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Dangerous Desires Novel

Chapter 87
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87 A Glimpse Into Stacy’s Mind Stacy.

Caleb and Luke leftalone, and | rested on the bed, i had left my door open deliberately so Aesop could see what he had done to me. He had broken my heart completely. | never did anything to him. I have loved him since I met him, but he never failed to point out my flaws, comparingwith his late wife and makingfeel small. | took it out on Luke. | shouldn't have, but | did.

“Darling, let us talk about this,” I linked Aesop, but he did not respond. | remained in bed, unsure of what to do. It all seemed like a horrible nightmare | would soon wake up from. The reality of what had happened created an intense fear in me. | never imagined that Aesop would go this far, but he did. He embarrassedand castaside. My phone began to ring, and | wasn’t looking forward to speaking with whoever it was. Timothy Miles had been threatening me, asking for his money back since Diamond corp refused to pay for the contract. 1 did not want to deal with him in my current state of mind. I linked Norman to bringa bottle of gin. My nerves were all over the place, and | was afraid. The gin was delivered, and | did not bother to use the glass. | took several swigs from the bottle and began to sing songs to ease my aching heart. | felt neglected and abandoned. | hated Aesop for doing this to me. | did not do anything. | had stopped antagonising Luke and Tia; | wasn’t scheming against anyone. | did not speak during breakfast, yet he took it out on me. That was what | was good for anyway. He always took out his anger and frustration on me, but this was its height. Luke insults both of us, and | get to the boot. I began to laugh at the irony of the situation, | bet if Caleb were the one that insulted him, he would have dealt with him. What a bloody hypocrite. My phone began to ring, and | decided to answer it. | picked it up and looked at the screen. It was Timothy Miles. | wondered what the bastard wanted now. “Stacy!” he yelled without answering. “You are a sick bitch!!” he yelled, and | wondered why he would speak toin such a manner.

“What did | do to you, Timothy?” | asked him, slurring my words. “They were coming to arrest us, and you did not giveheads up. | will rope you in on this, | swear,” he said, and | was stunned.

“How? Timothy. | would have exposed you if | knew you were stealing from my husband. You never toldyou were running shady deals. You never toldyou were defrauding the company. It wouldn't have killed you to carry out the contracts. | thought | was helping a friend, but you ruined my husband’s company. Go ahead and lie against me, Timothy. | have nothing more to lose. My marriage is over.” | said to him, and he was silent. “I want my money back, Stacy”, he yelled as a comeback line, and | laughed. “If you find a guy called Regan Adhit, ask him for it. | gave it all to him.” | told him and hung up, not wanting to hear whatever he had to say.

Luke was much more ruthless than his father, and | knew it was Luke who decided to arrest them. | should have been nicer to him, but Aesop did not givea chance. | loved that boy and cared for him as a mother should care for her child, but Aesop always pointed out my flaws and showed his son and the memory of his dead wife more love than he showed me. | becresentful and lashed out. If | didn’t lash out, my marriage would have been intact.

| finished the bottle of Gin and becvery drunk, but sleep did not come. | decided to wear something sexy and go back to Aesop's room. | needed him to hearout and forgive me. This was the time. | wore his favourite lace lingerie and wore a white silk robe over and headed to his room.

He wasn’t in his room when | entered, so | linked Norman to find out where Aesop was. | learned he was having a meeting with Luke and a woman in his office. | decided to wait for him, | went where he kept his liquor and helped myself to some. If | was human, | should have been knocked out by now, but here | was, trying to keep myself tipsy. | should have done things differently. | should have been honest, compassionate and patient. | just have to hope he will hearout.

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While waiting, | remembered how innocent | was when | met Regan. His father had just died, and he was alone, standing by the streetlight. | had gone out to look for food. My father was ill, and my sister had run away to Cleeve to be with her lover. It was only my mother and me. She accusedof being lazy and askedto put my looks into good use, so | headed out to see what | could get. Regan called out to me, and | crossed over. | knew who he was, and | felt weird that our alpha would talk to me. He askedwhat | was doing, and | could not tell him, but he figured it out and gavesmoney. | took it hto my mother and told her how | got it, and she encouragedto see him. That was how Regan and | started dating. | moved in with him, and he took care of my folks, but then one day, he returned hwith a stranger and askedto sleep with the guy. | was shocked, and | refused to. Regan was my first, and | hoped to start a life with him. When | refused, he linkedand toldwe were broke. and this was how we would survive henceforth. | knew he had smoney, but he said he had plans. That he could not be great living in Dome, he wanted us to have enough to move to Neev and establish a business. He claimed ma He claimed many rich people go to Neev, and we will be made. He beatup for the first twhen | refused and forcedto sleep with the stranger. That was the first. He did not go easy onafter then. | tried to run away several times, but that only made it worse; soon, | accepted it as my life. The moment he felt we had enough, we moved to Neev, and | began to work at a hotel as staff and entertainment. It was like that for a while until | met Aesop. He was supposed to be an extra secret customer. | needed to send money hto help manage my father’s health, and Regan refused to givemoney. | offered myself to Aesop for a see, but lie turneddown. He letknow he was married and showedher mark on his neck. | felt ashamed, but he went easy onand gottalking. That was when | told him about my father, and he gavemoney to help with my father. He madepromise him that | won't offer myself to customers.

Although | made the promise, it wasn’t mine to keep. | envied his wife, and | wished | had met him instead. Soon Regan decided that we should move to Cleeve. That was the last t| saw Aesop. Two years later, Regan leftin Cleeve and returned to Neev for business. He askedto join him in Neev. As usual, Regan had a customer for me. Unlike the others, this customer knew nothing of Regan or his plans. This customer did not know he was a customer. It was Aesop, and his wife had died. | snapped out of my thoughts and took a swig of the bottle while | waited.

| waited around, and Aesop finally walked in. He was angry to see, but it was all or nothing right now. | could not afford to lose him. | walked towards the door as if | was ready to leave and locked it.

“Stacy get out,” he yelled at me, and | cringed. | was petrified. The last t| was this afraid was when | was with Regan.

“Please, Aesop, | am begging you. Do not do this to me. | cannot live without you. | will be silent. | will never say a word or do anything. | will be more submissive and obedient than an omega. | don’t want...” | said, and he cutshort.

“I need space, Stacy. You have ruined everything.” He said to me, and | shook my head. | moved closer to him, and he moved back with angry eyes.

“Aesop, Please,” | pleaded with him. My tears were flowing freely.

“Giveanother chance. Please. | will never speak to Tia or Luke. | will never speak to anyone again. In fact, | will stay away from breakfast. | will only do what you wantto do. | will never go against you.” | said and went on my knees when | found out nothing | was saying was getting through. I felt like throwing up, but I held it.

“Please, Aesop. Don’t leave me. | cannot live without you. Please. | love you. | love you so much you do not know how much I love you.” | pleaded.

Tellthe truth about Regan and where he is,” he asked me, and | was shocked at his request. | did not know where Regan was, and | could not tell him the whole truth. He would lockup or killif | told him the truth.

“I do not know where he is, | swear. | do not know.” | said, and he went to the door.

“I will break this door and leave the mansion permanently if you do not leave my room now,” he said, and | stood up, realising my predicament.

“At least make love toone last time, Aesop. | do not know how long this separation will be, but | want you to touchone last time.” | said and moved closer to him. He did not move from the door, and | decided to go for it. | tried to kiss him, and he moved away and then | dropped to my knees. It was all or nothing.

“You toldonce that this was all | was good for; | am willing to render my services forever,” | said, reaching for the buckle he pushed my hands, and before | knew it, he broke the room’s lock and walked out leavingdumbfounded. | got up and left his room quietly.

| stayed in my room for three days. It finally sank in the Aesop was done. Not once did he check on me. | could feel that this was final. | hated myself for allowing it to get to this. | should have just left well enough alone and lived in Chloe's shadow. However hurtful, he Wasn't beatingup and pimpingout to men like Regan. | should have loved Luke and kept the peace in the home. My mother did this to me. She was the one that gaveall the bad advice that leddown this road. Aesop was a good man, and | had pushed too hard. I refused to eat or cout, hoping that Aesop would be worried enough to check on me, but he never did. Monica tried, but I shut her out too. | was a mess. | missed Aesop, and | felt alone. Caleb did not bother to check To my surprise, it was Tia that sent food to me.

The handover was in two days, after which | was sure Luke would kickout. | began to think of committing suicide. | could not go back to Dome. | was afraid of Kegan and what he would do to me. | disobeyed him. He was my husband, and | betrayed him for love. | was supposed to marry Aesop and kill him and Luke, but | didn’t. | fell in love and got pregnant instead. It was a simple plan. Regan calledto Neev so | could seduce Aesop and get close to him enough to make him fall in love. It was a long-term investment that Regan was hoping would yield profit. My orders were simple. Get him to marryand then kill him and his heir, get back with my husband and transfer all the assets | inherit from Aesop’s demise to Regan. | couldn't do it.

| loved Aesop and Luke, and | couldn't do it. | decided to take my chances and be free of Regan by investing all | had in the marriage with Aesop. Regan haledfor it. My marriage with Aesop is null and void, but no one can ever know, and that is why | am willing to take it to my grave. No one can know that Regan is my mate and Monica is our daughter. Caleb will be seen as a bastard, and | do not want that for him. | am willing to die with my secrets. | did this for all of us. Before Aesop, we were starving My parents and my daughter were hungry.

Regan barely sent money to them, and | had to work double in Cleeve. With Aesop, | knew my daughter would be cared for, and my parents would be okay. | had to do it. Aesop was so sweet that | fell quickly. If only | had been kinder and did not listen to my mother’s advice. She would have been a better mate for Regan if she was younger.

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| decided that if Aesop chose to kickout pernanently, he would be burying my corpse because there was no way | was going back to the life that | detested so much.

I was lying down thinking of my life when my phone started ringing. | checked to see who it was and it was an unknown number. | instantly knew who it was, and my heart was in my mouth.

“Hello,” | said.

“Stacy.” The arrogant voice that had plagued my life since | was a teenager said, and my body cringed “Alpha Regan...” | said with a shaky voice. “Luna Stacy, | am yet to receive the money,” he said, and | did not know what to tell him.

“Please, Regan. | do not have money. | have nothing. You have taken everything from me, and now Aesop and | are separated. Please, let it go.” | pleaded with him in tears, and he began to laugh. “The fool finally saw you for what you are and has moved on,” he said, and | cringed.” You are resourceful, and | need that money, or you won't like what will happen,” he warned coldly.

“Please, Regan,” | said in tears,” | have nothing,” | pleaded with him. “And whose fault is that, Stacy. You had one fucking job to do, and you decided to fall in love. You would have been better off if you had done what | instructed. | want that money, or | will cafter your son, his mate and your granddaughter. Stacy, it is a promise, and you know | always keep my promises,” he threatened.

“Please, Regan. Letcback to you. | will work for you. | will work for every penny. Leave my family out of this,” | pleaded with you.

“Have you looked in the mirror? Your value has dropped, Stacy, and besides, | do not pimp women anymore, let alone my wife; thanks to you and your rich fool, | am in the big leagues now,” he said, and | felt insulted, but | needed to get through to him.

“Tellwhat | need to do, and | will do it,” | said, and he sighed.

“You have nothing | want, Stacy. | want money from you; if you can’t givethat, then | will take your loved ones from you one at a tso you will feel the pain of betrayal,” he said and laughed.” Irony of life, you betrayedfor the very man that has now kicked you to the curb. Hope it was fun while it lasted,” he said and hung up. With those words, | knew | was in trouble. | needed help. Knowing Caleb and Emma'’s lives were in danger, | had to do something about it. It was tto cclean, but | did not know who I should tell. Caleb was irrational. Luke hates me, and Aesop can’t stand me. This was an urgent situation. | could not let Regan get to Caleb and Emma. | needed to do something. Maybe hire someone to guard them. | still had sjewellery | could sell for money. That will buyenough tto figure out what to do.