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Dangerous Desires Novel

Chapter 80
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80 Back To The Mansion Tia.

When | returned upstairs to wake Kimberly up, | found her breastfeeding. Both mother and child looked peaceful, and | wished I did not have to upset them.

“Kim,” | said calmly, and she looked at me. | tried maintaining a calm exterior while telling her what | wanted.

“We need to move to the Moon Mansion now,” | said, and she frowned at me.

“Did Luke or Caleb order us to?” She asked me, looking confused.

“No,” | said, shaking my head. “I am ordering us to,” | said, and she frowned.

“Truston this, Kim. It is for our safety,” | said, and she understood.

“Tell me,” she asked, and | sighed.

“The Psycho that has been trying to kill us senta letter. He knows where we live. He can attack us here, but he can't attack us in the mansion,” | told her, and she widened her eyes.

“We need to tell them,” she said, and | shook my head.

“No, we won't,” | said, and she knew | was serious. They needed to focus on their mission. Whenever Luke was away, | was in charge. | appreciate that Kirk was handling things for me, but the least | could do was protect us.

“Why Tia?” She asked, and | had to play the Luna card.

“It is an order, Kimberly. You are not allowed to say anything to Caleb or anyone. We will leave this place as if we are going shopping and we will branch the mall and go to the moon mansion from there. | want to assthe bastard has people watching us, and he might strike if he notices that we are leaving the house,” | said with a stern look. | was a gamma before | becLuna. She just had to trustin this.

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Kimberly nodded and got up. | did not need to take anything because | had clothes in the Moon mansion.

“When we get there, may | stay in your wing of the house until this blows over?” She asked me, and | smiled.

“That can be arranged, Kim. Just get Emma's stuff and valuables that you have that cannot be replaced. I will buy you new clothes. It has to seem as if we are just going out,” | said, and she nodded and went out with Emma. | linked the Wilsons to do the same.

| was worried about this Luis guy. According to him, he had no qualms with Luke and me, but he had tried to kill us. Why is he contradicting himself? Was Luis Moon one person or different people? | just didn’t get it. Thinking about it would have to wait. Right now, | needed to get us to safety.

| called Bart immediately, and he answered on the third ring.

“Luna Tia,” he said, and | sighed.

“Bart, | am coming to the mansion with Kimberly and the Wilsons. Please prepare a room for them in our wing and a room for Kimberly there too.” | requested.

“Yes, Luna,” he said, and | appreciated that he did not askwhy.

“Also, if my husband calls you, do not inform him. | will tell him when he returns.” | hung up and started preparing myself. | carried the laptop and sdocuments from the office. Luke had nothing of value in the house, so | did not need to pack anything. Deep down, | had a foreboding that we should move quickly.

An hour later, everyone was set, and we left the house as if it were nothing. Jacob drove while Kimberly, Emma andsat in the back seat. We stopped at the mall, had a good time, and then drove to the moon mansion.

Bart was waiting outside with sof the staff.

“Tia, please. | do not want to stay in the right-wing,” Kimberly pleaded again withat the entrance, and | took Emma from her. The baby was such a cutie. How could | have been sceptical about having one? | kissed Emma on the cheek, and she cooed.

“You will be staying with me, Kimberly,” | said, and she beamed at me. Just then, Stacy and Alpha Aesop approached us. It was as if they were heading out and happened to find us at the entrance. | cringed immediately. | did not like them, and Luke wasn’t around. | guess | have to face them on my own.

“See who decided to grace us with her presence,” Stacy said, talking about Kimberly.

“Alpha Aesop,” | acknowledged the former Alpha, and he smiled.

“What brings you here?” He asked me, and | contemplated telling him why. | decided against it last minute.

“Kimberly and | decided we should cand hang out in the mansion while our mates are in Neev to see Paul,” | said, and he frowned at me.

“Why didn’t you go with him?” he asked, and | smiled.

“Morning sickness,” | lied, and he nodded. Stacy took Emma fromand began to play with her “Con, Kimberly,” she ordered Kimberly to follow her, and Kim looked at me.

“She will be staying with me, Stacy,” | said, and the woman turned to look at me.

“Are you out of your mind?” She askedas if | was trying to steal something from her. | had enough of this woman. She was no longer Luna and | wasn’t married to her son.

“Kindly refrain from using such words when you address me,” | warned her politely, and she was stunned.

“Aesop did you hear this girl?” she said, and Alpha Aesop was irritated by her voice. It also seemed as if the man had a headache; | am sure he got many of those because he was married to someone like Stacy. It was a miracle the man was still alive.

“Realising he wouldn't cto her defence, she decided to face me.

“I see you are enjoying your position, money and power. Luke dotes on you, but do not forget who put you in his life in the first place. | made my husband purchase you.” She started, and Alpha Aesop yelled at her.

“Stacy, don’t you ever learn! Luke was clear on that. Tia is my son’s wife. | will not let you disrespect her. You have done enough. How much trouble do you want to create between my son and me? | cursed the day | claimed; | have not had peace since then. There is no t| don’t regret it. | should have opted to remain single and raise my son alone. | am sick and tired of you,” he said and turned around to leave. It seemed like the outing had been cancelled. | walked up to Stacy and took Emma from her.

“When Caleb returns, you can take it up with him. If you loved your granddaughter so much, you should have cared for Kim when she was pregnant and alone,” | said and started heading toward the left-wing. Everyone that cwithfollowed me, leaving Stacy stunned.

I knew | could do as I liked, and Luke will never find fault in my actions. Just as Aesop was a fool for her, | had my very own Alpha, and we were in charge. The earlier she got the message, the better.

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Kimberly squealed with excitement while we walked. She huggedfrom behind to thank me. | handed little Emma to her.

The Wilsons were shown their room, but | let Kim and Emma stay within mine.

| was starving when we settled, so Bart brought a wide spread of food from the right-wing to my room. He assuredhe served the meal from Stacy and Aesop’s portion, which madeconfident to eat it.

After eating, Kim breastfed Emma, burped her and put her to sleep. We watched movies and talked about general stuff. We did not attend the sclasses at the academy, so we discussed our experiences. While | was training as a soldier, she trained to be a homemaker and a good mate. It was weird that there were such classes, but she toldmarrying Caleb was her dream. It sounded extrtobecause it didn’t add value to her life. | wanted to be with Caleb but aspired to get into the ranks.

“You need to find something to do, Kim, something that will add value to your life and make you happy,” | advised her, and she nodded, smiling at me.

“We took sewing classes, and | have always wanted to go into fashion. When Emma is older, | will go to fashion school and proceed from there; Caleb and I have discussed it, but he hopes to set up his tech firm first so he can have the funds to pay for my education. | do not want anything from my father, and Caleb is confident we can make it ourselves. He is hopeful his big brother will help him.” she said and looked at me.

“Can you please put in a word for him?” she pleaded with me, and | smiled because | already had.

“His idea is pretty good, and Luke and | have discussed it. Do not worry,” | said to her, and she thanked me. | never knew Kimberly and | would be friends, but here we were.

“So we should be careful with Tasha, han?” she asked, and | nodded.

“I do not think she is terrible, but being friends with Elisabeth makesa bit wary of her,” | explained, and Kimberly's phone rang. Her face lit up when she saw who was calling, and | knew who it was.

| decided to check my phone and saw that it was on silent mode. Luke had called me. | was about to return the call when he called. | waited a bit before answering.

“Darling,” | said, trying my best to mask my uneasiness.

“What's up?” he asked me, and I told him everything was fine. | did not tell him what had happened. He askedif everything was okay, and | played it off. Soon he proceeded to tellwhat he had found out, and | was shocked. We said our goodnight and hung up. | missed him so much, but what he had toldbroke my heart.

How could Alpha Aesop be so cruel and disloyal to Chloe? Finding out he only did the needful because Chloe's cousin threatened him madedislike him. Luke was unfortunate to have a sleazy bastard like his father. | was glad he had found them. At least they could make up for a lost time. | was happy for Luke. Alpha Aesop deserved public shaming for his crimes against Luke and Chloe's relatives. He let Stacy control him. | know the mate bond is strong, but it does not mean he should lose the sense of what is wrong or right. The man was a disgrace.

After listening to Luke, | doubted we would be able to find out who killed Chloe. What luck would we have if Aesop was clueless and let it go? The man sucked at investigations, but this happened twenty-three years ago.

One thing | did not miss was that Aesop married Stacy twenty-three years ago. Was he cheating on his wife with Stacy? Aesop moved on quickly. Even though he waged war against Neev for two years, that still did not change the fact that he got with Stacy the syear Chloe died. | reserved the question for when Luke returned.