. Her words kept ringing in my ears, and | wished we never came. Mike had just gotten married, and Tasha was pregnant. This was all my fault. Wiley and Mia were both nineteen, yet to start their lives. | felt like shit and began to pray to the goddess for a miracle. “Wait,” One of the men said, and | sighed, but | knew my relief would be short-lived. “We need to call Mr Moon before we kill them,” The guy argued, and Julius becshort with him.

“We won't be able to reach him. Remember. He is on an important mission in Woodclaw. He won't have tto answer our call when he is busy gathering the army for the war.” He said, and | was worried. What will Tia and Caleb do without us? If this man is on my Island preparing for war and | am not there, we will lose. Tia was right.

This was a trap, and | had walked right into it. | should have remained on the Island and prepared for battle. I just hoped all wasn't lost.